What pisses you off about driving, Sup Forums? What laws would you change if you could control traffic laws?

What pisses you off about driving, Sup Forums? What laws would you change if you could control traffic laws?

Me? I would ban early merging. You know, the cocksuckers who come to a complete stop and "line up" to merge on the congested highway. Coming to a complete stop on the highway is one of the most unsafe things you can do.

People should late merge instead. They should drive the entire lane and then zip over into the other lane.

Sometimes I late merge even when there are people early merging, lined all up like fuckin' grandmas. I blow by them on the right, and then seamlessly blend into traffic later on. Cracks me up when I do this because I imagine the early mergers getting angry about it. Hey, they shouldn't be mad though. I'm reducing the queue AND driving more safely than them (again, coming to a complete stop on the highway should be avoided whenever possible).


I don't even understand what you're going on about. I just look for a gap that is roughly the length of my car and aim for it

>driving in the city

Texting while driving should result in a suspended license and a fine equal to the price of your phone. Get fucked applefags.

>this how we roooooooollll

Is what pisses me off about driving.

So you're that asshole

Nah texting and driving should be permitted. If people die oh well there are too many people alive anyway.

Ban non-whites from driving, especially chinks.




I don't even understand asians. I have a chinese friend and he gets in an accident on probably a monthly basis. He has never actually had a car breakdown before because he wrecks them all before they even accrue any wear and tear
His insurance is too high for him to own a car right now though. I pay like $1300/year for mine and I have collision. His would be like $6000+/yr without collision for even the shittiest of vehicles.

women being allowed to drive

Those best be Canadian bux, and even then that's high for auto insurance. Ate you sure you're not a nig nog?

Yeah that's in CAD, and our insurance rates are set by the government because insurance companies used to charge extraordinarily high prices. The government set a cap based on age, accidents, etc. and every insurance company just by default charges the maximum they can.

3.2 second 0-60 here. I early merge all the time :)

What you driving nigga?

>our insurance rates are set by the government
Depending on the province, that's not always true.

Yeah, each province has their own. In Alberta we use a grid system. Neutral is $2205/yr and you can move down to a maximum of -50%. I'm already at the bottom of the grid though, actually I'm even further below that due to my brokers deals and whatnot.

Purple Hellcat

I hate horns. They're perhaps the most overused and most obnoxious driving distractions - especially in the city. People honk for little to no reason just because they're impatient. If you ask me, honking improperly should be illegal and punishable by fines.

I think it's an american thing. Nobody really uses them here.

Your geese honk and crap on cars all day, don't lie

Double the speed limit for the inner most lane.

That way people who wanna get somewhere fast or have to travel the highway a long ass time can do so faster while everyone else that doesn't wanna go that fast can sit in the middle lane like the bitch they are.

>People should late merge instead. They should drive the entire lane and then zip over into the other lane.
That causes traffic jams, dumbshit. Merge when you see a fucking opening, don't just obliviously coast to the end of the lane and then try and force your way in, because you never just "zip in", like fifteen cars have to brake for your dumb ass.

The corollary: if you're driving and people are trying to merge in, leave a little space between you and the car in front of you so that people can get in, otherwise traffic grinds to a halt.

PUT the sign minimum SPEED near the LIMIT speed ! IF THE LIMIT IS 50 , GO 50 you FUCKING FAGS NOT 30

That pic stresses me the fuck out and that's why I don't like highways

I can't even stop to check if the other cars are being retards I have to put my life in their hands and hope they either switch lanes or slow down to let me merge at 60+ MPH

>You know, the cocksuckers who come to a complete stop and "line up" to merge on the congested highway.
i have never seen or heard of this until now

Nope. Studies were done on it.

They concluded that waiting to merge by riding out the end of the lane was safer because it allows more acceleration, more time for the "through" traffic to make accomodating gaps for the mergers, prevents coming to a dead stop on the highway (often a factor in collisions), and reduced the queue waiting time.

Late merging is how you ARE supposed to merge. That's why the lane is so long.

Forced merging is bad design. There should be a dedicated right lane for merging in and merging out of the highway.

Roundabouts are objectively superior from a traffic congestion and safety standpoint.

Speed limits are retarded.

Motorcyclists. I like to fuck with them

pls don't bully me when I get my C90 I just want to look chic on 100 MPG

Highbeams, or especially bright headlights.

They're dangerous and annoying.

