The Catholic Church

Here is a question to all my fellow Catholics out there.

It seems our main institution has betrayed us, but not only us, all Christian values that our beloved Church has held dearly.

My question is simple...

How do we take back what belongs to us? How do we stop the blasphemy of the 'pope'? How do we restore Catholicism back to its former Crusader glory?

Everything coming out of this fake Pope now goes against EVERYTHING we stand for. How can we stop him? I feel almost helpless while I watch this tool for Satan spread his bullshit and lies.

Enough of this faggot, muslim loving heretic!

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Bump for Christendom

The truth and goodness come from within. Live your life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, raise a family, become involved in your church and community.

is over there, dipwad.
>How do we stop the blasphemy of the 'pope'?
What blasphemy?
>How do we restore Catholicism back to its former Crusader glory?
I thought you wanted good Christian values. Make up your mind, do you want good Christian values or do you want fighting your enemies? Do you think Christ would have approved any crusading?

>he fell for the infallible representative of God meme

I always viewed the pope as a political figure more than anything

Suck a dick you tremendous faggot.

I hope you get beheaded.

>hope you get beheaded

Confirmed for meme Christian

I dont care who the pope is. I seek the sacraments. As long as i can receive Christ I will not worry. There have been blasphemers, pornographers, warlords, and sorcerers on the seat of Peter and the sacraments have not become any less Holy.

Sure, id like a Pope that resonates with me more on a personal level, but Christ is my King. It is He who i follow.

The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Scores of empires and changes in society have threatened the Church, and guess what? Still here. Go to Latin Mass and not this modernist stuff. Vatican I I was a mess


new pope is awesome. you people are cancer.

Fuck off Ahmed.

no thanks. why do you people get so upset when someone that is actually christ like is in charge? why pretend to follow a religion when you want nothing to do with the teachings of your god?

>that quote
Holy shit, even as fucking nuns women are still dangerously retarded.

You leave the Catholic Church. You can read the Bible yourself, you don't need someone telling you what it means. Modern culture divides itself by nations.


Saying Atheists and Muslims can get into heaven is not Christ-like you dumb faggot.


Antipope and gather for a crusade. Only way.

why not? didnt jesus teach us to love everyone? why would he teach us something that he himself refuses to do?

Jesus taught us to love our enemies and hate our parents, but he never said anything about sucking Muslim dick.

You could form a personal relationship with God instead of depending on an institution and its ceremonies for salvation.

>Christians should love everything. Even sin.

>but he never said anything about sucking Muslim dick.
really? jesus didnt say anything about muslims? are you sure? did he mention the USA? odd, that he left both those things out.

Chill out and read Dante, guy. You do not have to respect the man, but you must respect the office and the Church. Be very careful with your crisicism, lest you stray into Protestant thought.

How do we take things back and restore our glory? By being as rocks. Solid, immovable rocks of unyielding Catholicism. You will inspire others to follow Our Lord and His Church by your example. And if Our Lord sees fit to give you power and authority, make no compromise with evil and lead souls to Heaven.

you dont have to love sin to love sinners.

No. Nothing good ever came from scism. We will take back the papacy properly.

Protestants are actually aware of the dangers that Islam preaches.

The Catholic Church is full of idiotic liberals.

Catholicism lost its fire long ago. It is just another Universalist church.

Everything is true to them.


We need a Pope who will rally Christians to fight back against Islam.

We need a holy war.

Fulton J Sheen was Pope-tier

Any Catholic, given alot of dedication, can become the Pope.

Agreed. But where does sin lie if not in men? Promising salvation to those who, by principle, will not repent goes against core Christian teachings.

Also gonna dump some quotes.

It needn't be a schism. All we need is for the people and cardinals to oust the pretender and then everything will be copacetic.

I see what you mean but i believe that image is mostly prevalent in leadership. There is a stalwart group of Catholics who now anf most likely will always refuse to be swayed by modern progressivism.

Dearest OP,

The only answer is Dominus ac Redemptor Noster.


A fellow Catholic

Religions that require celibacy of their leadership are primed to be corrupted. A man needs a sexual outlet, and that needs to be a wife. If a religions leadership is celibate, then look for their ranks to be filled with fags and sexual deviants.

Supporting traditionalist priest and teaching your children about the writings that make you call in doubt the statements of the modernist. The fight is with the new generation, and those who might become priests.

Of course he would have. The pansy Jesus who would have let the Muslims continue to enslave and kill is a leftist fiction. Seeks peace, but be ready for wall, buy a sword and fight off the evil that has taken residence in your Church.

Of course not, that would be giving spoilers.

Although some people believe he foresaw the coming of Muhammed.

And yet the rate of both is lower in the Catholic church than Jews, muzzles, Episcopalians, evangelicals, Mormons, and atheist.

Whether or not He specifically foresaw Muhammads rise, He warned us of false prophets in years to come.

If you want to destroy the Church - you destroy the Mass.

If you want to restore the Church - you restore the Mass.

Rebuilding the Church from within requiers going back to Her roots:

>Tridentine mass
>Old time worship
>Intellectual growth

You want Crusader glory? Believe it or not - Medieval Church was purely philosophical, scientific and intellectual: scholastic fathers assumed that the world is a unity, a harmonic syllogism resembling God Almighty himself. Meaning - if you want to restore the old glory of the Church, you have study logic, philosophy and science.

Based pole

>implying anyone here would choose to study logic, philosophy and science over crusader glory

This x100. Thank you based Pole. Long live great Catholic Poland!

Buddy. Our true Glory was being annihilated by the Roman Empire and carrying forward the Faith in the face of certain death anyway. I don't know what the fuck you are even talking about.

Our Christian Values are the Beatitudes and to love one another as ourselves. You clearly do not know what you are saying. Read the Gospels and then come back here.

The Catholic church has such a depth of knowledge and literature that is never ever mentioned by anyone it's a pity. I would think making the sunday school they have for first communion, confirmation, and the rest would be a great venue to introduce kids to the amazing depth of their Catholic heritage, but all they do is making people is sing stuff, memorize meaningless concepts (without context) as the Graces and the capital sins, etc.

Hell, I have yet to see a single catholic university where reading the encyclicals and Aquinas is required as part of their humanities requirement, despite all of the classifying more than Chomsky's midnight musings about shit he doesn't know anything about.

Convert to Orthodoxy

KEK this sounds like a typical tumblrina post. Protshit confirmed for SJW

Stop being catholic? , read the bible, mary was not a virgin anymore jesus had brothers and sisters

Fixed that for you a couple years ago

This. The Vatican has a huge library. They should let any Catholic who asks to visit it and educate his or herself.

Christianity sucks ass, gibe back our ancient gods.

Go form your own religion. Live in the desert like an flds cultist.