*drops mic*

Other urls found in this thread:

lurk more, newfag

How many people were killed in the name of Christ this week?

Why don't you get HIV, fuck off and rot in a gutter?

I really don't feel like quoting the Quran, meanwhile you will not find a single homophobic word from Jesus Christ

And when Paul spoke about sodomy to the Greeks and Galatians, he was referring to boy fucking. Ask yourself, is it wrong to be against child molestation? How about the one where Jesus said all are one with Christ whether Jew, Gentile, Roman, Hellenic, slave or master?

To act in a hateful manner is to directly go against Christianity. To act in a hateful manner is prescribed by Islam.

Mic remains firmly in hand.

Why should I care about random people being killed?


They don't, so why should we?

Why do leftards always compare Mudslimes and ISIS to Westboro? Do they really think holding a few signs up at funerals is the same thing as throwing people off buildings?

When has the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church killed lots of people recently? KKK aint worth shit anymore and WBC is just a joke for most people.

Yeah, I SHOULD be able to.
Problem is I can't because literally every Muslim quietly supports the radicals.

>KKK doesn't exist
>proddies are heretics
not an argument

Shit, when is the last time the KKK killed anyone? I'm trying to track down the last time the KKK killed a Black man and the most recent one I could find was Michael Donald in 1981.

Meanwhile, here are some fried chicken deaths:

Ernest Hart:

Darwin Perez Gonzalez:

Stabbing, but not death:

So unless there was a Black killed by the KKK in the last 35 years, you can say fried chicken has killed more Blacks since then.

Difference between KKK/WBC and ISIS is that the latter is literally following the core tenets of Islam which is subjugation and forcible conversion.

KKK is about "Preserving the White Race"

WBC are just anti-homosexuality OT followers which for the record OT was tossed out when Christ came into the picture.

Who denies that the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church are part of Christianity?

This is like the third time this thread has been made today.

*nods respectfully*

Nah OP; all fucking religion is corrupt.

You can't tell the difference.

Holy fuck the sentence
"Meanwhile here are some fried chicken deaths" slayed me.


That would be implying that the KKK is the literal adaptation of the Bible, like ISIS is for the Quran.

Eat shit newfag

thats such bullshit
1.westboro was founded by a civil rights activist and they never killed a gay person ever
2.KKK was founded in the name of the confederacy and when it started lynching black people the founder himself burned all the records and condemned the very organization he founded
*drops mic*

>Meanwhile, here are some fried chicken deaths:

These faggots will be the first to die when the "Religion of Peace" comes here.

The Bible DOESN'T say to lynch black people.

The Quran DOES say to kill infidels.

My bad on the Ernest Hart link. Here it is:

>be fag
>go to Saudi place of welcome


>KKK killed nogs because they hated them
>Westboro goes to funerals to yell at people
>ISIS kills people and destroy treasures while yelling Allahu Ackbar



Christianity goes to great lengths to purge the violent ones from their flocks.

Islam defends them and says they're the real victims.


Way too much reading to counter argue.

Sup Forums cannot possibly recover

>Christian extremist
>Doesn't bake you a cake

>Muslim Extremist
>Cuts off your hands and throws you from a roof

Pick your poison, faglord.

Wow new Sup Forums is sexy with his hair grown out.

People who agree with WBC and KKK don't make up 90% of Christianity.

Stop replying to these threads you fucking retards

Sup Forums isn't a religious board.

Fuck them both.

If religion had never been invented weed be fucking space bitches and recalibrating our refuckulators on juniper with all the space weed we could imagine.

Considering just about every liberal in the USA actually does want to repeat the 1st amendment, yes. Yes they do think a religion that promotes throwing gays off a building to their death is just as bad as the legion of lawyers known as the Westboro

If we didn't have religion, how could we learn from our mistakes?

Whats even the KKK kill count a few thousands?


