Let's Play a Game

Hello, Sup Forums. I want to do an experiment involving debating. I will be the liberal voice in this thread (DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT ACTUALLY A LIBTARD), while you guys try to debate me on a certain topic.

The topic today is: Is Islam hurting America?

And, go.

I think that its hypocritical how Islam is being ridiculed for being homophobic when CHRISTIANITY isn't. Double standard, much?

Christianity has evolved with the times, and while most Christians do still hate gays, they dont actively hunt and kill them, as Muslims do.

I tried.

op is kill

Christianity never evolves people's interpretation does

Most Muslims don't actively hunt and kill LGBT members, your argument is invalid.

(If I seem like I'm acting like a cuck, then good.)

New testament

But what about in Muslim countries, where gays are thrown off of roofs?

Are you retarded


Also, why is my argument invalid? I need more info than that

Those are extremists, much like the Westboro Church and the KKK, who were CHRISTIAN.

Westboro Church aren't extremist they are just following the bible correctly

But those extremists were disavowed(I cant think of the right word here, so disavowed it is) by normal sects of Christians, whereas these radical muslims are praised

Even muslims who consider themselves "moderates" still believe that gays should be put to death, as outlined in their holy book

Oh of course they're extremists, unlike in, say, the much more moderate Saudi Arabia or Iran where they just hang the faggots.

By the way how many faggots has Westboro Baptist Church hanged?

Really in the end this thread is trash and so are you OP.

Enh, its a way to polish arguments for real world interactions with libcucks

But for fucking real, post more, Op, thread is kill

A bigoted Bible, where many non-LGBT verses are written and still practiced today.

By who? ISIS? They ARE the radicals themselves, of course they would. And the Islamic public doesn't support it, besides the minority of bigoted males that we see in Christianity as well!

If the WBC had power, they definitely would hang gays, user.

(Also, good insults)

There is nothing bigoted about the bible.
Most Christians are minorities so you are racist to minorities

As I stated previously, muslims who identify as "moderate" still support the eradication of gays. Also, as you are bringing the argument around to gender, what say you of Islams terrible treatment of women?

>two smal organizations
>entire nations
Do you see the difference here?

Maybe minorities in undeveloped countries, but not in western countries, where we're supposed to be diverse. ITS 2016, PEOPLE.

If an Islamic women wishes to be treated that way, then they will stay a Muslim woman. We have to respect a fair lady's decision, especially if they're a minority.

(God it fucking hurts typing this liberal bullshit)

Once again, if those groups had the power, don't you think they would carry out these acts as well?

I somewhat doubt that these women want to be forced to cover up, never speak against their husbands, and be stoned to death

The Bible says that womyn are lower than men and many Christian womyn are still Christian. I don't see a problem with Islam!

But this is not PRACTICED by Christians anymore. In islam however, it is very commonplace

Fuck it, I need to sleep because I have work, but good job everyone.

If anyone else wants to carry on as the royal cuckold, go ahead.

Sorry for being a fag :(

Nah, it was fun.

Might do this again sometime, gnight