Meat should be a privilege granted only to those willing to make the kill.
If you disagree, you're a lazy fat fuck too chickenshit to get your hands dirty.
Bottom line, if you don't hunt or fish, you're part of the problem.
Meat should be a privilege granted only to those willing to make the kill.
If you disagree, you're a lazy fat fuck too chickenshit to get your hands dirty.
Bottom line, if you don't hunt or fish, you're part of the problem.
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Thank you anyways 3rd world shit hole.
You're a fucking retard.
...and this is coming from a hunter.
The real question is can I hunt with an anti-tank rifle?
Discovered lady boys aren't that interesting have we?
Make meat eaters visit a factory farm twice a year and if they look away at any point they can't eat meat for that year.
Only if you're hunting tanks.
And those of us who get erections?
alri thailad
"That over there is a French Tank! I gotta take the shot silently or I will spook it! They can retreat REALLY FAST!"
If you aren't a computer programmer you shouldn't use a computer
I live in a country where I can pay someone else to do it for me.
>go hunting almost every weekend during winter with my dog
>hunt some animals
>gift every single one to my neighbors because im too lazy to clean them and prepare them
This is not bad right?
Vegetables should be a privilege granted only to those willing to make the harvest.
If you disagree, you're a lazy fat fuck too carrotshit to get your hands dirty.
Bottom line, if you don't tend or hoe, you're part of the problem.
I don't mind that line of thinking.
We actually had a TV series where people had to cook food, but they had to kill the animal and prepare them by hand befor using them as ingredient.
You wouldn't believe how pansy modern danes are about that shit.
Some of the women even cried when taking the animal's lives.
Others threw up, or opted to not kill anything.
It displayed a certain hypocrisy in our society. People have no problem when they just think of meat as something the supermarket magically conjured for them. It makes them feel better to be ignorant about how the animals lived and died.
But when they have to prepare their own animals, they have to face things they don't like to do, even though they love meat.
"During their mating season the male tanks create a number of mating flags to attract the females, as a general rule the whiter the display the better".
Worked at a farm when I was young. Wouldn't be shocking to anyone with common sense. Also fresh, completely home made tendies are simply bliss.
I pay others to do that for me, silly chinaman.
Spot the assfractured Vegan.
Nope. I'm in better health than you, and I eat meat with every meal. Stay cucked English Teacher.
Capitalism would work it's magic again and people would always find ways around it
I hate but I don't eat what I kill because it's infested with parasites and disgusting.
Does this rustle your jimbos OP? I hunt purely for pleasure
>Meat should be a privilege granted only to those willing to make the kill.
If you don't farm potatoes, you shouldn't be able to eat potatoes.
Thanks edge-lord. What an entirely sensible thing to bitch about.
Did you build your straw hut, Thailand?
No? Then you shouldn't be able to live there.
Nice shop faggot
Yes, but I reckon it will destroy most of the meat.
If you aren't a farmer you shouldn't eat anything ever.
>If you don't know how to milk a cow you shouldn't be allowed to drink milk
>Milk is a privilege granted only to those willing to make the milking
>If you disagree, you are a lazy fat fuck too chickenshit to get your hands dirty
>Bottom line if you don't milk cows or sheeps, you're part of the problem
I pay others to kill my meat for me and serve it to me, you fucking pleb.
Serve me my meat, you
I'd do it I just need knowledge and equipment first.
agreed but I'm gonna be a hypocrite and keep eating meat without hunting lol
Is that Ben "One Klan Man" Garrison?
If I kill an animal while I'm there do I get free meat for a year?
The only animals around where I live even remotely worth hunting are rats and pigeons. Do you suggest I become a vegetarian just because I live in a city?
Fuck off costa rica, I'll eat what I want
According to your logic.
How about this, if I hunt you down, I get to eat you? I heard human's flesh taste a lot like red meat.
We good OP, wanna go?
