Holy shit it's worse than I thought...
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
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10/10 girl
why is she doing this?
Such tolerance!
God, why?
What a pretty girl. Thanks to the Jews, her genes will be guaranteed to be wasted.
Ugly as fuck girl.
She's gonna catch TB.
Come try that out here nigger you'd end up bear bait you fucking sub human sludge.
you lot are insecure as fuck.
kiss in some middle eastern cultures is just a greeting.
Was she the one they recently found dead?
wow she just accepted a rape because his skin was brown
she would send a white boy to jail for that
We can't. Just bow down to the BBC already like me :(
Aren't Muslims allow to touch a girl if they are not married?
To them, Isn't kissing a girl almost like fucking her in public in the West?
It's sad that she doesn't seem to realize that they just see her as a stupid whore.
I am afraid of talking to women, meanwhile this guy just kisses her without even asking. The only thing I can do, is to accept that he is superior to me and it is only natural that he procreates and I don't.
I will try to find fulfillment somewhere else, but I will always kniow that I am a genetic failure no matter how successful I am.
you kiss the side of the head of someone you know
It's completely over for the White race. Just like it took a miracle of history for us to be saved from the Mongol hordes of the 12th century, it will take mother nature herself to save us now. Nothing short of a pandemic, asteroid hit, or volcanic holocaust will do.
Did you forget to turn off your leaf proxy m8?
this exactly
what she was doing was dangerous
Damn this makes me think...
I can barely even talk to girls and these chimps just straight up go for the kiss no questions asked
Maybe Muslims are superior? Maybe they deserve our women.
Alpha as fuck.
Bet you pussies would never go for the kiss.
There's your problem.
White males would get accused of rape
It's not. Not on the lips at least, and definitely not with women.
no, white girls are just scared shitless of being called racist so they let the shit happen
just stop watching porn and maaturbating 20 times a day
You guys are retarded, it's because she isn't in an ordinary situation, even this little beta and gay nigger can do it:
To them non-mudshit grills are subhumans, that's why you hear a lot about RAPE.
still overreacting to literally nothing.
this is fucking old. no women would do this anymore.
we deserve everything coming to us
all this shit is fake, cheeto muncher
get a grip you fucking mong
is she rape?
or kill???
ples i no england
anyone else jerk off over this?
meme magic
race war: the tv show.
I'm a proud Anglo unlike you ya Lebanese fucking tard.
I'd use ye as bear bait you filthy sub human bomb.
Is that an alien on top of an ufo?
Your people did this.