White guy living in East St. Louis (97.74% Black), AMA

Hello Sup Forums,
I'm a White guy living in East St. Louis.

For those who don't know, East St. Louis used to be a prosperous and affluent city, but has since declined. How did this happen?

East St. Louis was originally almost entirely White, but Blacks started moving to East St. Louis after WWI (and really after WWII). Crime went up, the White Middle class fled, and the city began to deteriorate. Democrats took complete control of government and only made things worse.

Today, the place is literally America's Somalia or Fallujah (if you are a Yank ever want to see what Africa is like - just go to East St. Louis).

Here are some stats:

Percent African-American
Percent College Graduates
>under 5%
Murder rate per annum (per 100,000)
>101.9 (20x national average)
Rape rate per annum (per 100,000)
>251.3 (8x national average)
Assault rate per annum (per 100,000)
>5,847.3 (17x national average)
Percent of people who voted for Obama (2012)

I live in the end goal of the Globalist project. Ask Me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


I live in Edwardsville. I am guessing you live close to 157 on the Belleville side?

Are you a hipster/"artist"?

Atlantic City reporting

The decadence is REAL

Why don't you get out of there?

Why do you live there?

Do you deal with violence/aggression from blacks regularly?

Do you think it's possible that these conditions may give rise to a more right leaning black voter base?

Do you fuck the negroids?

>Why don't you run away and bury your head in the sand

South Dallas here, same fucking issue.

Thanks Jews.

Why the fuck do you chose to live there?

I'm in a 30% black city and its barely tolerable although Asians and Hispanics are pushing out the dindus

Wtf is wrong with you

What is your job and is it possible for you to capitalize on anything?

It's obviously being used as a Chimp containment zone. Why stay in the Zoo when there's civilization over yonder?

What's the biggest chimp out you've ever witnessed?

I work in the St. Louis City prosecutor's office.

Shit is bad. Most violent city in America.

St Louis county here, get the fuck out of there
This is pretty likely

Why are you still there? Looking after family/childhood home or some shit? Even for a nice paying job or cheap living costs....I don't know if I could do it.

Do you believe the genetic difference in intelligence is a fact?

Chicagoan here. I always drive over the city on the way out West and only see burnt-out buildings from the highway. Town looks like Detroit but with no hockey team

holy shit how are you alive

my dad went to WUSTL for grad school 30-odd years ago and he still tells me about hearing gunshots once a week from east st louis


>he still tells me about hearing gunshots once a week

I hear them every day in Stockton CA.

Missouri or Illinois side?

Considering Wash U is not in gunshot hearing distance from East STL (meaning your dad could hear gunshots 15 miles away through a busy city) he is full of shit.

our jurisdiction is the Missouri side

what protection do you have?

Do you act impulsively to fit in?

When did you start listening to Moonman?

My family was on a road trip in the family truckster in late 80's. My Dad got lost in 31st. Lewis tring to find the arch. Some nits approached our all white family filled car at a stop light. My Dad gunned it and we ran 3 stop lights in a row until he found an onramp to the freeway again. I can only imagine how bad it is 5here now.

No replies. RIP white user from East St. Louis :^(

1 post. Finally got what he deserved

>Went from New Orleans to Afghanistan
>literally Afghanistan is safer

godspeed user East St. Louis overtook us as murder capital this year! Hope your enjoying your crown!

are you sure that it was the blacks that caused the problem?

post WW1 was A LONG TIME AGO that means that all those buildings are old as fuck and if industry dried up and whites left because there were no jobs- it would make sense that a new population would take over that could live with less and might not necessarily be the cause

East St Louis is bad, but Washington Park is worse. You want to talk about scary, I would literally not feel safe walking through there with an ak-47 and Rambo at my side.

How do you profit from the economic sides of globalism in your town? I can't imagine the prices are very high.

>I live in the end goal of the Globalist project.

thank you for the red pill

>Stockton slap

diaz brothers !!!

It was a lot to do with organized crime.

he had to find housing near east st louis because he was dead broke

he grew up in a 1-room concrete shack in a third world country and his scholarship didn't cover housing

Fuck dude I was in New Orleans a few weeks ago. Never going back with out a concealed handgun.

