The "autism general" below got my hopes up and disappointed me, so here's an actual topic for discussion:

What do you guys think of "curing" autism? Autism Speaks, the most prominent autism "advocacy" organization, is merged with Cure Autism Now. It's pretty clear that, with research focused on finding genetic factors leading to the birth of autistic children, the "cure" is abortion. What does Sup Forums think of that?

On the one hand, there are plenty of individuals on the spectrum who undeniably lead fulfilling and noble lives. That said, I feel like the people who point that out often ignore the screaming, nonverbal manchildren with sub-80 IQ's who smear shit on their parents' walls at age 25. Is it possible to throw the bathwater out and keep the baby? If you're in favor of a "cure," is it all right to eliminate all aspies in order to get rid of the ones who can't function? What will the societal consequences be, positive or negative, if we do eliminate autism?

What about individuals on the spectrum having children? Should their embryos be screened, too, regardless of whether they want it, to prevent more aspies from being born? Seems like that'd be the only way to actually "cure" it.

What are your thoughts on autism and how society treats it? You think society at large even knows what it's doing? You think it's over-diagnosed, or is detection just better?

Tell me your thoughts, Sup Forumsacks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hate to see a well-written thread go to waste, but I have exactly 0 input 4u

But then Sup Forums will disappear.

I'm by no means scientifically literate, but I remember hearing that the rise of diagnosed autism was linked to the fact that in the west, people are having children at later ages than before; specifically, a correlation had been established between 35+ year old males having kids. People want their cake and eat it too; it seems that there is a severe downside to putting your career first and THEN deciding, at age 40, to start a family. I don't see this trend slowing down, so enjoy the rampant autism

academic source proving my point

>Offspring of men 40 years or older were 5.75 times (95% confidence interval, 2.65-12.46; P

I just want to live out my days in a small room by myself, never having to be near another human being. Is that so wrong?

Thanks anyway.

You tell me. Does society have an obligation to abide people who don't assimilate into it? Can one truly be removed from society at large? Does your decision affect other people? Could you provide some benefit even while isolated?

This is pretty anecdotal, but I used to date a girl who was pretty clearly on the spectrum. She had four siblings if you count the miscarriage.

One of her older brothers was the screaming manchild version of autistic. Completely nonfunctional, shit on the wall, barely and limitedly verbal, and eventually sent to live in a "home." Another one of her older brothers was a pretty accomplished professional with a family of his own and pretty typical sperg interests (tabletop, vidya, etc.). Smart, well-read, but arguably probably on the spectrum himself. One was a miscarriage. Her older sister had epileptic seizures and was a weeb. As for her, she was hand-flappingly spergy, and was born without a few of her teeth, but otherwise really smart and functional, if a bit goofy and nerdy.

The point is that her dad was almost 70, and I dated her in high school. I can't help but wonder if her dad's age when conceiving his kids had something to do with what affected his kids. That said, he was a major eccentric himself, a profound intellectual, and the sort of guy who rarely left his computer. So I dunno.

As a side note, whaddya think of this?:

Well I support abortion so I can see why eugenics via screening would be good but then would it lead to another class of elites who can afford it. The ignorant masses would become the ugly, sickly and ignorant masses.

>the "cure" is abortion
Disagree. Without autists, we wouldn't have people like Temple Grandin, revolutionizing livestock handling.
The cure is just to make them function better so their often problematic ways of taking in the world are manageable, not to eliminate those different ways they take in the world.

>the people who point that out often ignore the screaming, nonverbal manchildren with sub-80 IQ's who smear shit on their parents' walls at age 25.
Yeah, I'm fine with screening those out. I think there's a clear difference between high-functioning and low-functioning autists. If genetic screening can tell the difference as well, that'd be great. I'm not sure you could make laws to stop people from aborting high-functioning autists, so possibly less people would permit it if they could afford screening, though on the other hand if they could afford it they might want a trendy child prodigy.

... maybe I should remain a wizard. I'm almost 40. I'll just wait for life-extension and possible immortality and maybe by then they can permit me to pass on my genes safely.

