Why is the German economy so good?

Why is the German economy so good?

Pic is of slags

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Those slags look like every girl in America

Can you send some slags

left slag is a qt

Why do you think they killed a hexillion Jews in the holocaust? To absorb their souls and benefit from their natural affinity for making money

Sexy hookers

We literally delivered the holy land to you on a platter, lad. You should be happy with what you've got.

Greatest ally

Oy vey! Do you think I can visit Israel or am I on some watch list?

Right is 10x better you kike

You have shit taste


you rang?

t. alberto barbossa


You probably could but there isnt anything to do here

>Why is the German economy so good?
because we engineered the euro to turn half the continent into a captive market for our export-oriented industrial corporations.

memes aside, it's simply the german mindset that causes economic domination time and time again. the german derives pleasure and satisfaction from being thorough and efficient at whatever it is he does for a living. this naturally makes the german feel at home in all kinds of industrial facilities, workshops, factories, laboratories, and so on.
it's why all these weird ass simulator games sell so well in germany - the german literally enjoys working for work's sake. the german takes great pride in a job well done, and questioning his work ethic is one of the most hurtful insults you can throw at a german.

Can u send some german qts



I wasnt asking for men! Besides all our slav women are turning into old babushkas

German qts look like man
Mutts are best 2bh and just judge the slavs by how their mom looks

>tfw no british slag gf

sure if youll send me some hawt israeli babes in return?

Right is a true butterface. Wonder how she fucks.

Why does Merkel think she can magically instill that mindset into 19 year old Arabs who know less German than I do?

>it's simply the german mindset that causes economic domination time and time again
Can all of you please breed more? Seriously, we could use more of you in the West.

Economic catch up after the second world war and Germany has always been a very strong economy, in 1912 they were leading in most production in Europe and only behind the US. After reunification they took off again. Unfortunately the German economy now is dangerously over reliant on the automotive industry, so expect a painful rebalance down the line.

i agree with this

German American here, never been to Germany but I like efficiency and hate waste

I also save my money like a Jew without all the negative parts.

Sorry no deal. You can have our muslims?

One on the right would get bred

I don't understand where this efficacy thing comes from, their productivity is certainly high but below France. It's less cultural and more about structure. As said the EU highly benefits German export market and German law has always been conductive to the manufacturing industry.

Left is better desu, tits look perkier and the face is qt-er

Slag on the left would get pounded by my dick for years

Tbqh, we need more of these.

Left is wearing a bra. Right isn't so there's a little sag. But right is slimmer and has a sexier overall shape.

Right slag is clearly superior and cleaner slag, nice waist, thick thighs, no bra and her tits are nicely shaped. Left looks like she swallows a hundred niggers' nut.

>s simply the german mindset that causes economic domination time and time again. the german derives pleasure and satisfaction from being thorough and efficient at whatever it is he does for a living.

Except, obviously, making quality cars and reliable electrical components in cars.


Gibs me dat after ww2

because all cultures are equal and we are all one race, the human race! havent you learned to be progressive user?

>It's less cultural and more about structure
structure ultimately is a result of the culture that created it in the first place. yes, EU benefits german exports a great deal - but germany being an economic powerhouse isn't just a recent thing.
the german empire (1870-1918) was the single biggest and most productive center of economy, science and technology in the world at that time.
the weimar republic and the third reich saw germany rise up from crushing defeat to the greatest power in western europe within less than two decades.
after ww2, germany recovered in record time, and despite having half its territory taken away by the russkies and effectively being reduced to a US vassal state, again quickly rose above the other european economies.

germans are a politicians wet dream. literally the perfect people to rule. super productive, low maintenance, will not start shit or even revolt no matter what happens. this also is our great curse - any other people would have violently risen up against the cuck government that we have in place right now, but germans are inherently servile and respectful of authority.

German economic recovery started in 1946, 2 years before Marshall aid began. The qt's have derailed us anyway.

This autistic button meme is the dumbest thing to ever emerge from black twitter.

I said pretty much all this here But I don't buy into a cultural reason or a Protestant ethic, Germany was the second continental European country to industrialise after Belgium. This has helped them ever since. We agree but I don't think their dominance is cultural, maybe geographic and political.

kek, so true

Is that girl on the right drinking the german version of four loko

Also, as for German culture being servile or deferential I don't agree. Germany has a long tradition of revolution, labourism and lead political thought on socialism for many decades.

They're British M8 ie. plug on the wall and in front of a Lloyds bank, Carlsberg is just slightly above shit tier larger from Denmark which is brewed in the UK.

not much 'protestant ethic' about it, you're right about that. roughly half of germany was catholic throughout the centuries, and today nobody here gives a shit about christianity either way.

>maybe geographic and political.
ever since bismarck left, germany has consistently had the worst possible political leadership in the entire west. even today our political class is an unmitigated disaster, and an outright embarassment when compared to other nations (although the canadian weed man and sweden YES are starting to compete with us now)

i unironically believe that (west) germany would be better off today if the US had just outright annexed us in 1945 and made it into their 52nd state. german politicians just somehow manage to be so consistently terrible, i have no hope of this country getting its problems under control anytime soon.

