If you say no, aren't you denying how violent you think they are? If you say yes, how do you square that with "shall not be infringed?"
Should black people be allowed to own guns?
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democrats want to ban guns. we can simply agree with them and ban guns for democrats. two birds and all that.
In other words how will you ever win that race war you're all dying for unless you disarm the other side?
>If you say no, aren't you denying how violent you think they are?
They mostly only kill other blacks
Why should I care?
Yes, the problem isn't that niggers have guns because guns aren't the problem. The problem is niggers are in America.
>Blacks on boat
>Boat to Africa
Problem solved.
>the right of the people
Didn't the guys who drafted all this stuff basically say blacks weren't "people"? Whether they're entitled to firearms depends on how the drafters defined "people".
I can keep going. If Muslims are out to kill us, why should they be allowed to have guns either?
You got your "yes" and "no" backwards m8.
>13% of the population
>majority of them can't shoot for shit
>majority of them are retarded
>majority of them are extremely poor and cannot get anything but a hipoint which they rarely take care of
They actually say "persons" in Article IV's fugitive slave clause to refer to blacks. It's a stretch to say someone's a person but not part of the people, isn't it?
You still have to take away their guns at some point if you plan to kill them all or enslave them again or whatever gives you your Nazi boners
>explosives are highly unregulated due to farmers and miners needing large and quick access to them
>can get thermite by the ton without any background checks or questioning
>can get mass amounts of fertilizer, dynamite, white phosphorous, napalm, and nitroglycerin with a very cheap license and say it's for farm work
>Oklahoma City bombing killed and injured more people than any shooting ever has anywhere worldwide and was orchestrated by only two people
No you won't.
That entails getting all of them in one place. There are tens of millions of them. I'm not saying it can't be done - surely we have our act on logistics together more than the Nazis. FedEx could make a killing shipping people to death camps. But my point is: you still have to disarm people to kill them en masse like that. Not unless you're willing to nuke the Bronx and so on.
>the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Welp. If they are people and not proerty, they get to have a gun or 30 on their person.
Not really. Those are two different words. Statutory interpretation principles would allow you to identify the similarilty between the words and draw a conclusion that they have the same meaning as a last resort, first you'd need to see if the words are each defined, then you'd look to extrinsic material if there is still ambiguity, then finally you could have recourse to common usage and dictionary definitions.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't grant any rights. It simply acknowledges the already existing right to bear arm, and is there to make sure that it isn't infringed upon.
That means that even black people have that right, if they're US Citizens.
14th Amendment exists, the rule applies to blacks too.
A good start would be to dispel the black=bad myth and address the lack of fathers in the black community and the crime that it causes.
True that it codifies an existing right. But is it obvious the right extends only to citizens? We don't deny non citizens the freedom of speech, another right that pre exists the Constitution.
I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again.
Unless you are a spic--my ancestors almost certainly predate yours in this country. Please return to your continent of origin. Don't get butt hurt about it. Just leave.
>The 2nd Amendment doesn't grant any rights.
You're talking about something you've clearly done no research into.
Heller came down with the opposite answer, so clearly it is the case in the US that the law understands it as embodying a new right altogether and not simply some crude codification of the right recognized in Blackstone's commentaries.
Of course I do. I support guns for all but the thing is your niggers i.e. compton folk will always have illegal weapons
>If you say no, aren't you denying how violent you think they are?
No. You can know how violent a lot of them are but still support their right to bear arms. If you say otherwise then you are un-American.
We typically don't deny non citizens many rights at all, but we could, and in many cases ought.
>he thinks my property should be allowed to own property
Slave importation ended in 1807. European immigration peaked through 1890-1920.
But hey... you got dank memes. It all balances out.
I'm not sure how one should properly take care of a Hi-Point anyway.
I'm embarrassed to say that I had one given to me a few years back because it was jamming badly, I sent it to the manufacturer, they replaced 90% of the gun free (slide, barrel, mag, springs, just left the frame) and it's become a favorite of mine for some uses. Has shot flawlessly and accurately for me plinking, never jammed with hundreds of rounds of any ammo I feed it, and I throw it in my tackle box, tool box, glove box, whatever. Not afraid to nick the finish, beat it up a little, drop it in the lake, get fish guts on it, or lose it. I "clean" it every so often with a spray of Rem oil through the barrel. I treat it like crap, I guess, but it does fine.
And yeah, blacks should be allowed to own guns, that's not even a fucking question. Any American should unless they have individually done something serious enough to have that right taken away or just aren't mentally capable, and they better get a fair hearing to determine either if the government wants to say otherwise.
What the fuck kind of moron would want to ban guns by race? Women, blacks, gays, Hispanics, whatever...join my hobby , be safe, and have fun. I'll shoot with ya anyday, and I'm a Southern white guy.
Just like the Hi-Point, I'll judge you by what you do, even if some of your group might have earned a bad reputation.