Okay, i have aspergers and minor ADHD (or was diagnosed with) and i can say ive done reasonably well. I've been to a special school and seen the broad range, from intelligent people who had streaks of narcissism/pessimism, to people who had trouble articulating basic ideas and seemed ten years younger than they were.
I have two examples to give

First was an asian kid, two years oler than me. Couldn't speak coherently for an extended period of time or form complex sentences. however he could understand ideas and basic reasoning well and could help out with defined tasks. He also had a pretty innocent personailty.

Next was a fucking bastard. One year older than me, fulfilled most basic conditions to be considered normal, but he was a massive fucking cunt. If he found a way to annoy you, he'd do it constantly, refused to do work and often tried to sabotage shit. He was the absolute worst person i've ever met, and he was a redpill that some people just couldn't contribute to society and were better off dead. Everyone, even the most forgiving teachers and me, who was considered one of the most mature students, gave up and hated his fucking guts.

The article i linked in my original post clearly shows that there IS a correlation between older fathers and autism. Seems to be the consensus at this point. If we're talking anecdotally, one of my uni teachers was a milf in her early 30s, married to a 50 year old dude, and all three of their kids were full-on heavy autismos.

About the video, has a strange tone to it. Almost cult-like for some reason..

>maybe i should remain a wizard
I would've been a virgin until age 28 had i not paid for a hooker when i was 19. Just pay for some pussy ffs. It actually does put things in perspective. Today i can say that i am not impressed, or awkward, around hot 3d qts. Single af though with nary a prospect in sight, for sure.

>Her older sister had epileptic seizures and was a weeb.
you mean a filthy fushoji.

>As a side note, whaddya think of this?:
... weeeeeird.
personifying autism as if it's a malicious entity.
love conquers all? no, it doesn't.
fighting it with science, and voodoo and herbs??? maybe da 'erb a peace, mon!

>i am not impressed, or awkward, around hot 3d qts.
I'd like to think I'm not either, but I'm not a shining example of a stoic middle-aged wizard.
Bleh. I'm just not sure. While it's mostly nonsense, I do worry about losing my mana to a succubus. and a common prostitute??

I'm conflicted on eugenics as well, and largely for similar reasons.

>The cure is just to make them function better so their often problematic ways of taking in the world are manageable, not to eliminate those different ways they take in the world.
That would be prefereable to many, but it's clear that the goal of the "research" being conducted is detection and abortion.

>I'm not sure you could make laws to stop people from aborting high-functioning autists, so possibly less people would permit it if they could afford screening, though on the other hand if they could afford it they might want a trendy child prodigy.
If you could make people just fear "autism" as a word enough, and make the screening widely avaliable, there's little doubt in my mind that all aspie embryos would suffer the same fate as down's syndrome ones. Unless, like you said, tthey wanted a trendy child prodigy.

I mean, I'm an aspie too, and I've seen both ends of the spectrum full-on as well. Again, i'm not sure that genetic testing could discriminate between high-functioning and low.

Sometimes i wonder if THAT'S why we get the smart/educated/academic aspie stereotype. People who get degrees tend to have educated kids, and they also tend to wait longer until marrying, right?

>personifying autism as if it's a malicious entity
Right? I thought that making it out to be worse than childhood cancer or AIDS was a little ridiculous.

I don't know why I put "research" in quotes. It is research after, all. By definition. There's my own bias leaking out again.

>I do worry about losing my mana to a succubus
Those are just memes mane. Is wizardry really a culture that you want to hang on to, something to maintain? It's only you that knows if it's working for you or not. In your heart of hearts, you know. I was sick and tired after like 8 years of crippling depression from tfw no gf, and i just went for it. Didn't last, but at least I had a taste of the normie life.

>smart/educated/academic aspie stereotyp
Maybe in part. But the "eccentric genius" meme has been around longer than the diagnosis of autism, longer than the movie Rainman. It's been a meme longer than memes have existed; Beethoven, Van Gogh, Tesla, now that Turing guy. I think it's more related to that. I'm sure that most autists are far from geniuses.

I hate that movie, and I've never even seen it. People have been comparing me to "rain man" since I was fucking five and insisting that I watch that movie, along with A Beautiful Mind. If one person tells me I'm Sheldon, I'm going to fucking lose it.

