The Scottish are the Ubermensch of Europe

God I love being Scottish

>Kicked the fuck into the English with Wallacelad
>Wallacelad falls due to the English being sneaky, backstabbing kikes
>Brucefam is summoned and smashes the fuck into the English
>Independent Scotland for years
>Sell ourselves to England
>Spend the rest of our years fighting in the British Empire
>Invent things for the British Empire
>Years later when the British Empire is over, create the "Scottish National Party"
>Spend the rest of our years pissing off England and shitting down on them
>Get to witness the kekkest moment in history when the based IRA smash the shit into the British "Army"
>Scrounge off their benefits, welfare, taxes, etc
>Increase anti-Scottish buttblastedness from the English
>Bootlicker Wales comes to its defence and calls us all evil northern bingots
>Host scottish indy ref
>Vote just under enough for us to be independent
>Continue scrounging
>Vote remain
>Continue destroying the British bastards while simultaneously sucking their finances out of them like a parasite

God it feels good to be a Celt

Other urls found in this thread:

>of Europe
I thought they were UK

>God I love being Scottish

You will never split from the Union.

The Union is permanent and Westminster should strip you of your right to a referendum.

I love celtic culture. Also love the beautiful hair some of your qts have. I am mostly germanic and slav but I think you guys are pretty cool

>You will never split from the Union.
We don't want to split from the Union. We get shitloads of cash from England meaning we can all scrounge of the system as glorious NEETs and get stoned everyday of the week.

The Union won't be permanent because one day, these Bongs will fall to the masses of Pakistanis and Indians. I can't wait to see Britain when Theresa May gets in and turns it into a 1984 Orwellian police state.


>Knowing anything about Britain

You'd better protect my fucking Hebrides then, son.

Don't let them mess that shit up.

We should have split from the union years ago and taken all of our North Sea oil with us, then we'd be rich AF like Denmark.

English bastards.

>Scrounge off their benefits, welfare, taxes, etc

U eurofags always talk like you know anything about the u.s., so shut the fuck up you gross red haired freak faggot

No, no

I'll only be protecting Bonnie Scotland

When the time comes, we'll kick the English out, we'll erect a wall and we'll make a Union with our Irish brothers across the sea with watchtowers overlooking Pakibritainstan

Watch this you faggot

We Eurofags know about the US because you only have 240 years of history

REAL Scotsmen guard those Hebrides.

Anyone who doesn't put the Hebrides first is not a TRUE Scotsman. That is the way of the world.

Depends on your defenition of history.

The US is older than every single European country.

Screencap this post

> proud scot
> 99% of ancestors emigrated
> entire nation size of US suburb
> really should move in with cousins in Canada, US, or Australia
> maybe I'll just sit here and drink and complain that no one loves me

>be scotland
>veto the referendum
>crash the uk in the process


Haha, jokes on you.

My parents are Scottish immigrants.

forgot the pic

UK 1700
US 1789
EU 1848-1945 at the oldest

Done, screencapped, do you feel like the bigger man for this?
I-I can love you if you want user, but if you're male it'll have to be a brotherly comrade love because I'm not a faggot

why are you all such liberal cunts I have honestly come to hate Scotland over the past few months you hate a political union and love another one fuck you all

>ywn see an event on the scale of the destruction of """"""""""""""Scottish"""""""""""""" """Labour""" ever again
Why even live? That was probably more cathartic than independence day would've been.

>our Irish brothers
Are scots really this blind? You're hated more than the English here.

We don't actually love the EU nor do we hate the UK

We like to fuck with both desu

The SNP is a prank on bluepilled normie Anglos and only the absolute transcended or Scots themselves realise this


> Scotlnad
> God tier

m8, you're just England's bitch.

I was meaning the based Northern Irish not you, Tim

I hope Michael Stone shoots your funeral up

>you hate a political union and love another one
They aren't comparable unions at all, you fucking leaf.

