Obama Here, AMA

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ook ook bix nood muh dick muhfugga?

Unga bunga

neh muhfugga ey dawn' neeed dat sheit

Hey what's good homeboy

Nothing much, just planning an assasination against Trump


bix nood ook muh fuken equailty and dick an sheet

If if if if if If if If if if if if If if if if if If if If if if if if?

equality n sheieeieieieeit all bracks ar beta daaan whiteos

Was Michelle's gender reassignment surgery a trying time for your family?

I believe so.


Sir, what is going on with this north American alliance we keep hearing about in the news recently? Are you going to create a single currency for all of us? Also, youre a nigger

Should I be worried about okie doke?

Nah, me and my family forced her to do it, I got a rare fetish you see..

sheieet dem whitbois don't noe shit bout this dick n shit bix noob mufuckin rasis

What would happen if Obama actually did a Sup Forums ama?

When wuz we kangz? Is you make us kangz gen?

We are having an alliance, just not with Mexico. It'll be called CANAMERICA. Then we'll make the leadership require a gay marriage, so Im preparing a wedding with Justin Trudeau.

And thanks for that compliment.

Hed probably seppechu

I am having one you dipshit republican

weeeeeelll said

fuk nigga we wuz candia and sheeit. fukin whitebois dont kow bout us ice heritge an sheieet . We wuz ekimeos an sheeeit dah original natives

Quit trying to kill my people we're out of your control. We opened pandoras box and unlike the myth we can close it when ever we want...1,5,30 well placed coal burnings and the entire west will be different.


If? If! If... If-If-If!?


Timestamped photo or gtfo you newfag.

Also, a jolly good fuck off from Australia for suggesting we need more refugees.