Are pitbulls as bad as people say or is that just a meme?

Are pitbulls as bad as people say or is that just a meme?

I know plenty of pitbulls who haven't attacked anyone

What's with this agenda against pit bulls?

Who can stand to gain from these daily threads?

I hope they don't ban 'em. I love videos of pitbulls going ham and fucking girls.

There were plenty of Nazis that never harness the hand of Jewishness.

Niggers are far, far more dangerous than any other animal to humans. Remember that.

They're dumb as rocks and are freakishly strong.
Train one to kill shit, it kills shit.
Train one to obey and be nice to it, it can be a nice family dog.
Don't train it at all, it will probably kill something anyways.

My dog's part pit, she's bro AF. Pic related. Also has Shepard and hound in her.

Grew up with pit bulls. They are like people. Raise them right, they are the best. Raise them wrong, they will kill you.

Isn't that a Pitbull Terrier in your picture?

I know plenty of whites who haven't shot up a school, doesn't mean they don't love doing it.

Not all are bad, but most. I know someone who has an abused runt pitbull who wouldnt hurt a fly. That said, that kind of behavior is despite his breed, not a testament to it.

>I know plenty of pitbulls who haven't attacked anyone yet

Thats not a pitt in your pic OP
Thats an exotic bully

That's only because pits can't operate firearms.

No. They are the AR15 of dogs. Look badass. Could kill. But just as much as other less-bitched-about dogs.


Not all dogs are St. Bernards, but all St. Bernards are dogs.

Not all Pit Bull owners are sleazebag, shithead, inbred losers, but all sleazebag, shithead, inbred losers want to be Pit Bull owners.

I have three friends who have pit bulls, from what I have seen first hand, they are some of the friendliest fucking dogs I have ever met. Albeit they have trained them since puppies.

It's really hard to hate them once they're snuggled up on your lap, but fuck do they drool and fart alot.

Why would anyone want this piece of shit dog? Sure, you can train a lion too. But there's always that chance he will go LION and attack.

pitbulls are for faggots and pencildick trailer trash, but their presence in the mainstream media is (((distraction)))

Pitbull victim cincinnati ohio last summer.

Pitbull attack victim picture related.

Instant companion for life, always loyal. The pit part is a detriment if anything

not surprised it's a nigger

pitbull sympathizers don't deserve tax returns.

I used to defend pitbulls until my niece was born and I was asked if I would trust one in a room alone with her.

I'm sorry, they're the niggers of dogs. They have to go back.

Pitbulls are the niggers if the dog world

Pitbulls reflect their owner. A savage's pitbull will be as murderous as its owner. They really do have a bad rep because of that.

That's a Staffie you fucking retard. They are Gods own dogs, best and most friendly breed around. Only problem is they are dumber than Slavs

Disgusting animals, all pitbulls should be destroyed. There's no reason to have one unless you're a douchebag looking for trouble.


Dogs of peace

It's kind of funny how on some threads people will say that despite the upbringing of blacks, they will always commit more crime and have less IQ.

It might not be the same people, but the replies in this thread about "it's all how you raise them" completely deny the inherent nature of pitbulls.

They're shitty animals and should be exterminated or bred out.

That's an American pitbull terrier. Please proceed to fuck your sheep fake-straya

The problem is not the FREQUENCY of which they attack.

The problem is that WHEN they attack they can fucking rip your arm clean off or even kill you if you are too weak to fight it off.

Most people with pitbulls are degenerate/criminal losers too.

white people are doing the mass shootings. Muslims are blowing up buildings. But yeah, let's pretend blacks are the only dangerous ones.

I hate niggers but being human=white I do possess empathy......I would never allow any innocent child to be harmed.

We should have never brought them here literally walking talking cancer, the niggers and pit bull terrier.

I don't know about pit bulls but people who own pitbulls are some of the worst human beings on the face of the earth. It's some sort of personality type. It's always some dipshit dude bro or thug who struts the thing around.

>room alone with her.
FFS you never let children alone with dogs, whatever the race.

They are and aren't. Basically the rumor comes from two things. A. niggers and mexicans like to breed pitbulls for aggressiveness B. Many of the previously mentioned groups mistreat the animals, resulting in aggressive behavior, and of course when the animal gets free/turned loose by its irresponsible owner, it continues its aggressive behavior.

