OK princesses, I was looking for statistics about interracial marriage in the States and I found that lately 50% of white girls (approximately) who marry out of their race, get married to a latino guy. And only 20% of white girls who "out-marry", get married to a black man
Considering that 13% of USA people are black, and that hispanic/latino Americans amount to 17% of the population, it is evident that (generally speaking) white girls prefer latino guys to black men
This fuckin surprises me, I mean, dating a black man is more "American" than dating a Mexican. So, how can this be possible? What are the reasons behind this? I await your replies
Colton Lee
I post some sources...
Christian Long
I'm black, my wife is white. This is mostly the pattern I see with interracial coupling.
But that's purely anecdotal. It's probably regional.
Also you don't have to do math to bag a decent white girl senpai. 2016 makes for literally no challenge. Unless your poor, but then that's your fault.
Christopher Reyes
Most white women, even ones who are pounding back the SJW Flavor-Aid like it's coming out of a firehose, do not want to touch a black.
Sorry, Jamal-kun.
Ryan Walker
You seem to be proud about the fact that they prefer hispanic guys...
Carson Johnson
>marrying or having sex with a monkey >ever
They're filthy and all humans know this.
Top laff your wife has an animal fetish. kys
Wyatt Turner
why wouldn't they? at least their children will look sort of like them. having black children is like adopting
Liam Turner
Does your marriage work? I mean, divorce rate of BM/WF is kinda high
Andrew Cox
Well, we are talking about marriage. When it comes about sex, BM/WF isn't uncommon at all
Nolan Reyes
M8 I ONLY dated white girls during university. The ones who don't get with black guys let you know pretty overly. I reckon in my city it's around 30%. I have absolutely no issue with them either. Hell, I usually just befriended them so I could take a chance at their friends. I'm not terribly attracted to Asians so I get it, no hard feelings.