Red pill me on NPR. All the liberals I know love it.
Red pill me on NPR. All the liberals I know love it
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So wait, you actually leave your house?
Far less cucked than CNN or other left news outlets because its mostly for old people. Marketplace with Kai Rysdall is based. In general still pretty much commie propaganda tho.
Turn on the radio and listen. You need no redpill.
I don't think I get the station
It's what I listen to when I'm driving. It's probably left-leaning overall, but it still maintains high journalistic standards.
My theory is that half the hosts on NPR are gay. Super girly voices, especially Ari Shapiro.
NPR is the last hope for sane and intelligent media (except for the entertainment and public interest shows). Diane Rehm is my hero.
I'm even conservative, but when I change from NPR, where there's still fact based reporting, to conservative talk radio, which is basically an infomercial interrupted by angry yelling, it makes me want to vomit.
Conservative media is just complete shit. Shameless advertising and uninformative emotional partisan commentary.
Went from a unbiased source of news to propaganda , typically liberal , for the current government
NPR literally is government shill radio
but the shilling is the least interfering and annoying when compared to any other outlet
left leaning, but not braindead shills
>Red pill me on NPR
Directors list = telephone book of Tel Aviv
I enjoy marco werman's (sp?) show the world. it's clearly biased, but very interesting stories you wouldn't see in local news and it's for some reason he's very into Europe, which is neat. I don't know if most American leftists are europhiles.
Fuck off. DR Show and Tom Ashbrook both take tons of conservative callers and are always respectful. They also don't air their politics. Professional journalism at its best.
I mean theyre sponsored by the Koch brothers, so I don't see how they could be all that bad. NPR is mostly left leaning, sure, but listen to it because the bias is easily recognizable, and it's the most educational programming on the radio or television today.
It's not national or public. They take donations from the public but it's largely funded by some UK company.
Very liberal programming. I listen to it to and from work everyday to pick apart all of their retarded progressive arguments. Sometimes they actually report the news without a slant , but that's only in the earliest parts of a major event before they get their orders on how to spin it for the 100 I.Q. neoliberals.
You also can't judge NPR without contrasting it against the alternatives. It really is peerless.
NPR was remotely decent at one point in time roughly a decade ago, now it's a literal propaganda machine for the far left marxists
>Diane Rehm
Someone kill her please. Please. I hate Diane Rehm soo fucking much. What an ignorant brain damaged cunt. She is so fucking rude to people she disagrees with. She is the embodiment of liberal cancer. I hope she dies soon.
But tbqh the show is usually good when they have a guest host.
I like doug fabrizio but you probably don't get radio west wherever you are.
Marketplace in the morning is GOAT
But honestly I cant stand any of the right wing screaming heads. I seriously question if they exist to make us all look retarded.
Anybody listen to the NPR politics podcast? It's pretty decent beside that faggot Sam Sanders and the Muslim chick that never has anything interesting to say
I'm going to listen to NPR tomorrow. It's mostly been Rush, Hannity when tuned into talk radio, but you guys make NPR sound pretty good. I used to listen to Marketplace pretty regularly 6-7 years back.
the problem is this: NPR is like radio-VICE. They try and cover things objectively as possible, but what they chose to depict and how they depict it is where they show their biases.
holy fuck conservative talk radio is literally 80% commercials,10% Traffic and Weather, and 10% Eric Erickson whiny nasally voice yelling into the mic
I'm an ultra-conservative and I think Diane Rehm is a fucking doofus. However, nobody takes the cake for being a bigger obnoxious bag of shit than Sean Hannity. Dude's MO is always the same. Sean: "Let me ask you a question. Why does x always happen when y happens? Can you answer me that?" Guest: "Well Sean, (proceeds to respond)" Sean the interrupts guest. Sean: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! You didn't answer my question!" I fucking hate that guy.
NPR is cultural Marxist propaganda for limousine libtards, paid for with other people's money stolen at gunpoint.
It's extremely liberal, and its obvious from listening to them for an hour. I used to love it till you notice trends in their stories and how completely unrelated the stories are to your life. Here are a few I notice:
>play sound effects during the show like pots and pans clanking
>get the person your interviewing to say the most useless quote you can find like 'I'm glad for this'
>end your story on a snide, passive-aggressive remark
>take every minute you can to bash Trump in the most subtle ways you can find
Its extremely pretentious but I understand why people like listening to it as background noise.
