HAPPENING Prediction Thread

There's been a disturbing lack of happenings lately, so let's pool some meme magic and roll for happenings.

Trips decide the next happening.

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>rolling for mudslime chimpout

Trying again.

Everyone in the world will suddenly realize that all of are conflicts are petty and self defeating and we will all join hands and be one people. At the same time true AI is discovered in a lab somewhere and it creates quadrillions of nanobots that disintegrate our entire civilization and use the collected particles to create a machine that allows it to transcend 3D reality an conquer the hyperverse.


San Francisco Castro district is my prediction because they already made threats against them due to the gays.


Los Angeles terrorist attack


Terrorist attack in france

False Flag crazed lunatic autist white male shooting

Lets get some zombies up in this bitch!

Cascadia subduction zone big one. get

Terrorist attack in brazil Olympics

North American version of EU announced

No no no I don't want any happenings this week, my mom's on a business trip in Berlin. i expect her to become redpilled but hopefully not lethally so.

Welp looks like Kek commands it. WIR KOMMEN HIER BERLIN

Hillary indicted

Rolling for Civil War.

>tfw my parents were in Sweden and Germany for a month vacation
>They even went through Malmo and probably nothing happened to redpill them
What a shame

Jeb steals the repub nom
[black bars]and wins the general[/black bars]

Your mother's business trip was foretold by ancient kek oracles millenia ago, it is a turning point in kek's comming.

I'm bored enough.... let's say:

Sup Forums gets purged by flooding it with pedofiles and shitposters to the point where it really is Sup Forums mk.2. And seeing no need for another Sup Forums, Sup Forums is removed and strict anti-politics global rules are put in play

California big one.

>filtering an ocean of shit and piss to get water
I think the sun exploding is a quicker happening

East Asia has been relatively lightly touched compared to shit going on elsewhere. So let's go with North Korea doing another type of dong missile test and rhetoric/behavior that increases tension in the region. Maybe another artillery duel

Teror attack at the Euro 2016 final game

you've doomed us all

Nuclear weapon misfire.


My ass after I have a big drinking session with the lads

I've never understood this scene, why is the statue of liberty by the sea and next to a cliff? where could this geographically take place realistically? hate stupid ass movie shit

You do realize the OP says Trips right?

Series of conventional attacks in Europe culminating with a dirty bomb in Turkey/else where in the ME.

Meme magic is the most retarded shit ever. Keep on believing in it though, mindcucks, your delusional sense of accomplishment only guarantees your inability.

Major earthquake coming, I can feel it.


They're probably used to their homes being permanently enriched, so nigger hordes in Sweden won't disturb them.

My mom was initially uber-bluepilled and we couldn't even communicate about immigration due to the difference in our views, but terrorist attack after terrorist attack she has started to agree with me more. Before she left for the trip she even joked that she may not come back.

Something safe. Like more mass rapes.

Rolling for the big one

FBI publicly recommends that Hilary gets indicted

First Major ISIS attack on U.S. soil coming this Sunday.

Rolling for Yellowstone


German people genocided by forced interbreeding with inbred middle easterners.


that's already happening, german women are fucking whores for brown dick just like the swedes

A terror attack happens on a liberal news building.

King nigger becomes supreme leader of America.

so close

Turkish and Russian forces clash in Syria is even trips

China and Japan Clash in the South China Sea if odd trips.

Cascadia earthquake with tsunami

Justin Trudeau gives Canada back to the natives and orders all whites to pay oppression tax to support Africa and climate change.

Reroll: give me an accidental detonation of nuke, wherever


probably total annihilation of the west

Some stupid inbred muslim will try something on the 4th. Probably at some fireworks display. Liberals wont care, rest of America enraged. Trump wins.

I got you.

There is a dirty bomb set off somewhere in Europe.

Olympic terror attack in Rio

maybe partial collapse without recovery

Largest death count. Europe. The beginning of Kek's purge

Bernie Sanders supporters riot at GOP convention and destroy a town like a bunch of niggers.

Anime becomes real.

Obama signs an executive order allowing Mexicans free travel into the US.

Texas secedes from the union

This training scenario seems really specific...


Washington DC

>dub dubs
>still no trips

Fucking hell. Kek give me guidance!

Hillary is put on trial


Jade Helm 2 Electric Boogaloo results in some shit. I give up.

George Soros dies of a heart attack

Trump wins

Nigger bukake chimpout

>two major terrorist attacks in two weeks
>lack of happenings


That has to mean something.

The Pope makes out with some monastery boy

Trump wins. Hillary indicted. Bernie dies. Removal of kebab. Liberals die.

London? London.

False flag to undermine Brexit

Huge fire over skies of Berlin, millions perish

One more terrorist attack in Europe before the end of Ramadan.

Nuclear habbening in Middle East. Mass immigration flood. Europe under siege. Trump wins.

Or as soon as Ramadan ends.

Some niggers die in Chicago? Fuck!

I get a girlfriend this month.

$Hillary gets indicted and the TPP gets BTFO

brexit cancelled

Either US Presidential candidate wins. Riots escalate into civil war.

Crazy white guy tries to assinate Hillary. Major lanslide victory for her, huge gun bans, liberal destruction of the world.


Rolling for $Hillary indictment




Rerolling for $Hillary indictment

Putin's visit to Finland will take a really dark turn.

Terrorist attack. Germany.


Death to Islam

rolling for hillary going to jail and dirty bomb in europe

Loretta Lynch gets fired for conspiring to keep Hillary out of jail

Finland joins Russian federation due to negotiations gone wrong.

Terrorist attack on Canada. Huge death toll.