
What does Sup Forums think about Anarchism?

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>Fuck yeah let's be anarchist!

>Oh god, police come help me, niggers are invading my home!

Literally the most retarded thing you can be.

Probably should have been more specific. Because the people you are thinking of is Anarcho-Communists/Socialists(AntiFa types).

The type perhaps I am referring to is Anarcho-Capitalism, such as individual sovereignty, private property, and free markets and none of that cucky faggoty bullshit that you are lead to believe which I cannot blame you for.

We just need to inform them better! And call it differenltly, nazis nowadays prefer the term National Socialism, so we should call ourselves hmm... libertarianism was hijacked.


we hijack the term democratic socialism. What do you think?

Said no one ever.

Anarcho-Capitalism is cool. It's hard to get over not having government, but it makes sense, honestly. Just try to think of all the concepts and ideals as they would relate to your community or other realistic scenarios. The answers are out there. Statists always pull some 'what-ifs' out of their ass to try and prove it wrong, but they are usually missing the point. It's worth reading into.

If you take yourself down that rabbit hole, you won't look back.


anarchy won't even exist after the apocalypse you retard, humans are too smart for this wet dream

Do these people really think that an anarchist world would be without hate or problems?

Anarchy is a state of having no ruler or government, not the masturbatory SHTF fantasy that everyone thinks it means.

There's always going to be hate, but what's wrong with that? It's part of nature and government does nothing to mitigate it, anyway.

AnCaps are mostly in it for the unrestricted markets and personal freedom.

A demonologist transcended mongolist professor and Geist activist was flying a plane, known CIA.

"Before the flight begins, you must get on your knees and worship the end of history and accept that Absolute Idealism is the most highly-evolved sophism to make us feel good about ourselves the continent has ever known, even greater than self-serving petit-bourgeois protestant theology right after I file this flight plan with the Agency!"

At this moment an uncaring if he was brave because being judged by illusionary social standards was of no importance to him, egoist, unique girl's school teacher who had smoked more than 15000 cigars in Hippel's winebar and understood the spookiness of all ideology and supported whatever he felt like stood up and held up "Der Einzige und sein Eigentum".

"You're a big guy."

The arrogant Bane smirked synthetically and smugly replied "Only in relation to you, I'm not big at all, decadent egoist, its the stern, reluctant working of reason towards the full realization of itself in perfect freedom which makes the fire rise!"

"It's been a few years (time is nothing) since I, Bane, created it. if it was not mine, and idealism, as you say, is not a spook...for if I pulled off the mask of reason and embraced insanity, you'd know that if I removed your mask it would be extremely painful."

CIA was visibly shaken, and dropped his copy of Plato's dialogues.

The mercenaries applauded and all started milk shops that day and accepted their Self-Enjoyment as the end of philosophy. An eagle named "Union of Egoists" flew into the room and perched atop the copy of "Stirner's Critics" and shed a beer on the hardcover. "Ich hab' Mein Sach' auf Nichts gestell" was said several times, and Renzo Novatore himself showed up and demonstrated how hand grenades are nothing but a means of killing police officers.

CIA lost his flight plan and the plane was crashed with no survivors that very day, his flight plan was disregarded for all eternity.

Can anyone give me a single example in fiction where an Anarchy functioned.

Some would argue Vikings.


Mad Max?

>world goes an-cap
>everyone instantly bands together along racial/religious/cultural lines because humans are inherently social creatures
>a few spergs go it alone and are purged within months
>single government replaced with a handful of warlords who fight until there's 2-3 left

Quakers sounds like a Theocracy and Vikings sounds like probably a military junta.


>Some would argue Vikings.

Yeah, the guys with hereditary monarchies, true anarchists...

Didn't seem very functioning.

Our governments are the warlords.

>sounds like
Read into the dynamics.

The Shire in lord of the rings maybe.

Ancaps are not entirely against the idea of hierarchies or aristocracies. We acknowledge that some people are better and more dominant than others, it's a fact of nature. The Ancoms and Ansocs are the ones who wanna eliminate hierarchies of every kind.

QED an an-cap world would default back to the present in a few years

Not arguments, just silly assumptions.

It's fiction, damn.

A society that went AnCap would be impossible to take back under control, because they don't play by the 'rules' of gubment. Siezing an AnCap society would require genocide because you aren't just trying to conquer a set-up system and get yourself on the throne, you're trying to convince every single individual that you control them, which they will not accept.

Its retarded and its supporters have no concept of history and human evolution.

It's the literal lack of government; therefore, it's the lack of anyone to enforce any rule of law.
You can't enforce capitalism and its ideals without a system of government to create a standard, commence any sort of voting for regulation or enforce any sort of standard.

Anarchism doesn't work because it enforces the war monger to profit most with no one to stop him. In a modern sense this would be the 1% vs everyone else and to this affect would end in the blatant scamming of individuals with potentially lethal ends due to no regulation.

You can't have an effective economy without a government to enforce it period.

If it was a completely fresh start I would want it.

>capitalism and its ideals without a system of government to create a standard
I think the bitcoin would have to disagree with you on that.

All the good things.

No. People will get scared of the random violence, gang up along racial/cultural lines and then exterminate those who don't. Then the warlord groups will attack each other until there's a stalemate or one government again.

And I personally would take great glee in delivering bullets to anarchist heads.

Fucking moronic

The drug fueled bitcoin exchange market is not a good representation of a working economy free of government control.
It's an example of the black market being able to manipulate the system to conduct their transactions.

Great in theory. Impossible in practice.

Capitalism needs no enforcing. It's the abscence of rules. "Hands-off." Capitalism is like anarchy, but for the market only.
Read some Rothbard, he's more eloquent than me on the effect of government standards on goods. Government standards give producers a "safe zone" to fall back into, rather than stimulating a drive for higher quality.

Think about what you said: the 1%vs everyone else. Except the 1% were built on the tax cows' penny, and the current population thinks it wants government. A society which is convinced enough to have gone AnCap would make it really hard to gain any sort of control over them, if there were control to be gained.

Why don't you check out the simple Wikipedia article on the early history of Anarchism. It works just fine. The only problem now is that you've been convinced you need the product of government, when in actuality, you don't.

No you won't.
You're a cash crop, man. Your government won't let you out of your cage to do anything like that. There are special public defenders that get paid the big bucks to do all the thugging.

Ancaps are retarded
Corporate rule would be the new monarchy
People would not be free

No. People who expect the government to protect them are the kind of cucks who get scared of menial robberies and the occasional murder.
People who have taken it upon themselves to govern themselves would take action to defend themselves, just like you would. It happens all the time.

We already have corporate rule. Government is the hand of the corporations. They've been in bed for decades.
Think Rothschilds.

Black market = free market.