I'm pretty conservative and I listen to NPR.
I know there are people out there who've never listened that have very strong opinions about NPR, but they don't know what they're talking about.
I've been here for years. I listen to it, and Johnny Cash + comedy radio. Not too much else. They (NPR) are happy if you make a 1$ donation, unlike mollymemes.
I like science Friday.
I'm a Libertarian who will be voting for Trump...
I listen to NPR almost exclusively, and it absolutely is biased. Funny when libtards bring up their nonsense, yet I've heard it all already, so quickly poke holes in their false consciousness.
NPR is otherwise informative, and very professional.
I like the All Things Considered Music Podcast and The Tiny Desk Concerts.
I highly doubt anyone at NPR has ever even held a gun much less paid to own one.
It has some nice segments but goddamn the second they talk about politics does it become stupid. The general reporting of news is good, but when it's people talking about politics, it's just SJW garbage.
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me is fun though
i fuckn guarantee you get it. its the pbs of the radio
Npr is dildos
NPR is shill tier, the news is painful, but fuck I love snap judgement. You know, the black host and the storytelling? you can listen to it as a podcast
They think they're better than you. They want to reform you to be more like them. They don't just express bias, their reporters take sides on every single issue.
Their political reporting is pretty clearly biased, however it's nice that they use a more expanded vocabulary than most modern media outlets. You don't feel like you're ever being talked down to.
Their non-political reporting and most of their other content is actually pretty based. When they just go to South America to talk about howler monkeys or discuss a recent scientific breakthrough is when they're at their best.
And to add to that, the people they interview are usually not very good sources.
>We talked to the friend's cousin of the wife of the deceased husband
Like who cares? Or when they say the reached out to an organization and got no response, every single freaking time.
Nah ira flato is half retarded. I wish they would replace him. And he does talk down to the audience all the fucking time, like we are a bunch of kids.
Creepy as flies pouring out of a dried turd. The last time I listened to a complete segment, it was about how some poor Mexicans still wash and bury their own dead (no money for funeral services I guess) like it was 6000 B.C.E., and how excellent that was, and how we in the west should aspire to have a culturally enriching experience like that. They make me want to puke.
Mothhour, Radiolab, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and Car Talk are based as fuck.
Besides, they actually objectively approached BREXIT and fairly discussed the pros vs cons of STAY vs LEAVE, and have palestinian guests on sometimes despite the fact that their hq is located in one of the most jewish cities on the planet.
NPR is fine.
Maybe I'm not listening at the right times, but I don't think I've ever even heard Ira Flato.
Is there any conservative national station I can listen to that isn't Glenn Beck, Hannity, and Rush yelling into my ear for hours on end?
Who do you go to for unbiased news?
the first time i turned on npr, there was a rape poem sobstory and feminists bitching about fat acceptance
I enjoy NPR. It's not just a stream of endless bullshit. They attempt to give facts as they are BUT they love put in certain facts that I think are irrelevant, especially race. "A black man was shot by a white cop." etc. Was the first time I ever heard a gun control advocate attempting to explain why an AR-15 isn't an assault rifle and maybe they need another classification. I'm so happy that most gun control folks aren't as intelligent as she was.
NPR = Nun-Peh-Resh
I listen to NPR politics for opposition research. Its a bunch of Jews shilling Hillary to the max and emails arent important but gun control is. Plus they have a token muslim woman sometimes.
No, they can't have intelligent conservative discourse on air because it would win people over too much. Only the left can have intelligent discourse on air.
Topics of On Point with Tom Ashbrook this week included: "Online Mob Shaming", and "Is the Left Silencing Free Speech?"
Pretty interesting content.
I'll give science Friday a thumbs up, but it's turned into a Hillary propaganda machine. It really got bad a year and a half ago or so, but before then I thought they were ok.
Diane Rehm is awesome. One time I heard her have some guests to talk about a controversial issue years back. One of them got rowdy, started interrupting, she interrupted him and said "excuse me this isn't that type of show, you will wait your turn".
The Koch brothers are very genrous philanthropers. Before they went Obama crazy they had a great legacy to leave behind.
I used to listen to NPR. They're a liberal station but I don't mind hearing the other side of the argument. It's good to hear the other side's talking points because it preps me on what their arguments are, what reason and logic may or may not be behind their arguments, and allows me to prepare counter arguments if I ever get into discussion with a leftist since I've heard their arguments already.