Millions of hard working refugees

>Germany has a long tradition of revolution
a single, failed, revolution attempt in 1848 and a bolshevik plot in time of war that resulted in the most unstable state ever? yeah...
also i'm not sure whether you're even serious when you use "but they were great communist and marxist thinkers!" as a rebuttal about servile nature of a people.

>tfw have aryan ancestry and have aryan qualities
feels good man.

How do i talk to girls who look like this if I don't know them :(

probably the recent influx of rocket scientists and neurosurgeons

I think most rich Europeans are narcissists. They're born into a wealthy environment, and they think "I have this because I earned it due to my great personality :)"

>I have had the exact same capital as 2 years ago, with profit
even if I keep up this plebian income I will have an inheritance for my children.

House von user shall be Groß

>not like this

Fuck off jew. Get the rest of your tribesmen to deport the blacks back to Africa then maybe we'll talk.

are these slags included in that whole brexit fuck-up?

>cowboy boots

get your own fucking shoes, mate

If this is the typical German woman, I can't say I blame the Mudslimes. They're clearly asking for it

not being a pussy

>the german derives pleasure and satisfaction from being thorough and efficient at whatever it is he does for a living
this was such a big issue for me in non-german communities
>expecting perfection is too much to ask for most of the inhabitants of this world
genocide yourselves you lazy cunts

>biggest population
>largest workforce
>good access to the baltic and north sea
>placed directly in the centre of europe, a lot of trade goes through there

Germany has generally had good political leadership, reunification was not on the cards by any means and could have drastically changed their role in Europe if it did not happen or was more federated. If you look beyond foreign policy and politicians after 2000's they're always dominated the European continent. They had failed revolutions in 1967/68 with Kommune 1 and the SPD was the most powerful socialist party in the world from its foundation from 1875 until the outbreak of WW1. I forgot I was on Sup Forums but regardless of your opinions on Marxism it was directly opposed to the German state and radical in nature.

German design philosophy favors performance over reliability. Like in WWII, where panzers broke down if you looked at them wrong, as opposed to Russian tanks that could run forever and be fixed by any moron with a wrench. American tech operates similarly

>They're born into a wealthy environment

Back to tumblr

forgot to add that this rings not only true for the work life but for pretty much anything we do
people often misunderstand it and think it's obsession when it's only perfection we are after

Guess you won't be needing that foreign aid from us anymore will you? Since the UK is your greatest ally and all...

>questioning his work ethic is one of the most hurtful insults you can throw at a german
this is good information thank you

It's the other way around. Third worlders come to Europe acting like they're entitled to it because they're disadvantaged even though their ancestors struggled for none of it and they have nothing to do with us.

I don't understand. Does tumblr grant people the ability to make observations?

MMMM i like white girl, just got to Canada but i will respect white girl, they smell good yes??

germany exports lots of expensive stuff, cars, machines etc.
the world economy particularly the emerging markets need these things.
german companies were among the first to go into china, figuring that even if they steal half of the intellectual property it would still be worth it.
our unions and employers work relatively well together- the unions aren't as powerless as in some parts of the US, part also aren't too powerful, like in parts of the french industry.
if the world economy goes tits up, germany will be fucked (again). In the early 2000s germany's economy was doing very badly. nothing is set in stone, it goes up and down.

I am confused. Why are you talking about people from third world countries?

>replying to a leaf


Ya, and as a thank you, they made London the capital of Islam in Europe.


>you like the tits
>you like the tits
>you will give up social activity for the tits
>you like the tits
>the tits are everything
>you will give up money for the tits
>you like the tits

So many highly educated engineers (aka. autism)

>Includes Turkey

So is this a done deal or what?


Is this a German thing or an Anglo thing as well? I'm pretty fucking OCD about how things should be done better and I catch a lot of shit for it.

Germans are the best European race. This has been known and accepted for some time. Look up any opinion poll of other European groups and Europeans think the same thing.

Muh Teutonic's.

Eat your forskin soup you filthy kike.

You sound like someone who lives in the 1900s
Literally everything you just said about the germans is a myth now

LOL. I went to Berlin in 2011 and half of the people who live there are on welfare.

I also noticed lotto ticket sales were popular.

>Kdr ratio panzer > sherman

Germans lost more tanks than we lost Shermans.

It literally came down to a numbers game. The sheer volume of the US manufacturing base on one side and the number of Soviet troops coming from the east were simply too much.

>i-i-i'm a german t-too
>never visited
>b-but i hate waste
no amerilard, you are the waste

And sudden desire of roaches and Black cocks.

lmao this guy

hahahaha you funny son of a bitch.

Americans sat on their asses until the Soviets were already in Germany.

really? i feel like the left has a better face honestly

Thanks for the (((You)))

D-VON............. GET THE TABLES!!

No, you have a strong economy for the same reason the japs do. Your government got BTFO when you lost the war and the prevailing lack of regulation let you thrive in the free market. Don't delude yourself Hanz.

I literally am laughing so hard right now at this.