>how violent you think they are
Reminder that Black Men are just 6% of the population, but
>Commit 60% of all violent crime
>Commit 50% of all murders
>Commit 33% of all rapes
>Commit 60% of all gun violence
>Commit 80% of all robberies
>"The average African-American genome, for example, is nearly a quarter European"
So are you gonna send one-quarter of that Y chromosome back to Europe or...
I wasn't the one espousing deportation/legitimacy of U.S. citizens.
If you want to live in a racially pure country, you need to go back to where you ancestors came from and fight for it.
Otherwise, you can shut the fuck up because you are am unprincipled coward.
>unprincipled coward
>Says the race that wants all the gibsmedat from whites
kek, a proud leech
Of course yes
except look at liberals. we give them free speech and they are using free speech to take away free speech. people who would see our country be destroyed don't deserve rights. sorry
Race is not a being capable of wants. If you have criticism of a majority position of individuals within a race that is legitimate, and we could speak on that. But you, logically, cannot ascribe these properties to arbitrary individuals.
It would be like me saying you are a cuck just because the majority of leafs are cuck faggots.
Legally? of course, but only legally. They are US citizens and have as much rights as me. The way gun ownership is set up in places with large nigger populations usually keeps most of them legally disarmed anyway. They are more paranoid than the most off the wall conspiritards when it comes to dealing with the govt or police which you usually have to do to own guns in places most nigs live. They are probably the main reason cities usually have their own laws for gun owners because even though the democrats pander to them, they too know their bread and butter are violent apes that shouldn't be armed.
The right of the people, user
Blacks aren't people, they're niggers.
The original purpose of the NRA was to teach freed slaves to defend themselves from the Klan.
>What is individualism?
Of course they should be allowed, you fucking commie.
>obey the law
Why even write laws
At least we can enforce some laws
Blacks NEED guns to protect themselves from aggressive, oppressive white cops (i.e. government).
That's what the 2nd amendment is all about.
>the majority of leafs are cuck faggots.
You see that is a shitty burger meme, but niggers in America really are more likely to have HIV/AIDS, be murderers, have lower IQs, commit theft and just be all around pieces of shit. Understand the difference?
No, I don't think they should be allowed to own firearms. I think we should live in our own countries. Ours can have freedom; freedom which Blacks can't handle without killing themselves.
Yes. The law abiding citizens who need guns the most are probably black people in predominantly black neighborhoods. They have the right to protect their family and property.
Oh wow, some light country banter and suddenly your downgraded from white nationalist to just nationalist.
Bad move seeing as I live in America, literally continental nomenclature used for a single country so superior it's neighbors are disregarded.
Do they even have Wi-Fi in a Tim Horton?
Nobody needs guns when you have tor
How were you planning on stopping them?
>"Looking only to official criminal records, data over the past thirty years consistently show that the mythology of murderers as ordinary citizens does not hold true. Studies have found that approximately 75% of murderers have adult criminal records, and that murderers average a prior adult criminal career of six years, including four major adult felony arrests. These studies also found that when the murder occurred "[a]bout 11% of murder arrestees [were] actually on pre-trial release"--that is, they were awaiting trial for another offense."
>"The fact that only 75% of murderers have adult crime records should not be misunderstood as implying that the remaining 25% of murderers are non-criminals. The reason over half of those 25% of murderers don't have adult records is that they are juveniles. Thus, by definition they cannot have an adult criminal record."
There are more than half a billion unregistered guns currently in circulation in the United States. It is literally not possible to prevent someone from arming themselves.
>desperately trying to be American and not a nigger
If America shot all it's niggers into space its crime rate would go down, its literacy rate would go up, the percentage of people with aids would plummet, poverty rates would substantially decrease and their standardized tests would improve significantly.
Niggers have held back White america for decades. Imagine what they could accomplish without having to waste all that money on food stamps and other welfare for niggers?
A talking point that I never see mentioned is that the majority of violent crime in America is commited bt Democrats, so when Democrats say "Gun control", Republicans hear "Give me your guns so I can shoot you".
My g/f is Native and she wants all you spics out.
Black people arent people therefore they have no constitutional rights
Well said and remember those calling for unconstitutional gun bans on blacks/muslims/noflylist want to take your guns too.
It's to dangerous to start denying guns to one group or another; it opens the door for an ever increasing list of people who can't have guns until you have a de facto gun ban.
>did black person obtain gun illegally?
No rights
>did black person obtain gun legally?
It's that simple.
How many legally owned non-white shootings have there been vs legally owned?
>Conservatives are scared of a nog with a gun
lol We already know they can't aim for shit
Every time a dindu shoots up a club he ends up either killing the only fucker in the place to graduate highschool or a 3 year old that's at a night club at 2am.
Constitution applies only to human beings.
I'll tell you what. Let's let them own 3/5ths of a gun. They can have any combination that equates to 3/5ths of a standard gun model.