Isn't Antifa supposed to attack a Trump rally today? (Pic unrelated)
Happening today?
I hope so. Normies need to be exposed to how shitty Antifa is. Also, who's this cum plum?
>Antifa literally kills several people
>Liberals say they deserved it for supporting trump
>Nothing changes
I'm going. I'll try to get good footage.
Godspeed, user.
Sauce on this? Havent heard about that happening.
If so, i hope they get their asses beat, commie scum need to go.
Hopefully they get to "win" again.
Good luck to them for doing this in Denver. I can guarantee that Trump supporters will be concealed carrying up the wazoo.
Good luck and get some good stuff to show us later (or stream if possible)
>Several members of Antifa gets themselves killed by gun owning conservative Coloradoans.
>Conservatives acquitted for lawful self defense.
>Antifa BTFO.
Trump is speaking at the Denver convention center this morning. I work literally one block over on the 16th Street mall.
As long as these faggots let me get to work with out damaging my car I'm happy.
>Entire state of Colorado is basically Baltimore, Maryland now. Same laws too.
>Must be 18 to buy spoons.
>Special permit needed to own a lawnmower.
You should be concealed carrying, don't let those government agents fuck your day up.
Nope, you guys have castle doctrine, peaceable journey, shall issue concealed carry permits, open carry, and concealed vehicle carry. The only things the dems fucked Colorado on are the magazine ban, and background checks for private sales.
The state legislature of Colorado has actually voted to life the magazine ban this year I believe.
It's not a Trump rally. It's a conservative political convention. A pretty big one. The Antifa retards will be drowned out and outnumbered. They won't try anything.
Good luck, that's the kind of thing that works.
I plan to. Wearing my CC pistol on my hip and putting my full size in the backpack I take into work.
I just really don't want people writing shit on my car like I saw in California. Can't really shoot someone for that.
Fire extinguisher.
Paintball gun
Anything non lethal really.
Since it's antifa, how about a lead pipe to the knees and face ?