Stop making excuses you lazy fucks

Sup Forums is full of fat virgin neckbeard jobless degenerates who blame their failures on everything from jews to black people to the system of higher education. All you see on Sup Forums are sorryass excuses from lazy fucks who refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.

I'm a 29 year old white male and I have never had any issue with picking up fit white girls, currently married to one and have a great job because I'm not a fucking loser who makes sorry excuses for failing at life.

i get to kill brown people for a living so its not too bad

>Sup Forums posters are losers
>post on Sup Forums boasting about not being a loser
Pick one


I have a job, a white gf, we love Jesus. I have no debt and try to be as virtuous and hard working as i can.

Hey op I'm in the same boat desu younger and better off than you why do you even come here if you're going to be a prick?

Stories m8

Stop projecting you little cunt.

Sup reddit


Sup Forums is full of fat virgin neckbeard jobless degenerates who blame their failures on everything from whites to natural XY people ("cis men") to the system of white privilege. All you see on Sup Forums are sorry ass excuses from lazy fucks who refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.

I'm a 29 year old jewish male and I have never had any issue with picking up fit asian girls, currently married to one and have a great job because I'm not a fucking loser who makes sorry excuses for failing at life.

- t. Kikebook Zuckerfuck

Yet here you are, complaining on a Taiwanese paper mache forum.

You'd think someone in your position would be above that.

more than a meme

i have a BS and a trade under my belt. Im a cheap bastard who hoard his money, a miser if you will. Also, hungry skeleton.

Then why you here. If you are so much better than me, why do you feel the need to belittle a sore loser like myself? Is it to make yourself feel better? Nvm, you won't admit the reason behind why you feel the need to spread hate. Besides, why would you ever be human enough to have empathy for someone like myself, or even consider yourself equal to me? I should wimper and kiss your superior man feet. I am unworthy

Anyone else jealous of that setup in the OP image?

Some nice guns and computer stuffs there

who is raiding us and what in particular motivated them this time

>I'm not a fucking loser who makes sorry excuses for failing at life.
Is that why your on pol then?

Op's lying you dumb fuck, he's probably worse off than you in every way. That's how this place works.

This. Normies who come here to shit on people are universal scum. Stand together my brothers.

It all makes sense now


Just because you never left mom's house, dosen't mean we haven't.

Project much?

>work really hard to make something that will benefit yourself and everyone around it
>niggers end up destroying it

Im just extremely lonely. No friends or family. Fuck you op