Reporting from inside the Trump campaign today confirms that Trump has narrowed down his VP choice to either Newt Gingrich or Chris Christie. What do you think of these choices, Sup Forums? Who do you choose?

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I honestly want Gingrich

>inb4 he is establishment and Trump assassination

Anyone so long as taconiggers are deported a mehico

please newt

please not manservant

I want Webb. Please Kek, let it happen

The conservatives stopped him from getting webb..They are still divided because they want an establishment VP

If he chooses Gingrich, he's throwing the election and greatly increasing his chances of getting JFK'd if he does somehow win. The guy is a likability disaster.

Krispy Kreme doesn't offer any EC advantage and has muh bridgegate.

Why the hell would he go for either?

he needs an insider with experience.

Gingrich and Cristie are both fine choices. Personally I'd go with Christie seeing as he was the first main-stream politician to endorse Trump. That was a pretty big deal.

Why does he give a fuck what they want? They're already conspiring to change convention rules to unbind all the delegates.. and they got Romney to run 3rd party to sabotage Trump's chances...

Both of those choices are shit. I have been an avid Trump supporter up to this point, but if he selects either of them I can't guarantee I could vote for him.

Crispy will kill Trump to get a lifetime supply of tacos.

It was his plan all along.