The start of the death of America?
It's not about who killed him, but rather about its implications, results and what would have happened if he wasn't assassinated.
The start of the death of America?
It's not about who killed him, but rather about its implications, results and what would have happened if he wasn't assassinated.
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>it's not about (((who))) killed him
I agree completely
In my reality it was a four seat limo with Connelly and the driver in the front. There was also not any footage or photos that were so clear with such vibrant colors. It's weird to have such an iconic event changed so dramatically.
This is what earned him his bounty.
nah dude, america was already jewed from the inside a good 3 decades before that. good job the jews did continuing lincoln's work, sending YT off to kill more YTs in europe
Major legislation that passed after his death.
dont forget the best one, the 1965 "kennedy" bill, hey pol remind me who was really behind it? :^)
it's a name-the-you-now-(((who))) type question
(((Who))) is it?
JFK was not playing to win. He got crossways with the CIA, and then sold out and went after the mob after they helped him get elected. The irregularities in Chicago (Capitol of a swing state at the time) and a handful of other areas, was a big help for him in a neck and neck race, and the RFK led a big campaign against those same mobsters. At the time the CIA was very fractured and consisted of various factions and cells. At least one of those CIA factions was in fact very close with the mafia (via their mutual interest in the success of anti-Castro forces in Cuba at the time).
Don't even get me started on LBJ and the people behind him. He was easily the most serially corrupt politician in modern politics, bar none. A true egomaniac. JFK had one of the most ruthless and unprincipled person imaginable as his VP, and furthermore, LBJ via the Bobby Baker investigations was likely facing political extinction if he didn't manage to somehow stop RFK and his administration. He simply has too much motivation to not seriously consider.
These types of forces exist, and you need a president that can trick them, manipulate them, and eventually be victorious against them. You don't need two young guns running in punching like fools (JFK RFK) with complete disregard for the enemies they were making and the nature of the dangers the posed.
JFK was killed by a time traveler. The real question is, are we living if the good timeline or the actual bad timeline?
What's JFKs legacy in the US? Is he seen as a charismatic playboy?
You should've excluded anything before November 22nd, 1963
Honestly JFK is the most popular modern President. So many things are named after him and everyone loved him. Yeah he's seen as a playboy because he fucked Marlyn Monroe and was the most attractive President but he did a lot for the Space Race and other shit.
>The start
The start was likely back with FDR.
Ritual Sacrifice.
There is a good jewtube that connects the occult dots. Freemasons killed JFK. But the creepy planning and symbolism in it turned it into the first big bad psyOP.
The bell is tolling soon for Hillary Rodham Clinton,
TRUMP 16! Watch now!
The 1960s were an interesting time
Why the fuck is he dressed as a cricketer in the image?
Woodrow Wilson is what started the downfall of America, he created the federal reserve and gave it to Jews
> see federal reserve act
Fuck the Kennedys. That family is the main reason why whites will be a minority in America in a few decades.
America died in 1960 when Nixon couldn't bail out MLK and Kennedy did.
Yes. Everything was different after this. Notably, this and not Watergate was the start of loss of prestige for the office of President, and conspiracy theory culture dates from widespread disbelief of official explanations of this.
>where artist signed the painting
Do you think he took any consideration at all as to him practixally signing the inside of Donald Trump's thigh like that?
do you happen to know how the fuck robert kennedy was able to free mlk but not nixon? was it literally just a bribe?
Amen - they are complete scum.
JFK has to be the most overrated president ever. He's lucky he got shot - the whole Camelot BS and the complacent press that been promoting it for more than 50 years. What a load of shit.
His foreign policy and all his dipshit cabinet appointments were continued by LBJ. By getting shot, he missed out on the blame and passed it along.
More like what would have happened if he was never elected.
At that point, the Republicans were still known as the progressive party. Richard Nixon was good friends with Martin Luther King Jr. and was heavy into Civil Rights. If Nixon was elected, he probably would have been the one to pass the Civil Rights act and all the blacks may still be voting Republican to this day. But, Kennedy was elected instead and civil rights was passed under Johnson. The rest is history.
Kennedy was also pretty weak on foreign policy. Reminder that the Berlin Wall was built and the Cuban Missile crisis happened on his watch. He was also the one who first got us involved in Vietnam.
He was also shit at working with Congress and actually delayed the passage of civil rights. It wasn't until after his death it was passed under Lyndon Johnson.
JFK was actually a pretty shit president. The only reason he's remembered so well is because he was assassinated.
"Hey we're gonna get the niggers to indefinitely vote Democrat, help us out"
So you think Kennedy said no to the Bay of Pigs but would say yes to the Gulf of Tongkin?
Yeah, I'm wouldn't mind taking a trip back.
He said yes to the Bay of Pigs.
they only did the civil rights shit during the campaign for the nigger vote, they were secretly republican. only ted went full liberal in the 80's/90's.
What do you mean 'secretly republican'?
They were republican, but knew how to appeal to the democrat crowd. Jfk only went after the presidency because his father wanted a President in his family.
The true red pill is that this country has been compromised from the beginning. I'm not saying that because muh indians, or muh slaves. The kikes and their banking, and the masons have set this country on bad foundation from the start.
To be fair, the Bay of Pigs taught Kennedy to distrust the advice of the military and CIA, something that likely would have meant far less military involvement in Vietnam.
Quite honestly, Jack didn't care about the blacks. He only got credit because he called King while he was in jail in Montgomery. He was way more focused on foreign policy, where he was trying to do everything possible to ensure the survival of capitalism and Europe while avoiding nuclear war.
The building of the Berlin Wall was a lot better than the alternative of an inevitably nuclear third world war. Also, Truman had us funding about 3/4 of the French effort. Kennedy did increase the number of active advisors and authorized them to go on combat missions, but also showed great reluctance in putting actual combat troops in. Had Kennedy lived, we most likely would have left Vietnam around 1965 and just let the commies have it. He did that with Laos earlier in his administration.
>At that point, the Republicans were still known as the progressive party. Richard Nixon was good friends with Martin Luther King Jr. and was heavy into Civil Rights. If Nixon was elected, he probably would have been the one to pass the Civil Rights act and all the blacks may still be voting Republican to this day.
Niggers loved FDR. Eisenhower was the most popular president with blacks, but even he couldn't manage a majority. I think Nixon got ~30%.