how does anyone believe this crap? why do you just follow the bible, written by corrupt people that used it as a way to literally set the growth of humanity back by...a millennium? furturama quite possibly be what life would be like today if not for the catholic church killing everyone that disobeyed "god" or debunked some "truth" written in the bible.
and how can there be new testaments? if the bible was written by god, or the scribe of god, how the fuck can there be new editions? i mean, seriously? people make fun of the mormon religion and yet discount edits made to the bible? god chooses one person that is chosen by OTHER PEOPLE to be the one true voice of god? how can this even make sense?
on a side note: ever heard of the crusades? you really want to go to a place where a god condones that? or condones outright murder? i mean, that's some fucked up shit.
i can't think of a more accurate depiction of what heaven and hell could be like than how it is depicted in south park with respect to satan being all chill.
i could go on and on about the flaws and shit about religion and how much it's fucked over humanity, but i won't. i'll just say that you can say hi to god for me because i'll probably go to hell. either that or i'll go to heaven because he/she knows i'm right.
what was i talking about again? oh yeah, thanks for setting humanity back by 1000 years by abusing the bible to control the wealth and free will of humans to the extent that we made no progress as a species during the reign of the catholic church.
sorry, not sorry.