When I was younger, I rode the left lane, always speeding up to be behind the person in front of me. Now I'm getting older and staying in the middle lane (many NJ highways have 3 lanes). Nothing is more annoying than just trying to go the speed limit and drive safe at night when some asshole is riding my ass in the middle lane with high beams on. I didn't know I could flip up my rear view mirror until a month ago when my wife's son showed me. I usually drop speed to like 30 where they get so pissed off they'll just go around me.

Bonus round - car alarms. Living in the city with car alarms is a nightmare. They go off all the time and no one does a thing about them. They should do away with them.

Might be a good idea if there weren't occasionally exit ramps on the inner most sides.

Trying to exit in the inner lane and decelerate from +100mph to the ~40mph that's safe on an off ramp would cause all kinds of accidents.

This, replace maximum speed limits with minimum speed limits

Yeah, I'm not convinced. Feel free to link these studies, and if they're credible and conclusive then I'll eat crow -- really, I will -- but that's not how I was taught and a couple minutes of googling finds no clear consensus. That is to say: I have no problem believing you that there are studies out there that agree with you, but I'm not convinced that they're either the last word or the only word on the subject, although I'm sure, as someone who prefers to zip to the end of the lane, that finding studies supporting you was very satisfying.

I'm also curious where you live. My metropolitan area stands pretty near the top of most of the "America's biggest traffic shitfucks" lists and your description of merging bears little resemblance to how it often actually plays out in my experience.

Why don't niggers just get in the left lane while I barrel down the fucking ramp??

I live in arizona. Not gonna walk or ride a bike in 110 degrees F.






just wait till you are the one dead ok. example is in the news today.

>Might be a good idea if there weren't occasionally exit ramps on the inner most sides.
I have never seen this, except for the I40/I85 split in North Carolina, which isn't really an exit as much as it's just two interstate highways splitting after being merged for a short stretch.

I know that feel with highbeams, either pass me you faggot or fuck off with your lights. Thankfully my work truck has four massive LED floods on the tailgate, so thats not a problem anymore.

>my wife's son


Driving tests are bullshit. They are designed to see if you understand the laws but lack severely on competency.

>>Wife's son

Who cares about the environment, we are going to create a novel idea to fix it in the next decade or two. Use cheap energy while you can for your convenience so we can transition into a higher state of knowledge and understanding.

Fuck the environment. I'm only gonna live like 80 years if I'm lucky. The fuck do I care if I am hurting the environment thousands of years in the future?

Those faggots should have the technology by then to undue any damage we have done. Humans will eventually have full control over the Earth.

> I blow by them on the right,
You're not supposed to pass on the right

To be fair, if Google has their way, it will be illegal for humans to drive in 25 years. You'll still have to pay insurance premiums for owning a robot though.

People without cruise control.

Well, cars without cruise control

Driving laws should be dictated by the entity that owns the road.

of course if you see an opportunity to merge earlier, by all means, take it

what OP is talking about is people who slow down to a crawl or even stop in the merge lane waiting for a chance to get over. it's dumb because you'll find merging easier if you've matched the speed of traffic.

Banning bikes from all roads. They drive me insane esspecially in the city when I gotta go to work. some grandma driven along the roads and not getting off when the lights change.

>Studies were done
>Lists no sources

Okay so I'll just take your word for it then. Oh wait you're just gonna tell me to google it no fuck you if you're gonna claim something as true then provide sources

Yeah, I don't understand why bicycles are allowed on the road.

You know what's funny is I read that someone in my city recently got a DUI on a bicycle. How could the cop even find that out? The person didn't sign a contract like the rest of us did when getting a driver's license. Why would he have to consent to any sort of alcohol test?

Also, what defines "driving" a bicycle? Just sitting on the seat? With a car you are driving it if the engine is on. It's clear. When the fuck is someone "driving" a bicycle and therefore able to get a DUI? Just sitting on the seat on the sidewalk?

I'm terrified of doing this. I always go slow on the ramp, because the lane I'm entering into usually ends quickly, and I'd hate to have to choose between side-swiping someone and hitting the barrier. People here drive 80mph bumper-to-bumper. What am I supposed to do?

shouldn't it be outer most? passing Lane

People who dont seem to get the whole point of an acceleration lane. Speed up when you get in it, not when you are about to get out.

>With a car you are driving it if the engine is on.
Not really. You can get fucked if you are in the drivers seat (or alone in the car) drunk.

How are we supposed to get your attention, so you can see us giving you the finger, if we can't blow the horn? You can't hear us shouting "you stupid asshole" over your blasting stereo.