>I'm sure that most autists are far from geniuses.
That's a documented fact. The IQ range among autists is lower. A few brilliant savants doesn't change that.


cool idea with a lot of potential, but i really don't trust human beings (and society in general) to not fuck it all up. like, look at Sup Forums or /left/ or insert-bureaucrat-here - do you really trust these fuckers to decide the fate of the human race?

>must autists are far from geniuses
consider that modern psychology has divided emotional intelligence from intellectual intelligence. autism is largely defined by a lack of the former, which can drive people towards developing the latter.

>cure autism

but dude, you're totally into the internet and all that nerd shit. big bang theory so funny rite?

>notice you're mildly neuroatypical
>hey user, have you seen Rainman
>A beautiful mind?
>Sheldon bazinga xD
fucking normies. Must suck to be a walking meme, no offense.. That's like meeting a nigger and being like "have you seen Boyz in da Hood" ? Do you like dat perple drank too?

Exactly. You've hit on exactly what pisses me off about that.

I feel ya, buddy. That's my ultimate stance on this, too, but I can't help but wonder if they don't have a point about non-functional ones.

>cool idea with a lot of potential, but i really don't trust human beings (and society in general) to not fuck it all up. like, look at Sup Forums or /left/ or insert-bureaucrat-here - do you really trust these fuckers to decide the fate of the human race?
Look what we did to dogs by breeding them for the traits we wanted. Turned out to be a really mixed bag with a lot of health defects.

> A few brilliant savants doesn't change that.
A few brilliant savants can change the world
Rather than "curing" autism, we should discover what sets these people apart from other autists

well the non-functional ones are fucking potatoes. mash 'em. put 'em in the oven.

I should add that I seriously wonder whether the autists born to older couples are even the same as ones born to younger ones.

I agree. Something tells me that we probably aren't even dealing with one thing. There's overlap, sure, but is the autist born to young parents really the same as the one born to older ones and obviously the product of degraded sperm? Is the hyperlexic sperg really the same as the nonverbal autist? I seriously feel like the "spectrum" thing is a cop-out sometimes.

>not boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
>select all images with trains
Oh, captcha.

Ah, right. Autism Speaks is the controversial organization. I vaguely remembered hearing that ages ago. No surprise their video is fear-mongering nonsense.

Well, the climate's not good for me either, and I don't think I can become alpha enough to go to some country with super-traditional women to serve that role. or maybe I've just been taking too many MGTOW red pills.
Besides, I dabble in the occult, so even though the "wizard" thing is just an internet meme, I would like to understand the real stakes.
I gotta sort out my own shit too. I got some issues with my anima or something that I don't want to be projecting out into the world in futility. Alchemical wedding.

Yes and no. You should be challenged as much as possible, so complete isolation is impossible, unless you're a hard enough dude to go hermit style in the wilderness.
Society can permit a certain amount of parasitic individuals. I'm a little worried that if there's any extreme social unrest, that I will be some of the first to die.

Maybe for a good reason.
At least in the genetic lottery, it's better than inbred royalty. We get old eggheads raising even more eccentric eggheads.
I think all of us on the spectrum would be geniuses given the proper upbringing.

>I hate that movie, and I've never even seen it. People have been comparing me to "rain man" since I was fucking five and insisting that I watch that movie, along with A Beautiful Mind. If one person tells me I'm Sheldon, I'm going to fucking lose it.
Wow, I didn't even realize those stereotypes existed before TBBT, but TBBT gives normies free rein on all nerds/geeks whereas Rainman was only for the clearly autistic.

.... but they DO like purple drank and watermelon and fried chicken.

>cool idea with a lot of potential, but i really don't trust human beings (and society in general) to not fuck it all up.
Maybe it won't be such a bad thing when AI is ruling over us.

warships are even worse mate.

considering the breadth of the spectrum, it kinda seems like it. like, i'm technically an aspie, get my bux and everything, but i can pass for neurotypical. friends, girlfriend, job, the whole nine yards. and i'm supposed to have the same general sort of mental issues as, i dunno, /r9k/? no way.