They are like little tanks they bite with 3000 lbs of presure normal dogs bite with 1000

People who defend pit bulls are petite bourgeoisie who feel "misunderstood".

Grow up faggots.


Pick none you fucking morons. That monstrosity is an American Bully.

As always, nothing wrong with Pitbulls if they're raised by an experienced dog owner who isn't afraid to beat them.

You would almost imagine there is an analogy to having mudslimes in civilized countries

Yeah, because if your house is burning down, you totally want to worry about the front door being open and you left the water running.
Priorities motherfucker.

>unironically using the word bourgeoisie


>being a lowly prole
how does it feel to be poor

Staffies are just as ugly as pitbulls

Are muslims as bad as people say or is that just a meme?
I know plenty of muslims who haven't attacked anyone

good puppo

>hasn't read marx

know your enemy, homo

>defending pitbulls because he didn't have a good relationship with his father.

ok, snowflake

Fresh off of normie land

You can say that about any breed of dog. Pitbulls were a relatively normal breed compared to others, then the fighting breeders came in and ended up with a competitively violent lineage. Now that dog fighting isn't that popular anymore, that violent streak is mixed back in with the mainline breed and you really don't know what you're getting.

That's why people have genuinely good pitbulls that one day tear their kid's face off.

You could fix the problem by legally requiring all pitbulls to be fixed unless they're verified by a breeder, which are trained to selectively breed to eliminate violent pitbull genes.

>literally afraid of dogs

niggers taking any dog would put a band name to it

I own 3 and have been around them my whole life. Have only had one that attacked a person. She attacked niggers for some reason or another. Okay dogs in my book.

A bunch of yuppies who have yorkies.

Walk your dog you lazy fat fuck her toes will deform from those unworn nails.

P.S. Nice dog.

I can't see why you would want one for a pet. There are much better breeds that don't chew off people's faces.

Pitbulls and other combat dogs must be allowed to the owners only after special owner training and after prior owning at least 1 shepherd dog, that could follow owner orders like "sit", "voice", "shake", etc.
Privately-licensed combat dogs should be branded somehow, so people will know if owner is a retard or a responsible and experienced man.

As for niggers, the school must change. Illuminati education system is dangerously outdated and needs major changes.
1. Fundamental segregation of people from different cultures and sexes.
2. Collective work of students from different age groups.
3. Useful everyday knowledge.
4. Cancelling the "rail" of education, allow parents to chose the curriculum according to the child wishes and talents.
5. Measuring the happiness, incomes, suicide rates of different curriculums and giving it to parents.
6. Significantly shorter leaning plans.

This goes for everyone. This creates the controlled environment, that allows even niggers en masse to be educated and to be the decent people, to act white and be prosperous.

>white people are doing the mass shootings
Literally DAYS ago the largest mass shooting in US History was performed by a Muslim.

I've owned 3. All rescue, abused puppies when I got them. Along with a purebred German Shepherd, a mutt who looks like a hyena, and a couple of Pomeranians I've owned, the three pit bulls I've owned have been the least aggressive and most friendly and loving dogs I've ever owned, bar the hyena-looking mutt who has a good bit of pit in her. Pomeranians were the least friendly to strangers and most aggressive and the German Shepherd in the middle.

All of them being rescues, their aggression levels all correlated with how old they were when I got them. The pomeranians were a few years old and their prior elderly owners let them get away with absolutely everything. Completely untrained. The German Shepherd was a couple years old when I got her, and she grew up in a low-income, high-crime area and had to protected her home from criminal niggers multiple times. The pits and the mutt were mine since almost birth, and were trained and cared for since the moment I got them.

Everything depends on the owner. Dogs are considered the same species across breeds for a reason. They're dumb pack animals that learn through observing their leader. Being pack animals, they're also fiercely loyal. You have to shape that behavior to make them loving friends to everyone, other than emergency situations.

Much like humans, if they grow up in shitty environments with shitty parents they'll probably turn out animalistic shitheads. It's a massive shame pit breeds are the favored choice of niggers, spics, and white trash. Bad owners can be removed from the equation, but they'll always have the damage done and its very hard to make them not a bad dog.

So when you guys say Pit Bull, do you mean just the American Pit Bull Terrier, or do you also mean other similar breeds like the Staffordshire Bull Terrier or the American Staffordshire Terrier?

