how do we solve unemployment? please post something besides "gill all de næéds :ÐÐÐÐ"
Oi foktards
>how do we solve unemployment?
Allow businesses, big and small, to grow so that they need to hire more employees.
What is the real unemployment rate anyway? Between the beltway and the schizos, I'm SoL figuring it out.
For a start, how about a return to more localized agriculture. Quit subsidizing industrial farming and tell the USDA to fuck off when it comes to enforcing regulations that are geared towards mega-farms on small farms where they flat out don't make sense. Not only could that provide a lot of jobs, it makes our food supply more resilient in the long run. You'll get better tasting food if the people growing it have to meet the people eating it too.
Illegals are affecting the labor supply. Aggressively target businesses that hire illegals with law enforcement, IRS auditing, fraud investigations, and name&shaming/boycotts. And deport illegals. There will be a lot of demand for labor then, wages will increase, working conditions will be improved, and it will trickle up the labor pool. Also rents will go down.
Go to war, send all the dumbasses and dropouts first
t. College student that's unemployed.
Make it illegal to be unemployed.
Around 25%
Manual labor. Get into carpentering, welding, plumbing or any other profession like that. You can do odd jobs and be your own boss.
Don't let people fool you into thinking that you need higher education to be happy. You don't NEED any of that. The only thing that matters is that you are able to pay the bills and that you enjoy what you do.