Sup Forums I think I'm having an existential crisis
>be mid 20s >libertarian/ancap >believe in free market >believe race is an illusion >neutral towards Jews >hate degenerates and SJWs but believe in live and let live so whatever >browse Sup Forums for keks and bantz >have 5/5 breddy gud job at (((multinational bank))) >job gets outsourced, have to find new job >land in a call center for a (((national insurance company))) >45% of coworkers are nogs >roughly half of customer calls are from nogs >nog coworkers are lazy, filthy, and incompetent >nog customers are rude, cheap, and stupid >desperately try to get back into back office banking >laughed out of job interview by Jew interviewer >deprived of another job opportunity by degenerate manager >six months of this call center hell >job hunt is hopeless, every job available is customer service or other shit-tier job >beginning to lose faith in free market >beginning to hate nogs >beginning to believe that Jews are enslaving goys to fatten their pockets >unironically starting to support fascism >unironically wish to see civil war wipe out degenerates and nogs and remove Jew slavemasters
Help me, Sup Forums. I don't know what is happening to me or who I am anymore. All I know is that everything I once believed in is turning out to be a big lie. What is happening to me?
TL;DR: libertarian/ancap loses good job, forced into service sector, starts to drift towards fascism and racial theory after dealing with nogs all day and being shut out of good work by Jews and degenerates
Ethan Murphy
Our army grows larger, remember this when the white man finally has had enough and gets started it get's very ugly for the other side. They forget that the white man was willing to kill tens of millions of his own, what do they think we'll be willing to do to niggers, spics, and muslims?
Nolan Thompson
Is this....the truth? Is this what I have been looking for all my life?
Joshua Nelson
>be a faggot >suck dick >ask pol about being a faggot >m-m-m-uh redpill
Grow up fagget
Jacob Sanchez
Dont you have Kebab to remove?
Jose Diaz
oh its okay im sure those were all just coincidences
Bentley Reyes
>beginning to lose faith in free market
We don't have a free market. To judge the idea of one based on a kike outsourcing your job is retarded, and only reinforces the idea that weak-willed people will support whatever serves their immediate interest.
Basically, you suck.
Luke Green
I've been there myself. I'd say about 50% of Trump voters have. The how and why of fascism is never taught in our highschools, the Jewish-lead Spartacus Revolt never mentioned even in a gasp. People otherwise without hate in their hearts are being forced into this corner by internationalism and, sadly, it will get worse before it gets better.
Evan Garcia
> I have no marketable skills the free market is broken :c