>doesn't know the statistics

I'm glad you've found something in your life to defend that makes you feel special, queer

>reads freud

Kind of strange. 20 years ago, white people were blowing up buildings and Muslims were doing mass shootings in Israel.

I found a black and white pit bull pupper on the highway. I doesn't look more than 3 months old. I I picked it up and I'm going to keep it.


I'm a manager at a petsmart in the middle of the city. Been working there for over three years now. Our store allows people to bring in their dogs as long as they are on a leash. Lots of pits come into our store daily and we haven't had a single indecent where a pit has attacked either a person, or another dog since I have been there. Hell, our groomers and associates that work the floor are more wary about the small breeds of dogs because they are much more likely to bite than any other breed.

can you guys save the dead fish for me. I like to use them for my garden

Nah, though funny story...
We had a homeless guy buy a bag of goldfish and ate them alive.


I love this post

God bless Shepards

They are the NIGGERS of all dog breeds.

They should be exterminated.

I broke a man's collarbone when I was 14 for tying a bag of won goldfish to a large balloon and releasing it outside a community fair & I completely got away with it. Bon moments.

>a child
>in a room
>with a dog
>of any kind
the answer would still be no you mong

>is afraid of pits

>being unable to use useful terms people who don't share your ideology popularized


they have this innate desire, some inbuilt tendency, this feeling to just fuck shit up

you can have the most perfect socialised pitbull but it will always have that itch and who knows when it decides to go mental

The issue with pit bulls is that they are the most poorly bred dog in the world. The majority of puppy mills are for pitbulls because they want to produce a specific breed, and they clientele(white trash) doesn't really care. Plus, because of their strength, a lot of pit bulls were bred for fighting, or bred from former fighters.
If you buy a pitbull from a reputable breeder they are one of the safest dog breeds you can own. They are undyingly loyal to their families and completely gentle.

>tfw lonely and want a dog
>tfw not allowed a dog because brother is afraid of them

american bully

APT are slimmer and more aggressive so they decided to cross breed APT with american staffordshire bull terrier and the result was american bully

american bully was meant to be more family friendly and calm but then niggers got a hold of them



german shephards and rottweilers and even some mastiffs have more bite force than pitbulls

difference is a pitbull will not let go as easily, this due to willpower and not the myth of a locking jaw

smartest dogs them collies

>I know plenty of pitbulls who haven't attacked anyone
Plenty of muzzies won't blow you up but if you get blowed up it'll probably be by a muzzie.

APBT and american bullies

staffies are sweethearts but you still gotta be careful just in case

>child in a room alone with a dog
Jesus fuck are you retarded.

One trend I've noticed is that most pit bull owners are shitty owners, and that when dogs have shitty owners they are exponentially more likely to bite someone.

The whole problem with Pitbulls is that when they are raised incorrect, or just have a mental problem, they can cause serious harm or even kill people.

A chihuahua and most other breeds can be the biggest prick of a dog, but you can always just kick it in the face and it's taken care of.

They are also stupid relative to other strong, dangerous breeds. That little extra something that might restrain, for example, a German Shepard from blind rage, isn't there in a pitbull. It's just their genetics.

If anything is out-of-whack with a pitbull, you have a potentially explosive situation that isn't there with most other breeds.

Capacity to kill, directly affects predisposition to kill.
If you can't kill a person, you won't.
If you can, you'll consider it.

there have been many good owners where the pitbull still snaps

moderate pitbulls don't think its wrong when an extreme one attacks

Used to be a dog groomer. Almost got bit at least 100 times. 3 times did actually get bit. None of them where pits. But whatever it's not like anyone here has any actual experience with animals aside from shit they read on the internet. I don't even know why I'm posting this.

difference is a pitbull bite can kill you

Pitbulls are the nigger of dogs

large dogs can kill you. pitbulls don't have the strongest bite and they are not the most aggressive. they are big. a rottweiler can do the same damage as a pit, but rottweilers are expensive dogs so they tend to have better owners.


Pitbulls are responsible for so many attacks, because most people can't tell the difference between a dogo argentino, a cane corso, a presa canario and an actual pitbull.

They are literally the AR15 of dogs. Many breeds are way more dangerous than they are but the retarded liberal media doesn't talk about them to the normies.