>I dabble in the occult,

at least I don't dabble in DotA's.

You poke around in the history of religion and learn some interesting stuff. Even putting the woo-woo aside, dissecting the origins of our myths and their reoccurring themes is insightful.

and now thanks to the internet even every Plebeian knows about things like the stoned ape theory through people like Joe Rogan.
but that just illustrates the real, practical purpose of religion, not just as social control, but the pursuit of higher planes of reality.

Yeah man. I try to be a little bit wizardly in the original sense as well.
I'm very sad how few people in the wizard/NEET community seek self-improvement. They're so hopelessly lost that they're hardly better than normalfags. I couldn't stand wizardchan for that reason.
I really need to find a community of elder wizards to impart their wisdom to me. I have no community.
I have sort of 2 friends, and I only met 2 people recently due to following Martin Shkreli onto a video chatroom site. One of them is a high-functioning autist who's super smart and researching cool things, and the other is kind of a normie like one of my existing friends but like him thinks about important topics. This new one's even a freemason.

>what do you think about "curing" autism
I'm up for a final solution

I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 9. I'm on my way to the US Army. So I guess that's productive.

Autism is a symptom of hard reproductive pressures for higher IQs. All of the symptoms of autism are beneficial coupled with normal characteristics, but when they come together they have disastrous behavioral effects. That's why successful couples have autistic children at higher rates: those genetically influenced behaviours a made them so successful.

I believe that when a child is mentally retarded, they cannot reproduce, and have already died genetically. We should not kill them just to save some money, unless the family feels that is best. It's more important that the family be happy than that society saves money.

High functioning bastards should simply be allowed to live life normally, attempting to compete for reproduction.

>High functioning bastards should simply be allowed to live life normally, attempting to compete for reproduction.
I agree with this. If somebody wants my sperm, then fair's fair. My genes get to keep playing this game.

>warships are even worse mate.
For me, it's jet aircraft. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

Sounds like he was a chad.

My brother has severe autism
>Has a very limited way communication only through hand gestures, tantrums, facial expressions etc
>Also has a very limted capacity on really anything, he is practically an animal wearing human skin
>He is obsessed with water ( a common autism symptom) and it has caused major modifications and water damage(btw im in commiefornia so he also has caused water prices to go up for us due to the drought)
>What he doesnt destroy with water he will find another way to destroy, ruin ,or waste
>He also has become an escape artist, we live in a rural are so if he runs off after turning our backs for a few seconds hes off and we have to shout for him and look around for him, this has become few and far between recently though
> He CAN however show emotion and do "cute" childlike things and barely do tasks and does them poorly, tasks such as mopping and sweeping.
I often am amazed how far primal parental instincts can go by the fact neither of my parents have ever gotten murderous with him. and they hardly ever hit him and when they do its because he has done something like destroy $50 worth of flour or something.
I also switch around from mild acceptance of him to secret murderous rage which i keep bottled up. My parents are in a totally happy marriage except for him. And every now and then my mother goes into intense weeping rage. wondering why he can't be normal or at least non-destructive. moments like them are why i would hate him.
I can't handle him anymore, he will never be a functional member of society or do anything but being a beacon of rage and sadness, I pray to God and ask him why and what sort of divine plan could come out of this. I have yet to receive an answer.
>tl:dr Should i kill my autistic brother for the good of my family?

Same user
Should we commit tard genocide?

If autism is genetic couldn't we just engineer humans to have all the positive traits with none of the drawbacks?

>I feel like the people who point that out often ignore the screaming, nonverbal manchildren with sub-80 IQ's who smear shit on their parents' walls at age 25

No, those people are under the delusion that nonverbal armflappers are speaking a secret language that neurotypicals are too ableist to understand. All it took was a couple parasitic scientists to write some bullshit and pretend it was what an autist 'really meant, I promise ;^)' to get dumbasses to block autism prevention research.

... I GUESS, at SOME point in the future. Genetic screening is much easier in comparison, so that comes first.

>And every now and then my mother goes into intense weeping rage. wondering why he can't be normal or at least non-destructive.
On the plus side, it's safe to leave your parents to their miserable fate because they're clearly retarded, or at least your mother.

