How does Sup Forums feel about this Obongo quote?
How does Sup Forums feel about this Obongo quote?
D.C. here. If he wants to fuck off to Canada I would personally be willing to pay for his plane ticket. The sooner the better desu.
And I think he should kill himself. Opinions are fun.
>How does Sup Forums feel about this Obongo quote?
I feel that in just a few months his ass will be out the door and he will be forbidden by law from ever assuming this office again.
That is what I feel.
How long can Trudeau stay in office again?
This faggot just came to our Parliament for some okey doke speech and the liberal cunts chanted "FOUR MORE YEARS" and clapped like the retarded downies they are.
How long can Trudeau stay in office?
He should move there and become pm
He's sweating a bit much there eh
Beneficial for him not beneficial for me.
I doubt he'll last that long. He'll either get blown up by a terrorist, get assassinated or die from internal bleeding from getting fucked too hard by a moose.
Canada's a cool guy who fights drunken injun doesn't afraid of anything.
But we both need to gas our leftists, fast.
No term limits for Canadian PM. So, until he dies.
You can tell that porch monkey to fuck off back to Kenya, Indonesia, or perhaps your lead drama teacher will take him in as refugee. Otherwise I stopped listening to anything this coon said eight years ago.
Forever and ever.
I mean, he's not wrong...
The world needs more chinks?
Why does everyone act like Canada is heaven on Earth?
They've never been here
>No term limits for Canadian PM.
Because outside of Trono and Vancouver, it absolutely is.
This makes me want to MAGA so hard.
Victoria is comfy as fuck.
Leftists don't know anything about the world and the only point of reference they have on Canada is that we're left leaning as such they have in their mind turned Canada into their fantasy land paradise.
>They've never been here
I have.
Everyone puts their bagged milk into their boot before riding off to play hockey.
Add Montreal to the list. Roadworks are absolute shit here. Bridges keep getting jammed.
Trudeau has the face of an angel. Angels come from heaven. It's common sense.
Leafbro, Can you make wonders out of this?
>How long can Trudeau stay in office again?
Depends on how stupid the public is, but I don't see him getting a 2nd run
By "the world" he actually means USA
by "needs more" he means we're about to launch a full scale invasion
so start practicing your new national anthem and get yourself a flag to put on your porch so the troops will be gentle with you when they roll through
His honeymoon isin't over yet.
Fuck off leaf
Lucifer was an angel at one time
>Go to Winnipeg
>Get stabbed
>Go to Saskatoon
>Get stabbed
>Go to St. John's
>Everyone is nice, but broke
>Go to Regina
>Get beheaded
>Go to Montreal
>Get accosted by arrogant francophone niggers
More like "outside of the cities (except maybe Ottawa and QCity) it's pretty good"
>get yourself a flag
Anyone else buy a Union Jack flag after the Brexit?
And Calgary. Basically outside of metropolis.
>pic related
Near where I live.
>>Go to St. John's
>>Everyone is nice, but broke
What is the story with this?
Genuinely curious? Everyone there is broke?
Canada should let Obama win.
There are no jerbs. The fish took them.
A slightly more serious answer is that the Maritimes have a pretty shitty economy, except for Newfoundland (which is where St. John's is, but it's not that rich compared to parts of ex. Edmonton or Toronto). Cost of living is low though.
Nigger don't make us capture your fucking fort again..
He's going to legalize weed and his continued office will be absolutely guaranteed. His third term will be put through by the grateful immigrant majority. After that, there will be no terms. You don't vote for your king.
>Arrogant francophone niggers
You mean Plateau hipsters?
Sounds sort of like West Virginia here, except without the maritime/fishing part. Everything, and I do mean everything, was based on coal mining.
Now that is dying, and the state with it.
roads may be shit, but i dont see any rag people here
>Capture our fort
>burn your whitehouse
i live in the plateau, and i only see jews and english white people here
I think US is pretty unique in It's term limits
I don't know, at least UK, Aus, Canada and NZ don't have term limits on their PM's
The liklihood that a PM lasts 8 years anyway is very slim though. We've only ever had 3 PM's that have gone for at least 8 years (16.5, 11.75, 8.75)
Very accurate.
Yeah, it's probably a decent comparison based on what I know about West Virginia (not much). The people in the Maritimes are well known for being very friendly, with good reason. The ones from rural areas are fucking incomprehensible though. I used to work with a bunch of Newfie welders who basically sounded like they were speaking another language if you weren't paying extremely close attention.
I don't know where they come from, I've only been to Montreal once. Some parts were nice.
We are trying to get congressional term limits now. Besides the president, many states have term limits on both governors and justices.
When I played hockey as a kid, we occasionally play Canadian teams and usually lost bad. Now, my 10-year-old plays hockey, and the American teams are usually as good or better than the Canadians his age.
>All those "eh's?"