I would probably stop eating meat forever desu senpai
>being vegan in japan
lol kill yourself Miguel. Your meat is probably all hormone filled garbage from wal-mart.
>if you don't build houses you shouldn't be allowed to live in one
>everyone goes out to hunt kills all wildlife
>never raises cattle, or chicken or anything all because OP said
>humanity goes near extinct, civilization collapses
>all because of you OP
Texas gets it, fuck Costa Rica, Thailandese masterrace
Fuck off vegan, why the fuck will you go full retard? Japan hunts whale meat, WHALE FUCKING MEAT. For fuck sake, I wish I could taste some whale. You stupid fuck, you are missing out in life man.
You tell him tex
Isn't your meat hormone filled garbage from whale-mart?
new rule: due process is only afforded to lawyers
If you can't build a car you shouldn't be allowed to drive one.
If you can't sew you shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes.
If you can't brew beer you shouldn't be allowed to drink it.
Do I need to continue or do you now understand that you're literally retarded?
Hey, do us all a favor and accelerate the extinction of the Japanese by killing yourself right now.
You tell him good, Kiwi.
>Westerners and Americans are this pampered.
Holy shit.
I don't give a fuck what you think. I will still eat me.
People hunt camels with .50BMG here in Aus.
Hunting is so boring dude. I like actually shooting my guns, not watching trees grow hoping some retarded deer walks into my line of sight for me to effortlessly and unknowingly shoot it. I would like to hunt a bear or something dangerous someday. I would kill anything like a dog if I actually needed to feed my family, but luckily there's a bunch of other people that like to so I can just go to the store.
Do they give tours? That would be a fun job; slaughterhouse tour guide. See all the nerds gagging over a little animal violence.
>Cars should be a privilege granted only to those willing to make the parts.
>If you disagree, you're a lazy fat fuck too chickenshit to get your hands dirty
>Bottom line, if you don't clock in daily on the assembly line, you're part of the problem.
Ben "One Pull of the Trigger for Every Nigger" Garrison
Government regulation makes hunting expensive and difficult. I fish though and have no problem cleaning them myself.
If you're an autistic retard, you shouldn't be allowed to post on Sup Forums.
Because everyone eats game primarily and not domesticated animals you won't find in the woods.
Eh alright.
You'd stay skinny I guess, if you ate enough kale and spinach you might get a tiny bit of muscle.
>implying hunting with guns requires any skill at all
>implying people are too scared to gun down animals in the bush
>implying you shouldnt have to hunt with bows to legally be allowed to hunt
>used to fucking work in one
>still eat meat
the only moral conclusion i got out of it was if i ever cared enough about the issue i'd kill my own animals
ok, if you can't build a CPU out of raw metals, you can't use a computer, pleb
Silverback gorillas eat 99% leaves, you dumb faggot.
stfu pajeet holy fuck. no one cares. you live in a third world country. shut your slumdog boy pussy ass up. fuckin gook.
whats the other 1%
If I only hunt elk and deer, am I allowed to eat beef and chicken?
>If you don't raise sheep, you shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes
Wool should be a privilege granted only to those willing to cornhole livestock for the rest of their life
If you disagree, you're a lazy warm fuck too comfy to get out from under your jumper.
Bottom line, if you don't shear or bugger sheep, you're part of the problem.
shut the fuck up leafy.
Cell phones should be a privilege granted only to those willing to design GSM network architecture.
If you disagree, you're a lazy idiot who is too dumb to use a computer.
Bottom line, if you don't code, or deal with signal processing, you're part of the problem.
If you don't hunt with knife you shouldn't be allowed to hunt. Guns make hunting too easy. Bottom line: if you use a gun to hunt you're a lazy fat fuck too chickenshit to get your hands dirty and you're part of the problem.
Knowledge comes from experience
dont you mean knaaaaaaawledge?
What if I raised the animal instead of hunting it? Like my ancestors all did?
And what if I decides to share that meat with whoever I want?