I aspire to be a fully-fledged degenerate. I probably will never be a high class degenerate like melonpan. I'll probably just be a piss wizard. Hmmm... Yes. This must be why the CWC's of the world have cheap children's toys, because they can't afford high quality balljoint dolls.
Wait, what am I talking about?? No! They use cheap children's toys because they're too retarded to save money! I can afford a BJD or a fursuit costing thousands of dollars! I don't think investing my meager savings in an education is a good idea because I'm so incompetent. At least if I get a BJD I can make people weep as I ruin them with crappy face-ups and... I wish laser hair removal were more affordable. It would probably take ALL my money just for that.

Yes, but my point is that it's possible.

The drawback of screening is that we'd lose the useful autist genes along with the useless ones with modern technology, and when future tech came along that could isolate the good genes, they could be lost forever.

I mean, I can understand nonverbal armflappers pretty well sometimes, but only because I have the sensory processing of an autistic person. It's pretty clear that sometimes they're trying to convey that a certain sound (music, words with sibilance sounds, whistling, etc.) or textures are painful, but I only know that because they're painful to me, too. I'd probably scream and hit people if I didn't have words to express that, like "Could you please stop making that noise? It's a bit overwhelming to me." Hell, I know why they're acting like that because that's precisely how I WANT to react to certain stimuli, and I'm just intelligent enough not to have to.

I'll stand by my point that people ignore the bathwater in favor of highlighting the baby, but there's also some truth to the "other language" thing. It's not a matter of being "ableist" (Judging people by ability? Imagine that!) It's a different world entirely for somebody wired this way, and things that are glaringly obvious to an autistic person aren't even noticeable to NT's.
Yes. Murder is obviously the solution.

You'll achieve your answer once you abandon the simplicity of a plan someone has for you, and instead adopt genetic determinism. Your brother doesn't do those things because he wants to hurt you, he's just literally programmed to behave in that way due to mutations in the womb.

The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can treat everyone in the situation with the compassion they deserve.

If you adopt such a worldview people deserve exactly as much compassion as you're willing to show them.

The autist brother's actions are attributable to genetic determinism so if he decides to kill him isn't it just his genes?

Who /mild aspie/ here?

Define "mild."

Quads of truth.

Singles of solid point.

Obviously. Civilization has for thousand of years imposed selection pressure to breed people who don't kill each other unless when considered socially acceptable.


There is an aspie test on; I did it and I have both neurotypical and neurodiverse traits, yet I have like 120/200 neurodiverse and 90/200 neurotypical. So I'm more prone to having Asperger's. My perception skills are mostly neurotypical, but my romantic and social skills are mostly neurodiverse. My talents are both neurotypical and neurodiverse.

The solution is a good shot in the head

Where do we draw the line between actions people are preprogrammed from birth to carry out and actual choices?

Can the atrocities committed by ISIS be attributed to their genes? Is it more wrong to chose to do evil than to be born evil?

Oh, yeah. I've taken that, I think. What's weird is that aside from having social ability and the capacity for speech, I've basically got THE most autistic brain of anybody I know. Not sure if that's mild or severe.


I dunno. In any case, I think the only idea that can override total determinism is the possibility of this being a simulation of some kind with our consciousnesses being outside of it, and I'm not sure if I believe that. That said, I think that people act better when they're convinced of free will, whether it exists or not.

And obviously, choosing evil is worse than being born prone to it.

That legitimately might be the only "cure." Seriously, are we going to rewire a person's entire brain? How is that not killing the person who they were prior to that?

You think that the only thing blah blah blah.

People think all kinds of retarded shit because they can't imagine anything beyond the limits of their own imagination.

>they can't imagine anything beyond the limits of their own imagination
Yeah. That's how a limit works.

I'm open to an alternative refutation of determinism. I just can't come up with one on my own.

It's a limit defined by the evolutionary path life on earth has taken. It's like you went to a bowling alley and weighed all the balls and concluded that the heaviest sphere in the universe weighs 16 pounds.

