Few week ago,American leftist professor visited my college, He lectured how american were bad during WWⅡ

few week ago,American leftist professor visited my college, He lectured how american were bad during WWⅡ.
He described that two nukes were not necessary, It was war crime and American must be ashamed of it and America should not interfere with other nation's political matter

For me,It's not true at all.
American army liberated us. We needed revolution, but we(my ancestor) couldn't, We could not establish own democratic government. but AMERICAN helped us.
We do not have rights as individuals before american saved us. we were not man, we were "subjects" of the emperor under the meiji constitution.
most of Japanese obeyed emperor and its government. They worship emperor for their authorities. There was no rational reason, we were just ignorant and uneducated.
but after WWⅡ, American give us constitution and freedom, ironically, Freedom and rights were given by american,not Japanese nor ourselves.
American could colonize Japan,but They didn't.
American could kill all Japanese for payback, but They didn't.

They gave us Freedom,Right,Democracy,Infrastructure,Food and Education.

Therefore two atomic bombs does not matter for us
We are so thankful for those. Thanks america.

by the way

>inb4 someone call me cuckold
I'm okay with this. I would rather to be cuckold than being uneducated unthankful barbarian.

America is best ally for Japan and Japanese. Good bye

>American army liberated us.
We liberated you with not one but two atomic bombs. You're welcome.

I just think its funny that you were literally nuked into fucking infantilism. like your existential angst just made you a country of sex freaks and man children. ha ha. thanks for the yearly fuckfests at our local military bases you fucking shameful gook.

Arigato gozaimasu nip sama

Nippon Ichiban

Related to Japan-
Why is Sup Forums so liberal these days?


>He described that two nukes were not necessary, It was war crime and American must be ashamed of it

The other options were to invade the country or simply starve the Japanese out, either one would have killed millions.

>American army liberated us. We needed revolution, but we(my ancestor) couldn't, We could not establish own democratic government. but AMERICAN helped us.

True, but it's not like the Japanese were incapable of creating a democratic system. The combination of the Great Depression and the military growing too powerful just prevented it from happening.

>America is best ally for Japan and Japanese.


You're welcome Japan bro
Sorry some of our cancer managed to spread to you at least it didn't grow

Did you talk back to the leftist apologist scum?

This faggot posts this same pasta every few days.

Another example of purposely poor grammar by an english teacher to make you think they are japanese.


Anyone have that pic posted in the last jp proxy thread?

Why are you pretending to be Japanese?

Fucking English teachers are the worst here. Bet your going to hub tonight to sit with all the other rejects

American liberalism is a mental disorder.

japan bro, we used to fight, but now we're friends, i'm glad you don't hold it against us.

we both did some harsh stuff.

And thank you for the Chinese cartoons.

the atomic bombs werent so bad. but the whole firebombing of Tokyo... 200,000 dead... thats pretty rough.

We love you too Japan.

Look at these newfags! Look at them and laugh!

I don't give a fuck how powerful China becomes, it will always be a shitty place to live and a tenuous rival for the U.S. The fact that our two countries can fight such a bloody war and become such close partners afterward is shows to me that we should stick together.

>Shills want us to attack Japan now
The jews truly fear the samurai

You're not Japanese just because you work in Japan.

Falling for the bait so hard.
Literally dumbest of peoples.

Thank you Japan

now pls make anime real because you have perfected the art of cute and now it needs to materialize