What is the White-est thing you can have in your house?
What is the White-est thing you can have in your house?
Other urls found in this thread:
a father
Pay stubs
A father.
greek yogurt, unseasoned vegetables
What is seasoning?
A used shower.
Thought it said The Six Garillion
A father
dog waste bags
My work boots which never come off until I go to sleep.
golf gear
A paycheque.
my own paintings.
a pc.
game of thrones novels.
seinfeld dvd box sets.
sailboat and lighthouse ornaments and decorations.
a rope
Legally purchased firearm
Fuk'n kekd
A diamond in the rough
My wife
camping equipment
A father
Classical guitar
Pile of Bluegrass CDs
Espresso machine
Mad Men: The Complete TV Series on Bluray
Several John Wayne movies
Orveille Redenbocker Popcorn
Several CDs of music by Mozart
A gun.
Most beaners use work boots almost exclusively, scince they tend tend to work in construction.
A bookshelf.
An aquarium
The Catcher in The Rye
Plato's Republic
College bills
A PC or Gaming Console
a wooden salad bowl
a muslim immigrant bull to fuck your wife
Model trains.
chastity lock
>unseasoned vegetables
who the fuck buys vegetables with seasoning? disgusting subhuman
A desktop computer. Never seen a minority with a desktop. Always cheap ass laptops.
A "Best of Kansas" CD.
A closet full of Vineyard Vines. oh wait..... I forgot most of you guys are poor
Souvenirs from the conquest of third-world nations.
New age music cds.
A rebel flag.
A NEET dependent who loves to play vidya games.
A bleak outlook on the future.
>made by jews
Fuck off (((you)))
A jar of pickles I pickled.
White bread is actually a poor thing, whole wheat and other kinds of specialty or more expensive breads are purchased more often by whites.
A picture of Elvis on your wall!
jar of mayonnaise. its not even mine
That's nigger tier, bro.
A current picture of mum and dad together
You han't been to rural 'Murica, have ya city boy?
Not all whites are prosperous or healthy. Wonderbread stays on the list.
A well adjusted, properly cared for, loved, and happy child
Hmm i dunno
>a klan hood
>tiny cargo shorts
>a recumbent bike
>tasteful art
White trash like you needs to be fucking gassed
No, niggers will eat white store brand bread, but Wonderbread is a special kind of 1950s derelict that still exists primarily in poverty stricken white households. Oh, and add lime Jell-O molds to the list. That's another one.
10,000 watts of daily electrical usage.
I have energy slaves to wash my clothes and cook my dinner for me.
Whatever the hell this is:
a fucking shit ton of gay ass fucking pillows on the bed
My kitchen is geared out in a mix of Pampered Chef, Williams-Sonoma, and Pier 1.
A small kek statue.
Start at 2:00, you will not be disappointed.
A Russian prostitute.
White bread is historically a rich thing. Until the modern day most people ate whole grain bread because it was much more filling and there was much more of it. It was a lot of work to separate out white flour and the product was much smaller. On the other hand, white bread was much prettier and tasted better. Only the wealthy ate it regularly.
White bread became in a thing in America because its shelf life is like 1000x longer than whole grain, there is no shortage of wheat, and machines do most of the work for us. Wonderbread may be cheap and terrible but "white bread" is just high-tech bread. Whole grain is a health concern, but if you are wealthy today you still eat white bread, it's just very high-quality white bread.
Most of the bread you eat today is "white bread," not just the cheap pre-sliced sandwich loaves you buy in plastic bags. It is a technological and cultural triumph. If you can't appreciate white bread then you don't understand culinary history.
>model trains
white af tbqhwy, second only to warhammer 40k figurines
I'm going to listen to Kansas one way or another. How do you suggest doing so without giving Jews money or using some shitty .mp3 collection?
A father.
a 5 lb bag of quinoa
Niggers all of you
A dungeon master's handbook
A hippie.
>he doesn't use Crate and Barrel
Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks, miniature models, and so on
A jar of mayonnaise.
An AARP membership card.
An assault rifle
I don't know where you get your information, never heard this.
Enriched flour bread is a product of the military, created for MRE's. Most of our modern food was effected by the process of advancements and distribution of military food.
Scuba diving gear, a kayak, or just about anything else that involves getting in the water.
A photo of my skin.
A family.
A paycheck
there's a meme niggers have about white people not using seasonings on our food. Not sure what the point of it is.
Someone capable of getting a suntan.
Scuba gear. I've been diving for 20 years and have never seen a black diver unless I was in the Caribbean.
Properly stored artisan cheeses
A golden retriever
A wine cellar
You have a specific event in mind while I'm talking about roughly 3000 years of recorded history.
>european culture was invented 100 years ago
>bread was invented 100 years ago
Oh yes, I forgot about that. That was silly of me.
Book of Mormon
I'm talking about historical events that can be backed up, you're talking about historical revisionist nonsense.
Modesty and Humility
Blade Runner on laserdisc
OK, white bread was invented by the US army.
This may surprise you but we actually wuz Romans n sheit.
There's a difference between enriched and bleached flours, and bread can be both. In fact, if it's bleached it probably should be enriched due to the loss of nutrients in white flour as opposed to whole wheat. And there's more stuff to go into, but you guys are trying to discuss something more complex in soundbites and it doesn't work.
Because we're the only race that's smart enough and creative enough to build things. Asians may be smart, but they aren't creative.
White bread was invented by black slaves, and the slave owners stole the recipe.
I looked at their "men's" clothing, and I saw maybe two shirts I liked: a solid blue and a solid white.
Black people invented everything.
Wow what the fuck i literally just put this record on.
It's not even a popular album of theirs.
Peeling the paint is so good though fuck.
Why did you post this? Get out of my head!