What will Trump actually do once he is elected. He obviously doesn't have the political power to pass most of the stuff he wants. He also doesn't have enough senators and congressman that agree with him to vote his stuff through.
What will Trump actually do?
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Look at what Duterte is doing right now in the Philippines. That should give you some idea. Kicking ass and making liberals quake in their boots.
Just do what Obama did. Executive Order.
Duterte has a lot more power in the Phillipines. Trump doesn't have that much power. Look at all the shit Obama promised, but couldn't deliver on due to not having enough power. Even something as simple as closing Guantanamo. I can't imagine Trump getting the approval and funding to build a wall.
He's not a pussy like Obama so I'm sure he will find a way to persuade Congress to approve whatever needs congressional approval.
Executive orders can be overturned by a vote through congress or through the Supreme court. Also I can't imagine Trump pushing through the 100+billion dollars he'll need for the wall through an executive order.
Maybe get that supreme court nomination through since hs list included some noteworthy people. Besides that, he might pass out some executive orders.
Trump has experience in hashing out deals. He'll find a way to get the support he needs.
>He's not a pussy like Obama so I'm sure he will find a way to persuade Congress to approve whatever needs congressional approval.
Being a pussy doesn't have anything to do with it. Trump has no leverage. The Republicans hate him so they will most likely be apathetic at best. The Democrats will most likely cock-block him for his entire presidency like the Republicans did to Obama.
>Trump has experience in hashing out deals. He'll find a way to get the support he needs.
You guys act like he's fucking Commander Shepard. Real life isn't that easy. He can't even get most of the Republicans to endorse his nomination let alone support him if he's elected.
even getting nothing done is far better than killary "four more wars" being in charge
I'm pretty sure outside of Clarence Thomas most of the Conservative Judges hate Trump and his policies, so he can't really count on the court even if he pushed through his nominee.
I'm asking this telling people not to vote for Trump. I'm just wondering if people here actually believe he has any chance of doing it.
>being a pussy has nothing to do with it
Keep telling yourself that faggot. Ronald Reagan was able to pass legislation with Democrat speaker of the House Tip O'Neil so I don't doubt Trump, an accomplished negotiator, will find a way. Especially if he manages to weed out and shame any of the members of Congress influenced by special interest
just go to Donaldtrump.com or .org to see his platform message
>Ronald Reagan was able to pass legislation with Democrat speaker of the House Tip O'Neil
Do people actually believe the Reagan meme. Reagan was probably the most kiked neo-liberal president post WW2. Most of the shit he past was increased spending bills, and increasing government powers. All shit that liberals are fine with. This is like arguing Obama is a great negotiator because he passed the TPP.
Wow confirmed for retarded shill. His supreme court list was filled with constitutional conservative justices. And supreme court picks are approved by Congress.
>He also doesn't have enough senators and congressman that agree with him to vote his stuff through.
Republicant's have majority in the house and Senate
He will get every single thing he wants
We will see the wall, mass deportations, new trade deals, and economic growth along with cutting immigration quotas in half and all Muslim nations unable to export anyone here.
Everything else is secondary
He won't be as bad as the media is making him out to be.
That's literally all he has to do, he doesn't need to be great, he doesn't even need to be good.
He just needs to be better than the media says he will be, which should be very, very easy assuming he doesn't fuck a kid and lynch a nigger on stage.
Your argument was that he won't be able to pass anything but I used Reagan as the example that it's possible even without party support from Congress. And this time just like says, Trump will have a majority Republican Congress. Is Hillary paying overtime for this shilling?
I meant the Judges on the court already hate him.
>Republicant's have majority in the house and Senate
Republicans who mostly hate him and his policies. Also he'll probably only have the Republican majority for two years. Obama had a democrat majority for 2 years and they actually liked him and he still couldn't do shit.
Except he managed (unfortunately) to pass Obamacare
fill his fucking pockets...
Are you retarded? "Political power" is granted when you become the President you idiot.
Republican opposition to Obamacare is the biggest meme ever. Mitt Romney practically developed it in Massachussetts
The Donald would keep shit under control and that's what's most important.
This. He'll veto the globalist policies, renegotiate trade deals, and get the military back on track. Don't expect any of his domestic policies to go through unless its clear reps and senators won't get reelected unless they comply
He did get it passed, although barely. Also the version he passed was essentially a shell of what he actually wanted.
This would be like Trump getting his wall, but instead of being 200ft tall it's only 20 ft and takes 20 years to build.
>. He'll veto the globalist policies, renegotiate trade deals, and get the military back on track.
The trade deals thing he can most likely do, but he will only be able to prevent future deals. Past deals will require congressional approval for reform which he won't have. The military reform will require congressional support.
>the pro-Trump camp's response is "Just trust in Trump, he will do the thing"
>What will Trump actually do once he is elected?
So my choices are degenerate fag tranny, or degenerate slutty white women. It's like choosing whether you want to be shot or poisoned.
Nobody knows what he's going to actually get done, you kike. That's true of any president.
Obviously the deck is stacked against him, that's why we want HIM. Because the deck is stacked against us too.
They're pretty much Bernie-Cucks.
More poison please
>What will Trump actually do?
same as he does at the pulpit -- nothing of import
merricu is great
Id rather have him try and fail than have a hill shill sell our government away and take away our free speech and gun rights. Trust me free speech is at risk here. Look at fucking europe
>the 100+billion dollars he'll need for the wall
>once he is elected
Trump is going to get absolutely assfucked by Clinton.
Senate and Congress will comply, or be voted out. If the people elect Trump, it is the way things will go.
>Senate and Congress will comply, or be voted out. If the people elect Trump, it is the way things will go.
The people elected Obama. The Republicans stonewalled him and they got re-elected and became the majority. People are fickle. Trump is going to loose the Republican majority after 2 years.
Make deals. He has plenty of common ground with the left so he can actually afford to engage in give and take with them and still feel good about the measures enacted. Of course there's always the possibility that the Republicans in the Senate just throw a major tantrum and stonewall him which would mean that Trump would just hold the presidency as the "bully pulpit," as coined by Teddy Roosevelt, and start unloading redpills and cleaning house. He could certainly bring on the heat to people who give him problems like that. I feel he'd be very comfortable in that role actually.
And yet the version he passed was still fucking terrible and completely sold out to the insurance companies. Also that would not happen with the wall that's so stupid to say they'd force the wall to be shorter