I have family nearby on 159
I won't go to East St. Louis after dark.
I live in the south east and have been to New Orleans' Desire Projects prior to Katrina.
E St Louis is just as bad, if not worse imho.

>Trump starts bringing back manufacturing jobs
>Factories are set up in East St Louis and pay workers 4$ per hour
>Feds are too scared to come to the city to shut down the factories

I live near WashU right now and I hear gunshots all the time too. Not sure where they're from though.


>1 post by this id

when i'm back there concealed carry pistol+20 gauge pump in the car+AR-15+12 gauge and AK variant at home

city is a fucking warzone, dont let the whole mardi gras bullshit fool you

nice blog now gtfo

I've heard that St. Louis proper has gotten worse these days but my opinion doesn't count because I haven't gone there since I was doing college visits in high school + I'm a Sup Forums browser so I'm automatically more retarded than the general populace

Had a playoff football game back in highschool against ESL, those niggers got BTFO

Since OP isn't answering if anyone has any questions about working in the st louis prosecutor's office i'd be happy to answer them

I do live close to 157, but I'm on the other side of the road


My family's lived here for a couple generations. Also, fleeing isn't so easy to do when your property values are complete shit.

>why do you live there?
(see above)

>do you deal with violence/aggression from blacks regularly?

Define "regularly". With regards to violence, I've had my car shot at on two occasions as I was driving through town. Someone attempted to steal my car when I once made the mistake of parking it outside my garage. Nobody has yet attempted to rob my house or assault me though.

>Do you think it's possible that these conditions may give rise to a more right leaning black voter base?

Absolutely not - they just blame White people for not sending them enough money to improve this city. This city went for Obama by a greater percentage than the city is Black. There might be a handful of Black Republicans, but they make up 1% at most.

>Do I fuck Negroids?


The city is bad. The surrounding counties -- Clayton, Kirkwood, Chesterfield, etc. are much nicer.

Not sure if it's on the bad side of town but when I went to the st Louis zoo some crackhead smashed my car window and stole like 75 cents off the dash.

Cool zoo though. And the cardinals are like the yankees of the midwest

How's the life of a white girl living there?
When I was kid my mom couldn't walk me to school without being flirted from moving cars and my city is nowhere near as non white as yours so I imagine its an ordeal

In that pic I never understood why does the Brit carry the Chink. Weren't the chinese a non-barbaric civilization with plenty of culture and achievements on their own? Same can be said about India, to a certain extent.

Ever seen a gun pulled?

new orleans has a comfy factor though. east st louis is just a plain bland flyover shithole

The Zoo is in Forest Park which is pretty safe, but terrible for car break ins.

Had a playoff game there in high school, those niggers got BTFO.

East Asia even BTFO the british for a while

even the website is fucked


Why do you live in South Dallas? There are no white people there except you and some homeless guys. Seriously, you could live in Lancaster or somewhere in the mid cities and be amongst rednecks. You are literally choosing to live in South Dallas. You can afford housing elsewhere.

I worked at Stifel in downtown STL and I had to pull my gun on a nigger in the parking garage who tried to carjack me.

If you a white female in that area, you are a stripper/hooker or are buying drugs.

White Baltimore resident here. I know your pain OP.

Are most of your work colleagues from the talented 10th?
You were born there right?
Do you and your friends refer to them niggers irl?
Is it worse than Detroit? At least it doesn't snow where you are.

>doesnt snow
u fokin wot

Do you still work there? I'm a current employee in Baltimore.

Can you start a gofundme account so we can raise money for you to get automatic weapons and BTFO dindus?

i shot a dude trying to break into my dreak when i was on leave

pulled a gun where i am now plenty more times though lol

and i used to leave like a block up from where that mothers day shooting happened back in 2013

fair enough, yeah theres some real fun parts of new orleans. i've never been to st louis and have no intention of going

But The Wire tells me there are plenty of good nignogs there too.

Holy heck, that pic

What are abos? Homo erectus?

How your boipucci going on after all that black dick you get?

only bright to st lo is saintlouischessclub.org/

>post WW1 was A LONG TIME AGO that means that all those buildings are old as fuck and if industry dried up and whites left because there were no jobs- it would make sense that a new population would take over that could live with less and might not necessarily be the cause

Dude they were left a functional city and they destroyed it.