When London wanted to leave the EU, it had to ask London, not Brussels.
When Edinburgh wanted to leave the UK, it had to ask London, not Edinburgh.

Tru burgerbro, tru. What Canada is to the US, Scotland is to England.

Is this b8?

enjoy your cultural enrichment.

Ah yes, the based norn irons with their based economy. There's a reason not even shitskins go there.

so you are a nation of trolls ? WTF where you from anyway in the lowlands

No one goes to your backwater bog island either you deranged Paddy

Canada's not that bad.

>this shit coming from an americuck

There is LITERALLY a 50/50 chance I'm talking to a non-white right now...

literally who

i heard you wear skirts

>Implying non-whites want to move to Scotland in any number.

Correct! I'm Irish. So I know exactly how fucked your shitty country will be the second it becomes independent.

pick one

Aye min, I'm from Govan district, Glasgow

When it comes to nicola sturgeon, just think lads, for a bag of chip and a can of iron bru, you could be poking last nights haggis.

more like 60/40, and then you have to consider internet access which would be, 80/20, consider the website we're on, 90/10, and then consider we're on Sup Forums, 0/100. There are no whites on Sup Forums.

You've changed government since the bastard showed up, normie.

they don't invade because there is nothing here 100 miles north of the American border is basically Siberia nothing but trees mountains and lakes

Being 0.015% Irish doesn't make you white

The country clock resets with each invasion, faggot.

National news has it exactly opposite of what you post. Aren't the Scots the traitor bastards that voted to stay in slavery, before for the EU army to land in Scotland do, and ask for more muslim cock?

You must get your news from Al Jeezera.

How do the Scottish manage to be uglier than the English?

>tell people I'm first generation immigrant
>"Oh yeah, user, I'm German and Irish and have native American hair genetics"

t. people who don't understand geography

They invented Whiskey. Nobody needs beauty when they have alcohol.

>Betray their fellow Celts
>Betray their fellow Brits
Scots aren't trustworthy

We invented Whiskey.

Arent lowland Scots basically self hating Anglos?

Be Scottish get deported to Australia cause your a criminal

Several hundred years later Australia is a English/Scottish mans paradise. And Scotland a near communist white guilt population of nothing shithole

Turns out all the tough Scottish left long ago for the colonies and only the left cuck ones remain t.Scot/Englishmen

Prove me wrong.

I'd love to move to Australia but I'm worried I might not be able to get over the accent.

>Several hundred years later Australia is a English/Scottish mans paradise
Full of Chinks?
>Scotland a near communist white guilt
Fucking lol.

Fuck off we're full

...of inbred criminal cunts.

We don't all talk like a 80's crocodile dundee commercial it's mainly the blokes out in the countryside and even then it's played up a whole heap

Mate the secret is we're never full for English or Scottishmen the rest can fuck off

Is she a tranny or not?


Australia is a petri dish of the original scots/irish and english cunt values. We time capsuled you fucks, while you kept "progressing" into what you are now.

90% white and proud of it.

>They invented Whiskey. Nobody needs beauty when they have alcohol.

Whisky = Scots
Whiskey = Irish

They're both brilliant.

I was hoping someone would notice I did that.

>90% white

We're 96% white

Now who's laughing?

that's exactly why Sweden is so fucked all the Vikings left and settled in Russia and England leaving the weak behind Europe is a joke run by woman .sure there are cucked areas of Canada British Colombia and south Ontario but most people are based outside of those regions .

And now you're a nation of poverty stricken, white trash with a heavy sprinkling of mudslimes. Well done. Wallace would be very proud.

>poverty stricken
We get a shit ton of money from England and because of it, get to live with better living standards and education than England
>white trash
Oh well
>heavy sprinkling of Muslims

We are 96% white and Muslims only make up 1.4% of our population

You are 60% non-white

Well at least you admit you're scroungers. I'm looking forward to you leaving.