And then decide to sell the rest to those willing to pay?
Oh wait, that's the reasonable thing everyone does already... :^)
Hey now :-((((((
I know it sounds stereotypically canadian but I was proving a point to why it's stupid. Am i only supposed to eat what I kill? Can I only wear what I make? It's fucking dumb.
Also I hunt with a crossbow occasionally, it's fun.
What problem faggot
Because fuck the environment, right?
Who cares about effective environmental conservation when GUNS R SCURRY?
Come and take them, cuck.
crossbows are only slightly less pussyish then guns
shut the fuck up canacunt
That sounds viable for the ecosystem thanks based SEAmonkey
>Guns are for pussies!
>I know this even though I've never even touched one in my entire life!
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I will NOT shut up, Roo.
I scared myself away from normal bows when I was younger when I bruised the length of my forearm and tore the skin
>killing an animal in the most humane way possible
Pick one you aussie fuckin faggot
I live in suburbia you fuckwit, I would have to drive over an hour to do so, purchase guns and ammo for hunting, and then have to have the space to keep meat fresh/frozen. I could instead drive 5 minutes to the local slaughterhouse and get good meat there instead, saving money and time.
>1 post by this ID
Makes you think huh...
you pathetic wimpy little cuckolding fuckwit
how dare you try to defend a right non existant in this great mass shooting free nation
>this is pol child we can see your flag
3 if youd read my post youd have seen the part about the bows, guns are pathetic little attempts to make your dick seem bigger be a fuckin man and get gud kidp.s. ive been to shooting ranges when my dad was alive he loved guns and they are fun to shoot but the easiest thing to hunt with ever. you may as well be going to a supermarket anyway.
Please don't call him Australian, because he isn't.
If you can't build a car, you shouldn't be driving one.
>I shouldn't be able to sell my produce to people because some vegan has some arbitrary rules about hunting in his head.
>Division of labor is for communists.
>great mass shooting free nation
>the easiest thing to hunt with ever
I don't hunt for a challenge, I do it for environmental conservation.
>Raised by a single mother
How could I have guessed.
I recommend you follow in your dad's footsteps and kill yourself.
hmm the last mass shooting with a kill count of more than 10 was just before the firearms agreement
what a coincidence
after that its hmm lets see crimes of passion and arguements that ended badly.... hmmmm
just a quick question were you born retarded or did you get punched one to many times in a pub sometime
>kill count of more than 10
Wow, nice one buddy.
Where'd you get that number from? Because literally nobody except you uses that definition.
if you werent retarded you wouldve noted my post said mass shootings, not massacres but considering youd like to be difficult Gun Violence Archive has always used the FBI derived definition:
FOUR or more shot and/or killed in a single event [incident], at the same general time and location, not including the shooter.
so given the fbi's definition there hasnt been a single mass shooting since port arthur
again proving how retarded you are.
>Literally can't count to four
Please, please kill yourself.
Hunt family, you fucking ingrate.
Did your dad kill himself? Because I would with a son like you.
I hunt the elusive faggot
His name is OP
Now give me a big mouthful of meat
Noone cares about mass shootings. 100 people a year is nothing
again falling into the catagory of crime of passion, maybe you should consider shooting yourself with one of those guns you love so much.
>It's not a mass shooting even though it follows the specific definition that I used!
Literally nothing will ever be acceptable to you.
Oh shit, Aussie fight. I wish I had popcorn, I've never witnessed this.
took a doe 2 years ago , first time shooting a rifle, took 2 shots, skinned her, filed dressed the deer, finally cut up the meat at a friends place
>he let me dry age the meat for 2 weeks in exchange for most of the backstrap
made deer burgers for 2 months for 4 people
feels pretty good
okay then if youd like we will accept this as a mass shooting, now thats 1 since the NFA was enacted but gun control isnt americas issues no lets just blame it on niggers because its totally not the fault of the guns that were used right