Now, I noticed NPR slowly started running white guilt stories more and more frequently. It started as an occasional thing, they'd have a black, or Asian, or (insert minority here) guy come on, talk about how he was discriminated against, and how white people kept him down. It started happening more and more frequently.
Off the top of my head, some things I heard:
>Highways are racist because they forced blacks into ghettos but magically didn't affect whites somehow.
>Story about Oriental being a racist word, and how offended Asians are when they are called an Oriental. Even went so far as to have an Asian come on and say "my parents are indoctrinated because they still use Oriental and they think it's okay to use. This is the white male's fault."
>Story about how baseball teams are racist.
>many random stories about white privilege
>Stories about gender wage gap
This started happening every day. I stopped listening because it was no longer providing arguments with facts and reason, it was simply saying "White people, you are racist, and here's an anecdotal example from a non-white person about why you are racist."
tl;dr Fuck NPR, Jew propaganda white guilt station.
Most conservatives are terrified that if they actually listen to NPR that they might instantly turn into marxist commies, but that's just their irrational fears controlling them.
NPR is the most sensible radio on the air these days geared towards adults. It's really more moderate than liberal. The other thing is that my old college radio station carries NPR, PRI locally.
I'm conservative and I'm not frightened by it.
I've even had a few NPR moments.
Lol why am I wasting my time here? I'm gonna go listen to NPR now.
Caught a program on NPR (rebroadcast on our tax-hoover network the ABC) which was pretty well
>Government spending, its great, we should raise taxes so the wise government can spend more"
No opposing view, just a statist cocksucker spouting shit for about 40 minutes.
Fuck Diane rehm and her shitty ass voice
It's not moderate at all. Every time I tune in they're running a white guilt story with some bullshit example about how whites were racist against minorities.
>Maybe I'm not listening at the right times, but I don't think I've ever even heard Ira Flato.
He runs the main science show, science friday. They actually have decent content but I just cant stand the host. He acts like the entire audience is retarded its painful to listen to. Also he's 200% kike.
I've listened to it quite a bit (the podcasts, This American Life with Ira Glass) honestly there is some really interesting things about 5% of the time that are really worth a listen. Most of the time though, it's boring as fuck.
I dont know what to think. It sounds like they shill for Hill but then they admit the wage gap is a lie and they talked about how most journalists are completely ignorant about guns.
National Propaganda Radio
ofavia quist arcton is actually quite based for a (nigger + sand-nigger + woman)
They've never done either of those things. They have people come on advocating for gun control with no counter points, and they bring up the wage gap constantly and defend it.
This. I enjoyed listening to NPR up until a few months ago. Most of it was news, yeah with a liberal bias, but it wasn't mindless propaganda like some sources.
Past two or so months have been nothing but WE WUZ, "pitty me I'm (insert minority)," and "are you white? KILL YOURSELF."
It changed so quickly. I used to like it as background noise for news. Now I can't listen for an hour before some liberal shill piece, full of bias, pops up.
(((NPR))) is cozy af during story hours on rainy days
regards, heroin addict cuckservative
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own) Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.
My Dad LOVES public television.
They seem smart and speak with soothing voices, so he feels they are 'nice'
I rage inside.
>Highways are racist because they forced blacks into ghettos but magically didn't affect whites somehow.
No I listened to that same news story. They said that the decision where to put the highway (cheap land) usually runs along poor neighborhoods. That's an economic decision. But it also separates where people live from where the jobs, schools and opportunities are. The state tends to put up walls and fences along the road to keep kids from wandering in, and local leaders feel that sometimes isolates the communities.
It used to be the "wrong side of the tracks", now it's the "other side of the highway". makes sense, senpai.
NPR has easily filtered bias with good facts inside, I listen to it when I'm driving.
Radiolab used to be based, last half-year has been pretty fucking SJW heavy. Their shows use to be science + humanity stories all related to a central theme but now they're all just 100% humanity pieces. The strongest example I can think of how they changed is their Debatable show, listen to that and then compare it to one of their earlier ones, like Falling. And that fucking spinoff, More Perfect. Radiolab has definitely jumped the shark.
The Moth, is based as fuck when guys are talking. Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and Car Talk are also great. TED Radio Hour solid. Freakonomics is great too.
I remember that story. It rubbed me wrong too. I think it rubbed most people wrong. 100% oppression olympics and trying to make shit out of nothing, I think even most liberals got that vibe.