The KKK and Westboro don't kill people. Islam does so in accordance with their books, doctrines, ideology, and what their imams tell them. You can't separate islam from islam. Since the overwhelming majority of muslims in the world are diametrically opposed to all western values, there's no reason to make any concessions to cater to those who happen to discard more of their book than others.

>If religion had never been invented weed be fucking space bitches and recalibrating our refuckulators on juniper with all the space weed we could imagine.

People actually believe this too

Logic and history

All ready made this thread.

But by naming Christianity and the KKK and WBC in one sentence they're already not separating it.

The KKK and Westboro have maybe like a few thousand members combined? Also the KKK and Westboro aren't killing people.

>The kkk is like 1000 people who haven't murdered anyone in like 20 years
>wbc is like 40 people who hold offensive signs
>ISIS has practically taken over and ruined a country of 20 million and kills 100s of people every week. Btw they have 150,000 people

Sage goes in all fields

>Common Gay Boy

You are a fucker and are intentionally twisting scripture.

Romans 1:27 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

It's clearly talking about equal individuals, men with men, not boy fucking.

>To act in a hateful manner is to directly go against Christianity.

Romans 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
>abhor - regard with disgust and hatred

You aren't a Christian you feel-good filth. Stop distorting the pure word of God, or face Hell.

science didnt burn the books during the dark ages or ban candles because it was considered black magic.

But SJWS equate the KKK and WBC with Christianity all the time. It's one of the most popular things brought up when somebody tries to defend Christianity.

Here's the problem with that correlation:

One of those religions is relatively passive and more obnoxious than threatening. The other is fucking Islam, which is dominated by an anti-everything-that-isn't-Islam mindset.

Opinion discarded.

Reditors are really, really this fucking retarded

Be a christian act like jesus nothing bad happens
Be muslim act like mohammed whst happens ...?

Take whatever position you wish, but do not claim to be Christian. Sexual degeneracy and the cheapening of romantic love might not be inline with Jesus' message of moderation and forgiveness, but throwing stones or sword blades at those that do is also not inline with the message of Jesus.

Don't be a degenerate, but don't condemn those that do. They're being punished as we speak by being condemned to having each relationship they experience feel hollow and empty. They will never know true love, that is a curse worse than any picture of hell you can conjure.

Have you ever quoted anyone except Paul? Now quote Jesus, go on, do it, tell me he didn't say to love your enemies.

Paul is neither the messiah, nor was he an apostle or prophet. Who the fuck do you think Paul was? A Christian persecutor.

>implying I do

The fucking Church was preserving everything from the fall of Rome meticulously, along with promoting scientific pursuit, as long as they can at least give the proofs, which Galileo did not do (his shit was eventually published BY THE EVIL CHRISTIAN CHURCH)

Also, the guy who became the father of modern anatomy wasn't targeted by the Church, but by fellow doctors and scientists. The church didn't care, as he had the proofs.

When the common cold comes and goes it leaves no damages. Just a bump in your day if you address it.

When a cancer spreads through your body. You must eradicate it and kill every last cancer cell or else if you lie and wait hoping your antibodies will out the cancer, you're only waiting for your death.

the KKK and westboro are much fucking smaller and much less fucking violent

post of the year

kkk are religious and racists
isis is full religious

You fool, it was you who brought up Paul's writings in the first place, and intentionally distorted them. I corrected your false interpretation. Seeing as you saw no problem in quoting Paul then, I can't understand why you have a problem with me quoting Paul now.

Furthermore, Paul was an apostle, as he was sent by God to preach His word, without whom countless gentiles would have been deprived of the Good News and nearly half the New Testament would not exist. For you to eternally condemn him as a persecutor of Christians goes against the truth of his conversion as evidenced in the book of Acts, written by Luke. Paul was an accepted member of the Church, and his conversion upon seeing the resurrected Christ was recognized as legitimate.

low quality b8

KKK hasnt done shit since the 80's, Westboro is a bunch of retarded crybabies that scream "homosex bad"

Prep bull OP

how's the island?

