
Could a California exit from the union be a containment strategy? This was a small poll of hardcore NPR listening Californian.

Leave California, no need to vote just fuck and become Mexico already


State of Jefferson yall

a Caliexit could work and be a success
however No sane president would allow it same with texit

California and Texas have too much economic play on US

North California would be fine, if Southern Cal left.... -snickers- Just dam up the rivers.

State of Jefferson

Michigander here, California can fuck right off.

yeah, it would basically deny the US from having a pacific fleet

Reddingfag here. Just nuke everything south of SF. nothing of value would be lost

I would be fine with that. They would have no impact on politics, taking away all those delegates that ALWAYS go blue in the national elections.

They can leave, realize that they are in the middle of a drought, and pay through the nose to "import" food from the states whose ideology "drags them down," at least according to

Dont those two statements contradict each other?

>Receives 3x the amount they pay in from the government
>Leaving literally the hand that feeds you

Are people this stupid and willing to jump off a cliff?

>Having a GDP higher than Britain

Top espanol kek Jose

I'd vote for it then move out.

I just hope I can get out of cuckifornia before it happens.

25% of immigrants are in Cali, most of the illegals are there. Better to nuke it and resettle later.

Yes they are, as can be seen from Brexit.

Liberals aren't exactly smart. Though, highly educated in degrees that even starbucks no longer wants.

Citation on that? The figures I've seen have always said CA receives 70 cents on the dollar, but those same stats always line up "blue state = net payer, red state = net recipient unless you're texas because even we can't spin that that hard"

>has the highest GDP
>thinking they cant become independent


>other Californians want to leave

the state is in economic shambles, the old remnants of the white working class are outright fleeing the state, it's running not just out of taxes, but out of tax bases, and meanwhile the state govt. is really only concerned with eco-friendly beach maintenance and the like, 'greenifying' public housing.

it can say it's 'one of the world's biggest economies' only because of Silicon Valley. But nowhere outside of that bubble is anyone doing well or moving up. Cali will literally look like that Elysium movie in another fifteen years.

>Americans thinking Brexit is remotely analogous to states leaving the USA
Oh for fuck's sakes.

Let them do it and build a wall around them.

You can reclaim it a few years later when it's a failed state.

This is the important issue. Not an economic so much as a military issue. Not only does CA cover a huge amount of the west coast but also LAX is a big hub for people arriving and transferring through flights. I haven't been through TSA since just post 9/11 but if it's as bad or worse than it was 12~ years ago then the American's won't like having another huge border with a country that they can't control security in.

Id vote to leave, then get the fuck out of that state and move to a red state.

>No constitutional mechanism for secession.
>Will literally have to go to war with the US to leave.
>tfw no army and no militia because Calicucks want to repeal the 2nd amendment.

I don't think most Americans would be sad to see them go.

>Build a wall and make California pay for it.

sounds like a certain state wants a sharp and sudden 30% tariff

>Net contributor for 40/41 years
>leaving literally the mouth that feeds off you

What do they do besides tech and fed subsidized farming that sucks the earth dry?

I'll be the first to suggest we build a wall around Arizona and Nevada

I live in california. I'm trying to get out but if this happened while I was still living here, I'd have to vote stay unless I could keep my US citizenship.

I want land in Colorado. Grow a little weed to pay the bills and spend all day smoking blunts and shooting at the side of a mountain. I can't do that if I'm trapped in a failed communist state with no water.

If I get out of here before the vote and I can go back and use my driver's license that's good for a few more years I'll vote leave just be rid of the state though.

california sucks, they don't even have enough water for their state lmao

good riddance though enjoy your welfare state

>has the highest GDP
>has the highest people
>has the highest illegals
>has the highest amount of welfare spent

Just cuck my shit up senpai

What is this and how can I see more like it

What the fuck do you expect. They are california liberals.

Take your David Cameron and add about 50% more misguided self indulgence and you have the HOMELESS in that state.

You cannot possibly fathom the pure faggotry of southern california which, I have zero doubt, that post and all the pollsters came from.

you mean a wall separating NV from CA, right?

I'm not from CA, but I'd damn sure vote yes.

Cheese wheel drag racing down a hill
Goal is to catch the cheese

Its british clearly

Who the fuck wants to leave the union? It's a fucking Twitter poll.

If we left the rest of the USA would fall. Besides New York, the rest of the country is just worthless fucking hillbillies

Getting rid of Cali would go a long way to getting rid of pajeet the pooing tech slave. Those fuckers drop so much money in congress to poo up our tech industry.

Cali needs federal aid to operate and water from other states. It couldn't exist the way it is currently without support.

How does a city as large as LA have one of the absolute shittyest airports in the entire world?

Could California even survive without the US suplying it energy?
Isn't California the state that has the highest number of inmigrants (iligals)?
Aren't most Californians just moving to other states due the stupidly high cost of living?
Dont they havevthe most federal debt?
California would fail superhard if it became independent. Specially if they keep voting the people that tax everything to hell

The feds won't allow a state to leave the union
If they try they're going to get bitch slapped

If Cali exits, the right takes power over the remaining states. I'm ok with this.

Yes! I love you god!

>188 votes

No it wouldn't, then puget sound is the best harbor on the west coast.

No longer will we live under the oppression of this black president, we must exit now.

pfffft. California is pretty much no-mans land except for 3 major metropolitan areas.

and oil and electricity.

Cali has a 1% mental health tax. Ironic.

>call people from southern california self indulgent
>california poster claims that without california the rest of the country would fail because california

... Good job proving me wrong there.

It went pretty well the last time a US state decided it wanted out. I say they go for it.