Come home white man

get better at driving you pussy

I don't think anyone I know really uses cruise control, I use it all the time it's just great.

take away any responsibility of drivers to slow down for pedestrians who aren't on a crosswalk or in a parking lot.

nothing makes me angrier than someone yelling at me because I barely saw them and narrowly avoided killing them.

Im driving a vehicle that has 100 times less maneuverability and limited sight lines, and you get mad when I barely stop/swerve/slow down fast enough to keep myself from hitting you in an are that you shouldnt even be in.

If someone chooses to cross the street, thats fine. look both ways, use your judgement, cross safely, but dont assume that because you're dumb enough to step onto the road that you can leisurely stroll across and expect to be fine.

What if no one lets me merge? What if the person who should let me merge doesn't know my lane is ending?

This is a serious issue.





No idea what you're talking about

Do you know Sup Forums?

Drive a mile in his eyes before you judge leaf


2, 3, 1

2, 3, 1.
2 can just turn right without crossing any other cars. 3 has the right away over 1 because 1 has a yield sign


>mfw this thread

>What pisses you off about driving, Sup Forums?

People who think flashers are optional. Especially at crowded intersections where they have multiple possible ways to turn.

Even worst if I'm biking on the tranquil suburb streets. People think because there are no other cars around, it's fine for them not to use their flashers. It really isn't.


almost cashed into a semi today cause the fucker wouldnt slow down or change lanes. Apparentely his exit was 1/4th of a mile away so instead of slowing down and going behind me he cut me off and flew down the exit ramped. Adrenaline for the rest of the 3 hour trip.

I once went right on red across two lanes into a left turn, with plenty of clearance for the other guy. Nonetheless he honked for several seconds, got into the other turn lane and passed me like a bat out of hell, then rolled his window down, stuck his arm out, flipped me the finger and waved his hand around.

Good times.

>try to engage cruise control after a long work day
>cheeky computer won't engage
>it almost never engages above 60mph

Better image

Lay on your horn and flash your lights like a madman because assholes can't into traffic efficiency


And people who follow closer than 3 car lengths.

All of your complaints are symptoms of bigger problems.... No women and no spics allowed to drive.

Shit would be like the fucking jetsons.

2, since 2 is going straight.
3, since it's to the right
1 last

I would just outright ban all cars and trucks and make people walk everywhere.

>people who don't use their turn signals

>What pisses you off about driving, Sup Forums?
Nothing anymore. As long as you don't have expectations exceeding what is probable, shit doesn't bother you as much.

Humans are just animals. Freeway drivers prove that.

Would I be held liable if someone failed to let me in?

>that goddamn fucking flag
>them bantz

You never disappoint me Aussiebro.

I think the speed limit on freeways should be raised. Most people ignore it anyways and cars and roads have gotten a lot safer since the 70's.

I hate people who go 65 in the left lane and refuse to move to the right, then either speed up or change lanes to cut me off when I try to pass them after signaling and waving and all sorts of bullshit.

In general, the average American city needs an infrastructure overhaul. Too many stop signs where there should be lights. Too many roads that have become busy in the 40 years since they were built yet are still one lane, with intersections where you wait two or even three light changes to cross. Too many old traffic signals without dedicated turn lanes or sensors that were timed based on traffic patterns in the 70's.

I think of it as like two gears meshing.

I think it's still technically on you for running in to them
But they're the asshole that didn't leave adequate zipper room

Tailgaters, left lane hoggers, speed limit riders, semi trucks passing on a 4 lane, people waiting until the last minute to merge in a lane reduction, southerners driving in snow/ice. Fuck.

rap being blasted
blacks on the road
teens texting while driving
dumbasses weaving through traffic without a care for motorcycles

Just picked up a 2010 rt recently. Can't imagine what troubled get in with a hellcat.

The police not instantly arresting anyone who swings their tiny car out when making a left turn and dickheads who reverse onto a main road

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, In Australia we have like 200-300 meters of road to merge from.

It really doesn't fucking matter when I merge as long as there are gaps and people let me in and I couldn't care less about late mergers because I've seen fuckwits run out of road and come to a complete stop before merging...

When you're trying to cross the street in a busy queue of traffic and people still won't stop edging forward to let you through.

>allows time for traffic to adjust

When the fuck has any American moved over to let someone on to the highway?

3, 1, 2.

3 goes first because his car is the biggest and the other two will be scared of him, which means he has right of way.

1 goes next because 2 also has a yield sign and you always have to yield to the traffic on your right.

2 is last.

>stereo system in my car can get decently loud
>single 8" sub for extra bass
>play music loud while rolling around town because I don't get to play it loud at home due to bitchy neighbors