I'm genuinely curious pol; what leads an African American to start thinking like this an believing in such things? What was going through the mind of the person who created this when he did? Where did this whole "we wuz egyptians movement spring from, and why has it gained such popularity?
I'm genuinely curious pol; what leads an African American to start thinking like this an believing in such things...
they wished they had a actual legacy to look on
That's Mexican culture!!!!
>le olmec wuz afrikangs meme
>Egypt is in the continent of Egypt
>Negroids are also spawned from a different region of the continent of Egypt
>therefore we are the same
The simple truth is that most plebs don't actually know where different races live, they think all of Africa is occupied by Negroids and they don't know that Indians and Middle Easterners are Caucasian, it's frustrating.
Vader was a stahlhelm ripoff.
Its quite sad that no Africans other than Ethiopians have a proud history to look back on....
fucking niggers
Well, yeah
I guess that's the reason Luke grew up without a dad
You know what's funny? This has caused black people to start "culturally appropriating" shit that originates from actual Egyptians.
Also this.
Look at their history in America. It's all slavery and being shit on for the most part. Obviously nobody wants to look back and say "hey, this is the history of my people. I'm so proud!", so they latch on to actual African history to appease their deep-seated insecurity and depression.
Part of me sympathizes and feels bad for them, the other wants to tell them to get the fuck over it and look to the future instead of the past.
>Nigs stealing Spic culture
Desperation is an ugly thing.
Mexican culture was stolen off Africans.
Niggs will believe all kinds of goofy shit.
to be fair its probably not actual niggers making it
ive made a bunch of images like this and years ago we used to have threads where we made twitters accounts pretending to be niggers, women, etc and added each other
sadly sjws started infiltrating Sup Forums so we stopped
not saying they arent retarded just saying might be a friendly Sup Forumsack
>what leads an African American to start thinking like this an believing in such things?
1) A deeply embedded inferiority complex
2) Lack of a well documented family lineage and culture to latch on to
3) Varying degrees of exposure to black nationalist revisionist history, a common source being the Nation of Islam
4) Having a sub 80 IQ
>why has it gained such popularity?
Access to the internet.
>that Olmec head
>DarthVader not inspired by nazis instead dindu statue
They'd essentially be saying that they inspired the design of the villain.
Which is weird because to say that you'd need to say that you or your culture was more evil than nazis in order to be their main inspiration for the evil galactic empire.
I've unironically heard people say this sort of stuff, I really hope it is just some anons trolling.
It's an inferiority complex. They honestly can't believe they're such a shit species, so they need to believe they were once great but there's a vast conspiracy to keep them down. People also need to have hope. Without "WE WUZ KANGS", what do they have? Nothing.
It's a american thing. They also do the We Wuz, but they do it by grouping "white" inventions, including the europeans ones.
The movement seems so ridiculous becasue it's grouping american mentality with incredibly low intelect that niggers possess
I made a lot of them too. We used to have #blackfact threads.
It's funny because they're so laughably gullible.
I think pic related is a Syrian special unit from some time during the cold war, predating star wars
Definitely not based on the sphinx
yes yes very good
Just proof that the mayans were blacks who came over from africa.
This screenshot justifies a race war.
Olmeca heads are from the prehispanic civilization called the olmecas not from niggers
And vader is based on samurai armors.
What are niggers even doing
Probably because the racial distinction 'negroid' is considered a naughty word.
'Black' is far too ambiguous, and 'African' isn't specific enough.
>has limited knowledge of African history
>but there is nothing else!
Ethiopia was the birth place of Humanity.
The Africans have Mansa Musa, as well as
the bottom is south american, not african. what the fuck is wrong with niggers
If African history were properly taught in academia, none of this would have to happen. Since there is a lot of deliberately misleading or missing information, its harder to disseminate what is and isn't real.
>What are niggers even doing
Being niggers.
Yes, we are only allowed to say Caucasian, and that word was hijacked to only apply to European Caucasians, which even further distorts reality. How are we to speak of the races of Humanity with such a limited Vocabulary? Without Negroid or Mongoloid?
Gulags --> Auschwitz
Jews erase white history --> Whites erase black history
Whites do this to a degree too like the infamous "muh Irish heritage"and shit.
Really when you have such a country that is the most boiled down melting pot in the universe people tend to cling on to anything so they can identify and belong somewhere.
Unfortunately we don't belong anywhere we're just grasping at straws since the US has not really been around long enough to define itself as a unique heritage like the countries of old.
But between made up shit like roots, dumb nigger intellect and nothing more to claim to than slavery blacks are overreaching it insanely.
It's a trap op. They keep this 'WE WUZ KINGS' meme up so that it becomes hard to deny white people are behind it and then guess what. Niggers are gonna be used as an army again some nigger will be killed some nigger pastor yells through a microphone and they will sell cheap egyptian headgear before they start destroying and burning shit 'WE WUZ KANGGGGGGSS BITCHES' it's disgusting. Atleast we white people get to have some fun and it's not like shit like this wasn't gonna happen they gave us a free meme which is not so bad. Not like they aren't gonna oogabooga.
They WUZ KANGS. They made everything ever all over the world, apparently.
Thats an olmec head on the bottom.
We wuz mexicans n shiet
>his story
part of me thinks that's intentional; one of those 'etymological breakdowns' of words with no regard for the words actual roots
>his story
>HIS story
>Who is he? Well...just look in the books and you'll see
I know everybody knows this is bullshit, but the bearskin hat dates back to the early 1700s as denoting grenadier companies in Infantry battalions
Grenadier originally used taller hats to make them more imposing (they used to be taller men than regular companies as well) and the hats were narrow because in the early period grenadiers actually threw grenades, the throwing motion would knock off a wide - brimmed or tricorn hat like normal musketeers wore. They stopped using grenades by the mid - 18th century but they kept the tall, narrow hats.