I just hope your anthem is gender neutral.
There's a verse that references 'freemen' without acknowledging freewomen. Nobody ever sings it or even learns it, though.
>more doggie dicks, legal an hero'ing, and inept Somalian firefighters
I would like to see his head go back and to the left.
Other than that I have no opinion.
What did he literally fucking mean by this
change it to 'freeperson' or your army will face an insurgency that will make the Vietcong look like uneducated rice farmers.
Bonne Fête Nationale
sincerely: the soon to be independent nation of BC
idk m8, whenever I tell people about how he denied US and Russian aid for African firefighters that ended up going on strike, people dont seem pleased with Memedeau
>No term limit for Canadian PM
pretty sure it's a 3 term limit there, no need to panic.
but 12-15 years of trudeau is way too long
>Official Language: Mandarin
That's actually how they speak, lel. For reference, "how's she cutting?" = "how are you?" They have a bunch of shit like that, which nobody else says.
Had an unusually neutral poli-sci prof in Uni, teaching federal govt. Never expressed a preference to any party or ideology and was strictly business all semester.
For some reason though, he was passionately against congressional term limits, like it was the only political issue he ever cared about his whole life. Don't even remember why, but I have his reasons written down somewhere in my notes.
One term is already too long tbqh
>"how's she cutting?" = "how are you?"
Wait, what? Where the hell do they get that from?
>he was passionately against congressional term limits
That is just fucking bonkers.
Just looked it up, there's no official limit. So, if Trudeau lives til 80, we have at least 36 years of Trudeau left.
/thread. i hope Trudeau tries to unite muslims and gays by kissing a muslim man, and that man has a suicide vest on. Would be ultimate kek
I'm guessing its a sailing thing, lots of fishing in the Maritimes.
welp. time to drink bleach soon
unless this happens
I don't know, it's Irish. Maybe one of them can explain it. Maritimes are heavily Gaelic.
Read this shit if you want to get an idea of how much sense it makes if you're not from there
This was my first thought too but I'm pretty sure Irish people also say it.
We had one PM for 30 years burgerbro
He sucked the cock of pretty much every country it had to be our turn at some point
Yeah, can o' da whoop ass.
Even before we had term limits, FDR was the only president to be expected 3 times
I don't know how many presidents didn't run more than twice because they either respected ol George too much or just couldn't bear to be the president that long
Canadians and leftist Americans act like it because:
Most have never traveled abroad
They want progressiveness to be seen as the ideal
Non-Quebec Canada is actually pretty similar to the northern US, and Canadians get butthurt about it
You're a mong. If you listened to the speech he was calling on Canada to do its part with regards to NATO. You autismo sperglord.
- A Canuck Abroad
They forgot the comma. He said, "The world needs more, Canada." Can you deliver, Canada? Can you give the world more or not?
>no one actually read the speech, everyone has an opinion
Wew lads. He was actually criticizing Canada: in parliament. Blowbongo nailed it this one time.
>he was passionately against congressional term limits
If you look at Mexico where there's a one term limit on any office, it really just increases the strength of the party bosses.
Conceivably the longer you serve, the less money you should need to be reelected.
>everyone has an opinion
'Trudeau and Obama are cucks' isn't really an opinion.
I agree, I dislike both immensely, but Obama was telling Canadian politicians they aren't doing enough. He actually went into parliament, and said "look shitlords, start pulling your weight." The media (and autists like OP) have spun this as feelsgoodman.docx, but it isn't at all. ..... b-b-based Blowbongo?
He wasn't being very critical
>As your ally and as your friend, let me say that we'll be more secure when every NATO member, including Canada, contributes its full share to our common security. (Applause.) Because the Canadian armed forces are really good — (applause) — and if I can borrow a phrase, the world needs more Canada. NATO needs more Canada. (Applause.) We need you. We need you.
The only thing Canada doesn't do with NATO is spend the 2% on defense. Why does Obama care? Because we aren't buying the F35. America has a functioning army because it spends 8%. If we spent 2% we wouldn't be making NATO any stronger, just American defense companies richer.
10/10, saved, reblogged, notarized, etc.
I didn't say he wasn't polite about it.
There are other things you can do with 2% than buy that hunk of shit ebinplane.
I had to fish out my old notebook and I only found a tiny list describing his reasons
>unconstitutional - imposing term limits would require another constitutional amendment
>undemocratic - eliminates a choice from the ballot that voters are already satisfied with (polls show voters tend to be very satisfied with their local rep) because of an arbitrary reason
>unnecessary - any attempts to eliminate corruption is cancelled out by revolving door careers and a focus on campaigning for new offices
It's an understandable position. Legislators also don't have the kind of coercive power a president can wield, so setting up limits on the offices isn't as necessary.
Can Obama go to a country without being taken out of context?
Hes 44?
The fuck?
His face reflects his youthful heart.