>police doing controls
>chinese chimpout
and Sup Forums said they were our allies... why Sup Forums is always wrong?
>police doing controls
>chinese chimpout
and Sup Forums said they were our allies... why Sup Forums is always wrong?
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Kill the white piguuu!
don't hurt our chink allies you fucking mediterranigger
wait why the fuck are they there.
this is like hearing about Inuit riots in Texas
probably tourists
chinese tourist are known for being cunts, even moar so than yanks
trading noodle recipes
The chinks were probably like
>kill the musrims and nigruu!
then the cuck police were all
working: no regulations, no taxes payed, chinks are our mexicans.
More interesting question for me is why they like Italy so much?
t. Zhang
They make clothes in semi-legal workshops
That's how you keep your "Made in Italy" tag while exploiting cheap chinese labor
This, chinkie dinkies are well behaved unless provoked beyond a reasonable point.
I heard Triads are big in France not sure how they end up in Italy tho.
Probably broke out at an all you can eat buffet.
> chinkie dinkies
But do they identify as Chinese or as
> Illegal immigrants
Thats your problem, pretty much any Chinese of value in the mainland died during the cultural revolution and great leap forward.
the cops are like "why does this 11 year old have a mustache?!"
What are they after? more designated shitting streets?
chinese love to shit everywhere too
nice one japan
Chinese are on a whole different level. Americans may not give a shit about your culture and talk loud, but the chinese will shit on your streets and cut in every single line.
Chinks dont act human
Nah burgers are just more on an obnoxious tourists
Chinks are fucking degenerates, completely out of this fucking world.
They think they own anywhere they go(than again they kind of do, but that's beside the point)
>and Sup Forums said they were our allies
Who on Sup Forums ever said chinks were good for anything?
They're soulless savages who are only good for cheap labor.
well few weeks ago they found nork slaves working in polish shipyards or someshit so ...
>and Sup Forums said they were our allies... why Sup Forums is always wrong?
I, for one, am not one of those whites who dick-rides asians.
Asian men want to fuck white women and see white men die (just look at all the /r/asianmasculinity fags who come through here).
I don't like the idea of east-asians being in Europe especially.
They are honorary Aryans. Asians also have a rich history to be proud of. That doesn't mean they should be living in our cities.
Europeans are still the masterrace
The only honorary Aryans are the Japs, Chinks have always been shit tier since the gommies took over.
Does Taiwan have the most "human" chinks who fled Mao's repressions?
>honorary Aryans
Mainland Chinese aren't even human.
It's all because of communism
Chinese are garbage Asians.
Taiwan and Hong Kong have the best Chinks that are still in Asia, the Chinks in the western world are also pretty good.
Mainland killed off all the humans of value during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
That will be depend on how you define human.
if were to say, I think we are the "tone"down version of chinks(if a chinks insane level is 11, we are about 6-7)we still do some shitty things no less, but even we think chinks are fucking insane.
Traids aren't that tough. They are scared of Beijing as well so they only prefer to operate or should I say hide away in Hong Kong.
Because China is really enthusiastic when it comes to executing criminals and not even a billionaire was spared from being executed in China or disappeared without a trace and remains on the missing list forever.
Well, if you want to look at ancient Chinese treasure, you don't exactly head to China but Taiwan, instead.
When the Nationalists fled to Taiwan, they took as much ancient Chinese cultural works and treasure as they could and showcased them in Taiwanese museums.
Any loot they could not bring was crushed or destroyed by Mao.
Well were back to executing criminals again tho, i hope it works.
Can confirm, it takes about 12 years to make all the artifact to go on display for at least once.
> Florence
> Chinese chimping out
Wait a moment, the fuck?
Tuscany is our chinatown, it's full of chinks working in sweatshops, they started chimping out after the police made an inspection and found some irregularities
ginnys arent white
I think you mean chinkouts.
>Violent Chinese patrols attacking africans
>Chinese patrols against african immigrants, suspected of aggressions, burglaries and robberies
Based gooks.
Chinese chimping out over niggers and because the government is interfering in their businesses.
That's pretty based really.
Not tourist, there are a lot of
clothing factories owned for decades by chinks near Florence.
>and Sup Forums said they were our allies
>things that never happened
Koreans are our allies. Chinks are subhuman tier and less trustworthy than Jews.
they are sucking on mad jew dick since the US helped them though, nothing surprising
>Asians wanna stop niggers from raping and stealing
>Italian police prevent them from protecting themselves and others.
>Italy now even more shit then before
top cuck lads.
>Asians wanna stop niggers from raping and stealing
Actually they want to stop the police from closing their sweatshops will illegals working for 1 cent/month
>Italian riot police
>defending mudslimes
>defending any minority
The only thing they where trying to defend was their exclusive monopoly on legally beating niggers, mudslimes and commies.
kek, ahmed from cuckistan detected
Chinese are the worst.
You understand why we hate them right? They lack any and all compassion.
more like
>locals report chinks for some illegal activity, either scamming people and/or running a sweatshop
>police try to investigate
>Chinks flip out
Lmao what?
>tear gas chinks for the lulz
>pour freezing water on them
>amputate their limbs one by one
>rape their country
Yeah chinks are the problem
In an interwiew, a rioting chink shouted that they wanted less regulation. I mean, they already work almost exclusively violating every safety/labour/taxation law in existence and demand even less so?
Had a sensible chuckle with my dad when we heard that on tv
Because despite being one of the EU countries with the highest taxation on income, payroll and property, it's actually quite easy do completely evade taxes with minimal risk of being caught by our "IRS equivalent".
I love italian police.
Would figth for that privilage too.
Avanti you glorius bastards!
t. Yamamoto
>china superpower by 2020
how's going gengis khan ?