> this absolutely defeats the white nationalists cheers fingered key board edgelords
this absolutely defeats the white nationalists cheers fingered key board edgelords
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw on a scuba tour in hawaii for a family vacation and some pineapple nigger tourguide talks about how great this book is the whole time
unscientific garbage
creationism for leftists
No it does not...It proves a truth that is universal in the animal kingdom...Animals that evolved in cold climates are universally smarter then their warm climate cousins
This book was a scandal when it came out because all of the virtue signaling couldn't hide the overall theme
post 'em if you got 'em
Nigger apologists arent worth listening to
>no arable land
>whites turn Rhodesia into the foodbowl of africa.
Really makes you think
Won't read
Doesn't this book just cover every successful white society with different non racial excuses?
>white european riding a zebra.jpg
Jared's a shit writer, and no one worth any salt takes that book seriously.
tldr already means didn't read, so your second line is redundant you dumb fuck.
it also btfos the entire book because the book is based on fallacies on things that simply aren't true
i doubt you even read the book, probably summarized it online and now claim to have read it to all of your dumb fuck friends as well
Trailer park trash detected
>all it takes to refute that pile of shit is googling "domesticated zebra"
Trailer park trash detected
>too retarded to read a few paragraphs
>calls others trailer trash
top kek
This shit was debunked ages ago, and how is it against white nationalism? It gave concrete reasons why Eurasians were more advanced
>it took less than 20 posts to devolve this thread into shitposting
Nice "arguments" you got there.
>the guy who refuses to read an argument and can barely string a sentence together is calling others trailer trash
way to make yourself and your ideology look like shit, lad
Google fookin your shit up m8s
Yet white girls prefer black men.
White girls don't even like white boys anymore.
I hate US summer
>he googled can zebras be domesticated because he didn't think his thread through
now go back and address all the other countless points against the pseudoscience in guns germs and steel please
without resorting to name calling like a child
Take this back to the trash where it belongs.
Nah dating statistics say otehrwise, shitskin.
>Domestication is a sustained multi-generational relationship in which one group of organisms assumes a significant degree of influence over the reproduction and care of another group to secure a more predictable supply of resources from that second group.
You know how to domesticate zebras? You kill the ones that attack you and breed the ones that don't.
>should not panic under pressure
but dogs, cats, swine and horses do that. even motherfucking cattle panic under pressure.
Domestication is a centuries-long process of selective breeding. Zebras could be domesticated, it would just take 600 years.
By that definition, horses, dogs, cats, cows, pigs, parrots - any fucking animal in existence has not been domesticated
I'm a white boy. I admit the superiority of the black male.
That's a gross overestimate in your time frame. Domesticating foxes took less than 50 years
Actually, its quite the opposite. Nigger women love aryan cock, and white women mostly find niggers unattractive.
Diamond is to racists what Darwin is to thiests.
>Diamond is to racists what Darwin is to thiests
Outdated? Wrong?
Oh look a Sup Forums JPG infograph
You sure proved me wrong!
Explain advancement of the west compared to Chinese, Indian empires, Persians etc
Political and economic systems are the main point here
Stay mad, cuck
>abloo zebras cant be domesticated! poor africans had no chance!
>meanwhile indians domesticated fucking elephants
hell, even south and central america created more advanced civilisations than most of africa, and these continents were literally cut off from the rest of the world for dozens of millennia
Cuck is supposed to be an insult?
Not my fault that I can accept the truth. Best we can do is support white girls who go black.
>600 years
kek, this is selective breeding we're talking about here m8
you should get a canadian proxy
a leaf flag would tremendously improve your funpostings
i had a shitload of them, but idk where, prob on my other comp
>tfw white male
>tfw you will never be a civilizing force showing shitskins the way of the white man in turn of the 20th century Africa
Sup Forums tards have no education. they get all their "facts" from sourceless info graphics and stormtard websites.