Are you retarded? The state government is selling out the environment to developers, read some local newspapers.

As a 'zonan, I'd be glad to see those parasites go. Their cucks keep coming over here to Scottsdale and Phoenix. It'd be the equivalent of Sweden leaving the European Union. Everyone would be better off for it.

yes, it would be Venezuela in a matter of months

notwithstanding what fuckwits like have to say, CA is not a titan of anything except runaway debt and segregation. It produces just about nothing except overvalued ponzi-scheme tech companies, oh and terrible wine. Other than those '''''industries''''', it's a wasteland of illegals looking for the next rich person's lawn to mow.

>Trump elected
>Cuckifornia leaves union

I would cum

California has the highest debt,is dependant on resources from the US and people are emigrating for it at a considerable rate. On top of that the only infustry there is subsidized by the fed. I really dont see how that would turn out well

>California leaves the union
>USA gets fucking pissed and invades to take back a chunk of there economy land and there hold on the Pacific
>most of the population gets BTFO
>what's the worst all those no gun cucks could do?
>all the conservatives help USA take back control
>all the liberals and immigrants are purged
>California is now a state again
Where's the downside

Yes, please go California.
Please leave all the water and agricultural goods you import at the door on your way out.

It would be great. Going more toward state power. As if the south had won the civil war. Liberals went full circle tard but much to pol/'s advantage.

>basically deny the US from having a pacific fleet

Because Cali would take Bremerton/Kitsap with it? Oh wait, that Navy base is in WA.

That's why I want CA kicked the fuck out. They think they're the entire west coast.

Arrogant fucks

That's retarded and not going to happen


It doesn't matter because as we have seen from history the price to leave the union is paid in blood, and there is no way commiefornia has the spirit for war.

>California splits
>the rest of US becomes 3rd world country with no money

You do know what a map is and how to use it right?

californians can have guns, their laws are just fucked up. You can take the stock off an AR-15 and it becomes a "pistol" in california, there's ridiculous loopholes like that. Gun laws are fucking stupid for both sides.

>California Leaves
>Democrats literally never win another election
>USA becomes permanently right-wing

Jesus what the fuck are these idiots thinking, I mean fuck yeah go for it but holy shit dude

I live in SoCal and i reaaaaaallly hope this happens. Fuck California.

Puget's also safer for a fleet. We already have three large bases here

I live in the northern bay area, and most of what I see are wasteful eco projects or building bulkheads against imaginary rising sea levels

If parts of the south and inland are selling off public lands in a desperate bid to balance their books, I wouldn't know but it would be unsurprising and hilarious

Oy vey. Take all the minorities, rapefugees and kikes ! Don't let the evil conservatives oppress them :DDDD

None of the tech companies that support the rest of you mouth breathers are staying in Cali. They would just move to Arizona, Texas, and Washington, like they already are, at an increased rate, and you wouldn't have a Trump to bring them back

I'm from California and I am so sorry for the degeneracy we have here

What would we ever do without 20 million America hating spics, shitty wine and degenerate hollywood trying to destroy the white male. Burn in eternal fire.

Yes and obviously Hawaii... Fuck them. Us technically but I'm from Washington.

>If we left the rest of the USA would fall


Sac fag here. I moved here from south Cal a while back and I havent regretted it since. fuck the south !

the last time someone tried to leave the US, it resulted in a civil war.
given the fact that commiefornia is mostly populated by limp-dicked betas who cant fight for shit and disloyal mexicans, i think we all know how this war would end.

as a new yorker I know what u mean

Norcal reporting. I hope we do, so I have a reason to go elsewhere.



>California splits
>all other states put trade tariffs on California, buisness moves from California to the combined states
>Mexico 2.0 is created

WA has tonsof tech companies. Just another day driving by Valve, Amazon, Expedia and Microsoft corporate offices. Also Boeing, Starbucks...


delete your state

the stock thing is a federal NFA thing not a california issue. basically the atf is fucking retarded

also the /k/alifornians would definitely back up the rest of the union

if california exited north california would become scotland. they might vote to rejoin US as separate state

California is an utter shithole, let it burn and turn into Mexico 2.0, they can have southern Texas too.

Literally Norcal (above SF) is the only decent place and that's because it's more the like PNW.

plus one huge fucking thing people forget
Arizona controls most of California's water
No matter how much water California can get out of its fresh water resources it's never enough they have to take it from the Colorado
And pretty much Arizona is the one throwing it's cock around telling who gets the most water out of it and usually we get the most. So if California does secede Arizona's ganna cuck them out of there water
We are the reason for the shortage of water in California
While those cucks can't water there lawns we are over here putting up golf nice green golf courses that are vacant half a year but still get that water

>Not CaliforNah
>Not califorNo
>Not Califorego paying federal taxes

People need to stop riding the Grexit/Brexit train and come up with their own clever names for their secession movements.

For instance, my state, Arizona, could be AZcape (escape)

I know what you mean. When I drive through Central Phoenix, I see tons of tech companies here. Mostly companies based off of manufacturing and selling things, especially energy companies. And mining companies. Tech companies are now moving over here, too, and I'm seeing them pop up next to huge corporate buildings here. Can't wait for my yearly drive up through there to see what's changed since 2014.

Just want to go see our giant vagina in the ground again.

We wouldnt have to burden Mexico, we can deport all illegals to California to punish them. Every single last one of them and save the SW.


Arizona is also mostly redpilled. What happened to New Mexico, why are they so cucked?


My dream school is UC San Fran. How degenerate is it there and can I avoid it

I also think San Fran is a beautiful city, but I only went to San Fran when I was 10