Anyone else having trouble with the captions tonight?
Global #1 news source for catching up on the plight of single-mother Guatemalan transgender potato sculptors.
Their shilling for Hillary is painfully obvious.
I mean, they're no worse when it comes to ignoring Bernie Sanders or bashing Trump. Bit this election season made it painfully obvious of where their loyalties lie. They're barely any better than MSNBC.
I've heard volcaloids more fluent than her. But she has actually been getting better. She is seriously brain damaged, look it up.
I think one of the things about NPR is that it's syndicated on local public radio that runs their own shit all the time.
I can't listen to any of the NPR stations in my car because I live in CA and most of the time those stations are playing Democracy Now or some shitty "plight of urban youth" daily program. I imagine it's different in like, Wyoming or wherever.
Listen to it all the time in the car so pretty much everyday.
this pretty much sums up my view on it. They push the same liberal narrative, but just a little more subtly than most liberal media. They have lots of informative, if left leaning, shows that I can almost forgive, but almost all their political coverage is slanted.
Would never donate to support their slant.
You guys do know that car talk is dead and all your listening to are old canned re runs.
Yeah, I know. It's still good though.
m8, the guy who was on was saying how it wasn't even an economic decision. He the person in charge was an actual racist, made racist statements, and said he is going to specifically place the highways so that they ruin black neighborhoods, because he is a racist.
What you said sounds like a reasonable explanation. Unfortunately, it's not what the guest they had on said.
I love Marketplace except whenever Kai says "This! Is Marketplace!" In that smug sounding voice it makes me want to kill him.
Mr. O knows exactly what he is doing!
I need a glass of water.
You missed their completely unhinged coverage of the European "refugee" crisis. Inskeep at one point was effectively yelling at the nation of Hungary like it cut in front of him in line.
I do know that,
I mourned it
but the show is still great and most of the info is still relevant.
There is none. Especially with the overturn of bans on propaganda by the US government for the domestic market (2013).
More like, "Ex--cuse me....this..isn't that..type...of will...wait...your turn."
NPR in LA was starting to run a big series on police brutality. Then the San Bernardino terrorist attack happened and that all went away for a few months. I think you can donate to them with the understanding that you want them to cover one kind of story.
>He runs the main science show, science friday.
I remember one time they had a astronomer from the Griffith Observatory once. He managed somehow to work a anti-gun message into what he was talking about.
The closer we get to the election the more biased they seem to get. They were actually fairly neutral a few years ago.
However it's not the blatant bias you get from mainstream liberal media, the reporters typically don't lead the discussion one way or the other but on the whole they focus on stories that push a liberal perspective.
Listen to some of their stuff on the migrant crisis and you'll see it.
they went full kike on gun control shit the last month, it's become insufferable to listen to it and I usually am a NPR person
they have an agenda
I stopped listening to it after I heard how they make dindus and Pali terrorists looks like martyrs. They won't even call Palis terrorists.
Sadly all their donors are old rich white libshits.
NPR is the source of mass media for white liberals. Only niggers watch MSNBC and CNN
When sandy hook happened, one of the female hosts referred to the children as "toddlers".
Like, fuck, killing kids is bad enough, you don't really need to further sensationalize it by wrongly calling them toddlers.
master and commander morrakiu
there was legitimately a segment on how fish have feelings last week
how the fuck do you think I feel about NPR
I listened to NPR a lot in high school.
I really liked listening to Prairie Home Companion on Saturday evenings. I know it's technically an American Public Media show, but it was pretty fucking good.
Too bad Garrison Keillor is gonna quit after this Saturday's broadcast. I hope PHC doesn't go to shit with the new host.
Super Duper Hyper Pro-Jew Radio
Two segments stuck out to me:
One was where they had a puff piece on some Jew who was scared about "rising anti-semitism" in Europe. He was given the most saccharine bullshit softball questions and pretend-cried through the whole thing. I could almost hear him rubbing his eyes. Oy veyyyy
The second was an interview with an author of some history book (I forget the name) about the British Royal Family's sympathy with the Nazis during WW2. The author seemed pretty neutral, but the interviewer kept asking leading "AND THEN THE EVIL ROYAL FAMILY WAS EVIL, RIGHT!? AND THE NAZIS WERE SMOTE BY THE GREAT CHURCHHILL!!!"-type questions.