ISIS will make sure Sonic's arms aren't blue! It all makes sense! (It actually doesn't make sense that terrorists are autistic. ... wait. ... does it?? I heard a theory that all the refuges are the family rejects who are too stupid to have proper impulse control and work a proper job which is why they're fucking failures at Muslims by smoking and drinking, and chimping out everywhere. I DID also watch a video theorizing that people who create religious practices are probably ADD-freaks.)

I know a lot of people think that's not even real.
I'm pretty damned sure I have it, because I'm too smart but simultaneously retarded. I shouldn't have an above average IQ as a teenager but be this much of a failure now at almost 40. I've practically been exposing myself to the same stimulation for the past 25 years. ... well, I guess I did finally stop listening to Skaven and ... what was that other popular chip tunes guy. and I finally moved on to Daft Punk and Gorillaz. but it's still so slow. I just wear stuff out for years and years. I'm still playing Terraria and WoW.

our consciousness outside the simulation? What makes you think we're not just part of the simulation, 100%?
I'm more fine with being artificial than I am of the possibility that we're powerless to stop a demiurge-like force from using us for it's own means, unless that cosmically works out in the end, like a Grant Morrison comic where the forces of chaos and order are actually working towards the same goal on a higher tier.

An actually interesting thread on Sup Forums, what do you know.

It's easy to say to just kill all aspies because everyone will feel better. It's very easy to say especially when you're 18 or 22 years old like most of this site's demographic, or at least the part that posts instead of only reading. I'm also inclined to lean towards the abortion as a solution side, but honestly, it only shows my lack of life experience. How would I react if I finally had a kid with a woman I love and it would turn out retarded? What would I do then? It's scary to even think about it, it's likely scarier to consider killing the child.

As you grow up, you make peace with the establishment and whatever card fate deals you, I think. It's cool to talk about self-improvement and how it's never too late to change your life, but it's also far far easier to talk about it instead of doing it. There's also the state enforcing the rules. If you kill your child, you'll suffer a long prison sentence. If you leave the child with its mother, you'll pay a hefty child support for a similarly long time. So what are you going to do? It's a lose-lose situation and, you know, people often love their family unconditionally.

MOBAs are pretty fun though, if you have friends to play with.

Nah, short, ugly as fuck, grating voice and terrible posture, all around horrible person

It should be legal to kill ppl like your brother

>MOBAs are pretty fun though, if you have friends to play with.
Why do you mock me?

>So what are you going to do? It's a lose-lose situation and, you know, people often love their family unconditionally.
They have feelings. The decisions just justify them. The smart move would be to cut your losses and flee the country or try and change your identity illegally. Well, that's if you could write the woman off, but what are the odds you can take a chance on her not doing the same to you?
I'm thinking of going full middle-Eastern and going gay for the brotherly love with a wife for procreation and house-keeping. Maybe those backwards mudslimes were on to something. and the Greeks, and the samurai. *tips topknot* *just the tip*

Internet weeb friends I met pursuing a hobby that's weird from a normie point of view.

Also if both parents want to have nothing to do with the autismo kid, available solutions are actually legal and safe.

The guy from A Beautiful Mind wasn't even autistic. He was a schizo.

How to cure autism? Close Sup Forums and tumblr.

People like to characterize others so they seem less threatening and more understandable.
It's simple manipulation.

I do sometimes find it amazing how much I’ve changed. The way i used to act was so fucking cringe worthy.

Let the current retards live their lives, but prevent new ones from coming into existence as best as possible. My sister's school friend has an autistic older brother, and he loves him, but I know it's heavy for them. He's always screaming, he cuts random wires and plants when he finds a pair of scissors, and he once tried to pry the chewing gum from my mouth.

>high functioning autists

>Sup Forums is full of naive aspies
Color me surprised.

I take these tests every now and then and every time it turns out I'm not autistic enough (69/200 vs 137/200 atm), just socially retarded and pretty normal otherwise, which is probably true.

She looks pretty fuckable for someone with autism.

Im autistic i work my job and earn 13$ an hour.I honestly dont like dealing with people but when it comes to work i deal with it and act like a proper fucking human being.After work i spend my time alone playing vidya with friends, or working on my guns.No real urge for a girl friend.Just seems like to much extra drama.