All jokes aside, this nat soc thing is just satire right...

All jokes aside, this nat soc thing is just satire right? You faggots wouldnt say shit to a jew if you were looking him dead in the face.

Pic unrelated.

nah senpai, fuck kikes and fuck you this board is not sature

And ur pic is highly related

Your pic is highly related.

it's mostly trolling.
most of them have never met a jew and wouldn't know it if they did.
only "most of them" because: pic related.

I have said shit to Jews in real life.

And Muslims.

And socialists.

And feminists.

What is the point of having free speech if you're not going to use it. Better to stab someone in the front than in the back.

well, we don't really like jews but most wouldn't probably do anything unless the jew fit the stereotype. Like how race realists acknowledge that race exists, that doesn't mean that they hate all non whites and want to gas them.

If I was looking at a Jew he best be dead

Also, natsoc has nothing to do with antisemitism.

I rent a house with four roommates:

Me, a fellow irish white man, a spic, and a jew.

We all shit on the Jew all the time for his Jewdom, but it's all just banter.


Dont censor yourself bros

The Nat Soc thing is not satire.
I don't understand why I'd just start talking shit to someone randomly on the street.
That's something a nigger would do.
The jews that I hate are in Hollywood and finance.
I want the foreign influence out of my country along with anyone supporting it.
I want globalism to die and the world to go back to having many distinct cultures instead of the worthless muddy trash that has become reality.

Jews are bretty gud at the bants m8.
Before I even went Sup Forums tier I had a jewish friend who I cracked Hitler jokes with.
Unfortunately he's liberal as fuck, obviously.

Fuck off back to plebbit, chaim

Sup Forums doesn't leave their basements, so you'll never know.

No, it's not unrelated, because you're going to build the wall you fucking kike.

I not go around shouting "gas the kikes" through a megaphone wherever I go because I'm not an asshole, I don't advertise any element of my political leanings. That said, I've never lied about my political beliefs to spare anyone's feelings. I'm a fascist, I believe fascist things, that's all there is to it.

>tfw dont give a fuck and have actually said it a few times

They just look at you while walking away looking like they're deepy concerned as to why you're not brainwashed into political correctness. It's really awkward.

>I'm a fascist, I believe fascist things, that's all there is to it.
What are fascist policies that are beneficial? I've never understood what the draw towards it is.

>take nation
>remove degeneracy
>increase production
>no kikes in the banks
>scientific development subsidized much more
>pride in your nation is constant
What's not to like

Would there be capitalism still or does fascism necessitate a command economy?

I think fascism is a limited economy, businesses are allowed to operate when given permission from the government.
I think natSoc is full command economy.
Not too sure, bit tired.

>You faggots wouldnt say shit to a jew if you were looking him dead in the face.

And face threat of prison? Yeah, what a surprise that people self-censor in an environment like that, you dumb fuck.

>1 post by this ID

There were a lot of Jews where I grew up in upper-middle-class South Florida. I didn't much care for them; bunch a smart-asses with sticks up their butts. Felt they had to prove they knew everything about all the little bullshit that was happening in the town and school as if they were fishing for a complement.

I have never seen a jew that I would be too scared to talk shit to