EVERYTHING we leave niggers they destroy. Look at all the ex colonial nations in Africa. The train lines are all fucked, the roads are full of pot holes and the buildings are falling apart.

You cant put stone age cultures in modern cities and expect them to maintain it.

Currently studying to become a Petroleum Engineer. I've interned at Schaeffer Oil (whose plant is in St. Louis), and I hope to get a job there once I graduate.

a few dozen of them were protesting when the Ferguson riots were going down, I saw a number of car windows being (or already) smashed, but I didn't stick around long to see what they did after that.

>what protection do you have

a Mossberg 500

>Do you act impulsively to fit in?

No. The only Blacks I socialize with are those who attend my Catholic Church, and they are pretty well behaved.

Have not listened to him

There isn't much left to profit from here

is it really that bad? i was there for a month and i kinda liked it. never had anyone bother me and the people where nice meanwhile in atlanta ive been robbed at gunpoint

Do you support the day of rope?

When whites lifted the Asians up they stayed there

Vacation came out in 84, try again

>Ask Me anything.

Are you racist? How would you reply to a liberal from a 99% white gated community accusing you of racism?

Shit, 83. Nevermind



Aside from the few 20-something "artist" types who willingly intermix with Blacks, the few remaining White girls here are redpilled as fuck. Nearly all of them want to get the fuck out of here as soon as they have the means though.

I don't know any of them who don't at least carry around mace every time they leave their house. A number of them are concealed carry.

>Are most of your work colleagues form the talented 10th

I'm still in school, but the few neighbors who actually look civilized probably are part of the talented 10th

>You were born there right?

Yes. Otherwise there's almost no way I'd feel enough attachment to this place to consider staying for another second

>Do you and your friends refer to them niggers irl?
In close company we do, though none of us are bold enough to in public

>Is it worse than Detroit? At least it doesn't snow where you are.
It does snow a few inches here, and I would contend that it's worse than Detroit

I'll be fine, but I do appreciate the sentiment.

I have never received black dick

I don't think there's a single crime stat in which Nawlinz doesn't double or more Atlanta's. The niggers pretty much run the whole show down there whereas in ATL there are still some whites.

Where are you studying at? I am going to guess Rolla or SIUE.

I used to live in Fairview Heights, and one time my buddies and I had to take a bus through East Saint Louis to get to Six Flags, being punk teenagers it was a little scary.

Didn't Kirkwood's own city council get shot up a few years ago?

Yes, they did benefit from interactions with the west, but not in the sense that "The White Man's Burden" would suggest.
They certainly didn't pick them up from total barbarism in the way they did with the tribal negroes.

What up nigger , I'm in alton

You lived in East St. Louis for a month and had no problems? You sure you are not talking about St. Louis city (East St. Louis is across the river in Illinois)

there are some Whites beyond saving, so yeah

What do you mean by "racist"? I base my actions on how the Blacks act.

>How would you reply to a liberal from a 99% white gated community accusing you of racism?
I would challenge the fuckers to spend a single day living here and see how they like it.

how does this make you feel?

What up Alton? Old Bakery Beer holding it down.

Cahokia Mounds ftw.

>muh stats
alot of factors should be taken into account like how atlanta is a traffic filled sprawl full of high crime unincorporated neighborhoods while new orleans is more dense. either way a prefer a colorful city like nawlins to a soulless suburb area like atlanta.
>ATL there are still some sjw whites
ftfy. atl is black culture capital and most of the whites here are fucking carls. i found the nola whites to be more based


The zoo is in a nicer area, never had a problem there, aside from the fact that admission is free which causes loads of nogs / spics / rednecks to flood it regularly

It is one of the best zoos in the world though

The gunshots are from north of Delmar.

Kek alert:
>Delmar was honorarily renamed Barack Obama Blvd. following his first election.

>You lived in East St. Louis for a month and had no problems
read the reply chain thats not what i said at all. i have no intention of visiting or living in st louis or IL and missouri in general.

So you drive from East STL to fucking Rolla?? Or you live on campus there?

Yeah I'm on the other side of Delmar. Fortunately. Still sleep with my loaded kimber next to my bed.

Probably an internship.