MFW you separate ISIS from Islam and Islamic countries are still beheading women for the crime of witchcraft and stoning adulterers to death

Both religions are toxic and mankind has been choking on both for far too long.

Now what?

Problem with that is moderate Muslims sentiment is on par with the Westbro faggots.

americans on the internet and on the media talk so much about the KKK, most euros think they're a massive underground hate crime syndicate who organize several daily mass lynchings across the nation.


The KKK is literally non existing in America.

I mean just Google their official website. It looks like a fucking geocities page from the 90s.

i do not seperate KKK and such from christianity. I dont seperate ISIS from Islam. They do the stuff because they take shit seriously. It is caused by religion.

But keep in mind that those groups pose different levels of threat to our western society. also keep in mind that radical christians are a minority in western society while radical muslims in muslim countries are not. Its not the extremist terrorists which are in fact a minority of muslims that make islam incopmpatiple with the west, its the majority of muslims with radical views like wanting sharia to rule and are in favor of hounor killings that make it incompatible.

I don't see the KKK or WBC blowing themselves up, you idiot.

they can't though. sjws always bring up the kkk for that exact argument. he's doing it right now actually

Holy fuck


Yea because being mean and protesting = blowing yourself up and killing people in mass shootings

Any group that isn't obedient to God's perfect law is separate from Christianity.

Many people are not able to separate the Westboro Baptist Church from Christianity.

>gay dude defending islam

man why. seriously what the fuck is wrong with people. If we replaced all the Christians with Muslims in the US then gay marriage would still be illegal which wouldn't even be a problem because gay people would still be in the closet from getting executed daily.

The KKK has never been Christian.
Westboro is, and nobody has ever denied it.

The difference is Westboro pickets cemeteries while ISIS fills them.

*drops hook*

If only the church didn't found all those universities, we'd be exploring the galaxies by now.

The kkk and westboro have far less death on their hands, dipshit.

KKK was like 50k at its highest membership and is down to like 150 today, not even comparable to ISIS or "extremist muslims"

When is the last time the KKK actually did something other than stand around and jerk each other off? 60 years ago?

two can play that game

thanks Ragnar

wow I hate conservatives now

We should really do more to counter this KKK is Christian meme.
It was about race not religion.

GIFs for me are slow until the play through once
Your gif cycled through slowly then rapidly, fuckin awesome.

Muslims are supposed to view Muhammad as a role model, and according to Islam, Muhammad never made mistakes.

>What did Muhammad do, then?

He executed people. Drove non-muslims from the arabian peninsula. Had more sex slaves than his own revelations allowed. Robbed the Maccan caravans to support his wars. Raped people. Took his own adopted son's wife to himself and claimed "God" told him to.

Find similar things Jesus did, I dare you. And then we'll talk, Jake.



Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus who tought peace and tolerance. Islam follows Muhammed a pedophilic warlord.

Most of Jesus' life is absent in the Bible. Like pretty much all of it.

I just fucking hate faggots like that. The KKK doesn't attack niggers anymore or does anything that is remotly 'christian supremacist', the Bapitist shurch doesn't do shit to anyone unlike ISIS which kills people on a daily-fucking-basis.

It's like people comparing Buko Haram today to the Crusades 1000 years ago.

Exactly, which is why there are no texts that christians can point at to justify being a fucking idiot to other people.

It doesn't matter if Jesus was a warmongering, cannibalistic child rapist white supremacist masochist. As long as nobody knows it, it doesn't matter.

In this Islam case, we know Muhammad did X and Y, which leads to the conclusion Z being he was en evil man speaking to an evil crowd.

Except ISIS takes direction for the Quran, the KKK/Westboro are heretical.

Until an Imam shows people publically that ISIS is un-islamic going point by point, nobody will believe it.

The Quran is consered literally the word, its not open to interpretation other than the literal.

Few months ago the leader endorsed clinton, so there's that, kek

Ok lets separate ISIS from Islam, now there are still Taliban and Al Qaeda, plus countless "moderates"

How many christian terrorist organizations can you name?

If only that were true...