P.S. In the 18 months or so between voting "Leave" in Scottish Referendum pt 2, the still British ownership will drain those oil fields and put it in to storage for when the stock markets are more favourable (I'm working towards a degree in petroleum geophysics, scamming Cuckland out of its oil is a key issue for me).

>We get a shit ton of money from England
It's pathetic that people believe this was always the case.

Scotland should've left in the late 70s.
>Scotland's currency "would become the hardest in Europe, with the exception perhaps of the Norwegian Kronor." From being poorer than their southern neighbours, Scots would quite possibly become richer. Scotland would be in a position to lend heavily to England and "this situation could last for a very long time into the future."
>At the time of Professor McCrone's report to the cabinet office, the SNP claimed that North Sea Oil would yield £800 million a year for the government by 1980. Professor McCrone's main criticism of their analysis was that their forecasts were "far too low". He put the sum at about £3 billion.
>...North Sea oil could have made an independent Scotland as rich as Switzerland.
>Scotland would be in a position to lend heavily to England, a situation that could last "for a very long time".
> England would have faced “difficult years” of adjustment following the break-up, complete with higher taxes and unemployment, but would have bounced back relatively quickly.
> “An independent Scotland could now expect to have massive surpluses both on its budget and on its balance of payment, and with the proper husbanding of resources this situation could last for a very long time into the future,” his report said.

last night's haggis-

Whoops, cut out the link for the top quotes:

>96% white
>99% Antifa
>99% liberal
>99% pro EU

>Scotland what happened mates?

You take the "We bein oppressed the Englishman be keepin us down, We need communism and white guilt to counter this" pill or something?

Yeah you were once upon a time, and then all the warriors came here and became Americans, so only cucks remain. Same thing as what happened with Scandinavia.

Itt: obsession

None politicians don't care about you in the slightest

Yeah and the Darien scheme was going to make Scotland a juggernaut in the realm of international trade.

Probably I don't care I'm no voting for her anymore stupid bitch holding a fucking sign saying immigrants welcI'm fuck off bitch no blacks here no pakis,what we need lads is tae all force an exodus of the coloureds and make them work for us again;away from here back in their shite holes of mud lands and reap the benefits of a over seas slave force that think they are part of our white vision

This. Well said, china.

Hopefully it won't be too long before we can get that poxy butchers' apron off the corner of the Aussie flag too.

based descendant here.

Stay strong Scottish brethren!

>I'm no voting for her anymore stupid bitch holding a fucking sign saying immigrants welcI'm
She knows she can hold it because immigrants don't want to move to Scotland.

Scotland has had open borders with the EU for a long time, yet it's still 90% white British and 96% white overall.

hahahah if you think australia is full of chinks mate you would be severely incorrect.

I've only met one australian who wasn't a chink, or obviously descended from a chink.

I'm mostly memeing.

Scotland is the worst white country on earth
>they are essentially the niggers from south africa

>This whole thread

Britain why do your wiggers still want to kill each other over whichever shitty accent they have?

Yeah yeah as if mcburgerland does not have the same thing

no body is serious like the scots though, its all just bantz.

No white people ever kill each other here over heritage. Is it really that bad there?

Yeah but you gotta do the pro/cons list first. those may be the pros of being a bigot but you're forgetting the multicultural and diverse benefits they've gotten as well as one of tyhe most welcoming places for those of the lgbtqc community


Yank flag and dixie flag but when shitskins ape out over the dixieland flag you take it down and hang up your cowboy boots and six shooters and don't even lynch a single black like back in the good old days,do the world a favour and have a civil war again,we will see if accents and heritage does not play into it

Except for Chatswood, NSW.

Goddamn Asian enclave.

>not full of chinks
>not full of lebs
China will buy up Australia just like NZ, helps when as a Chinese citizen you can take out housing loans with 0% interest then use previous loans as collateral.
>Hyung Min who works as a waiter moves to Australia
>1 year later
>17 investment properties
>24 apartments
>2 set of units
Wish I was a chinger