Broncos 6
Queefs 20

First for Asian girls

Smeth is Elite.

first for Vikings in teh owl

first for HUNTED 4th quarter

pls no ban

Well this game is fucking boring as shit so I'm leaving this thread. I thought that you faggots said that the MNF was the best sporting event of all time. LOL
Anyways I just downed
>6 bud lights
>boneless wings
>pizza sticks
>and a chocolate molten lava cake
This Seahawks fan (AKA real FOOTBALL) is leaving Applebee's one happy guy. Mrs. is driving :) boutta go piihb.

PS. see you in the superb owl patriots

looks like that hurts that horse

Dubs and chiefs blow it and lose by a FG

broncos look like ass

When its 13-20 can we start watching again?


This fucking game

I'm not very comfy anymore Chiefs bros

what the fuck is he doing

>holding defenders head
>pass interference

this semen slurping sport is not for me

Chiefs didn't think they'd win this game, right? Lol

Yfw buncos meme win

>all this BBQ posting
>stuck living in Minneapolis

stealing your women

Why the fuck are people from big cities in America so opposed to "Flyover" states? Don't give me the "There's nothing to do in Flyover states" argument because he literally is not true from my experience.



Donkeys are gonna win this game.

Quote me.


see ya

>This dumpster fire of a game
The Raiders are doing to win their remaining AFC West match ups, and there's nothing you can do to stop them.

The Queefs couldn't even beat the Raiders with massive refball to bail out their shit secondary. Twice.


*strums banjo and looks at you funny*

Get ready it's a broncos are gonna take the lead with 35 seconds left episode

Trips and the Broncos buck the Chiefs so hard they lose the game.


i just wish Berry was playing. i love that kid.


Because they are miserable living in liberal shitholes

Chiefs are gonna lose this aren't they?

City dwellers are extremely self absorbed.




Should have been OPI as well. Offsetting penalties

also we got a game nao

if you spent twice as much on your cost of living to be around a bunch of roodey poos you would cling to something too

gg chiefs you had a good run



The whole division is a dumpster fire. AFC is literally Steelers or Pats.


GG Donkeys. You win but only because >we have the worst defense in the league other than the browns

it comes down to "do you love living around niggers"

Because there's nothing to do and the inhabitants are either meth/opioid droogs or managers at Gamestop

Talib pick 6 and game goes to overtime.


>this Pixar movie about Spics


damaged goods anyway


>tfw witnessing americal

>tfw you know its gonna happen anyway

Why do the Chiefs always peak ridiculously early?

at least they drafted a QB instead of fixing their defense

>buncos can't go 20 yards without dropping the ball
>only down by 7
explain yourselves queefs

Fuck you I've been trying to post this for 40 minutes I couldn't remember what I have the God damn cake saved as in my computer

GOOD post


Cuz Smith really is a fucking hack. Doesn't help Kelce got hurt.

If we win this would be better than Trump beating Hillary

Who else /high/? denverfag so it's legal

>there's a lot to do in a flyover state

>implying the chorgers won't meme their way to the division champion

no Berry


People who lives in the big city are more educated and more proud of themselves than people living in flyover states. Most of these big city folks are opposed to the traditions of the flyover states. I live in the big city and I hate it here. I just want to live a nice, safe flyover state and get a beautiful wife and job.


First several games this year we were 4th quarter angels


>people actually thought the AFC West would be the toughest division in the AFC

Why is this whole division a dumpster fire? Chiefs already imploded, everyone else fucking sucks. The AFC east is unironically top dog, how did this happen?


Surely in the South it's the same though. Also I've seen people from New York and LA complain about big cities like Atlanta. New York and LA seem to be the most self absorbed even though they live in overpriced shit holes.

unless you live in central/lower manhattan there isnt much to do anywhere


Facts fuck Denver


So Smith sucks again?

Post Alex Smith pics

Thoughts on Ric Flair's daughter?

Atlanta isn't a city though, it's an amalgamation of criminals and the mentally ill

This game was so fun in the first half. What happened?

typicall white slut meant for bbc


denver run D has been good in every game so far. people are acting surprised.

woo lad

That chin mole somewhat bothers me

I'll never watch another fucking chiefs game if they lose this. Tired of wasting an entire night watching these fucks barely win when I could be playing vidya.

How did you know?

>dat Adonis belt


well most of the south is not considered flyover because it's on the coast, and yes southern cities like atlanta, houston, miami and new orleans have niggers and are the most violent cities

dumb bitch with a dumb face and man body. feed her to the boars.

chiefs started sucking. broncucks are boring in general so the other team has to make things exciting

would WOOOOOOO/10

Anybody been to this chili diner by Arrowhead?

Space Mountain.

If the Chiefs lose this game their season is over.

all white girls want it some are just too scared

that's a guy