Several armies used the bearskin cap, including the French who still used it in the time of napoleon
Only the bongs kept using it to the current day though
much history, such pride
a fucking mud hut
>lists puppet-states set up by Arabs to export slaves and ivory across the Sahara
Every time
A fancy mud hut, though. As fancy as mud huts come, really.
>Middle East and South America are now Africa
>Blacks apparently ruled over both now
What goes through their minds that makes this remotely possible or have they literally never looked at a map to realize?
oh wow, some sand castles in 1200 ad
Genuinely cool to learn user, thanks
Probably the general narrative pushed by the media, dumbass.
egyptians were northern african, thats it. you can seperate them into regions
Some black lives matter activist or famous black probably said it so now they're all repeating it. Funny thing is, they were used by the Egyptian military in its conquests against the Syrians as soldiers. They were practically used as slaves for fodder. It's shameful on Egypt's part but definitely nothing to be proud of.
i didn't think humans existed in 35000 bc, well fuck me sideways
Love how Black people were the original people in EVERY land
Guess all the other races were just spawned from the ground with a sword already in hand ready to destroy the proud, peaceful and advanced black people
Because for the first half of their existance here we actively got rid of all culture so they wouldn't unite and revolt every 5 minutes and then when we freed them we told them to get their own culture so since they're incapable of actually creating anything beyond gangsta rap they just started taking other cultures and justifying it with the we wuz argument
>gangsta rap
>Invented by niggers
You really think they invented anything?
humans have existed for 200k years?
I'm trying to throw them whatever bone I can find fampai. It's the only thing that actively effects their (((culture)))
Requesting the Tray-Tray picture with cursive text on it. You know the one.
>Egypt is all of Africa
>the Sphinx is all of Africa
>the Olmec are/were in Africa
>the trans-Atlantic slave trade imported any people from Egypt
>Ancient Egyptians, from Northern Africa, were Sub-Saharan Africans
>Pharaoh Ramesses II, an indigenous Egyptian, (unlike the Libyans, Nubians, and Greeks on their thrones) wasn't a white-skinned natural redhead
The Sapiens are around 150-200 thousand years old like the Neandertal. While the oldest (considered and found) hominid is almost 2 million years old.
Because for a black person who is getting educated looks around and see's how frail and pathetic white civilizations have become it's hard to imagine these people actually conquered anything.
>Posts ancient Central American sculpture
It's just a dumb nigger's comment. You're looking too far into bud
>White culture
We aren't living in white culture anymore. We are taking it back though.
Modern humans have existed for around 200 000 years
That was my point. How can anyone think that whites conquered anything with the way they're behaving now.
It reminds of that "The Lion" video though, who knows.
wow really makes u think huh
>smug ass expression
>delusions illustrated
>terrible attempt to draw a sloped as fuck monkey nigger skull
>Mayans were black
Their math and the fact that they domesticated staple crops seem to suggest otherwise.
That shit's Olmec as fuck.
The exact same reason why the BLM movement is so huge and why they think Trump is racist. In other words, they'll believe anything they hear as long as it appeals to their emotions and fits their narratives.
>Mexican "culture"?
You are Spain's rape babies.
>What are niggers even doing
there's hilarious black nationalist propaganda claiming that advanced African tribes were in South America and made the Olmec statues. No fucking joke.
It's pretty tame on wikipedia, but you should hear some niggas GO ON AND ON.
Bullshit. Y'all niggaz best get #woke. Seek out the wisdom of Ascended Master Yakub Ali. Unlock the power of the third eye. Learn to burn the white devil ice monster with your mind.
Cameras sure as fuck didn't.
>Since there is a lot of deliberately misleading or missing information, its harder to disseminate what is and isn't real.
You can thank black nationalists for that. They've made up a whole lot of stupid shit over the years.
What did the books actually say?
Giving blacks education resulted in some of the funniest shit, hahaha.
They HAD kings. They were overwhelmingly slaves.
Que pedo, thats an olmeca head.
Fucking niggers.
Goddamn it Sup Forums, everyday I hear more and more of this WE WUZ bullshit on kikebook, even people that I thought were alright are riding the kangz train
Obviously Vader is based off a samurai
It is time for neo/pol/itans to rediscover the black israelites
there is literally hundreds of hours of this shit on youtube. i love their vambraces. off-brand wwe-lookin' niggas lol.
All I see is cobra commander fampai.
Honestly, it's hard to call Egypt African, even though geographically it is. In terms of culture, Egypt is different from all of Africa in that it hasn't been a shit hole characterized by warlords, genocides, and anarchy like the rest of Africa. It may be a middle eastern (islamic, often) shit hole, but at least it has a rich history unlike the rest of Africa. To characterize Africa as being like Egypt is not only silly, but just dishonest (but hey, who's surprised?).
> and why has it gained such popularity?
People would like to believe they are special and not common like everyone else. Nevermind that even among white people, so few of us were kings at any point, every black person must come from a family that at one point had a monarch (though with the infighting, genocides, and wars Africa has had, this could be, but it in't something to be proud of).
Black Africa with the Notabeln exception of Ethiopia never had a high standing culture. That leads African Americans (mostly from West Africa and descendants of slaves to the Europeans and Arabs) to appropriate as much culture als possible.