Someone without a bias redpill me on Rhodesia. Was it really that great / what kind of country would it be today if it still existed?
Or is it just teenager "white nationalist" fantasy shit?
Someone without a bias redpill me on Rhodesia. Was it really that great / what kind of country would it be today if it still existed?
Or is it just teenager "white nationalist" fantasy shit?
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also BLACKED @ that pic
The currency exchange rate during the height of Rhodesian Power was 1:5 to American Dollars. That's pretty damn impressive considering it was a country in Africa. So no. It wasn't white kid fantasy shit. It could've grown into a super power
A super power on the world stage or just the African one? Former is a mighty claim.
that was during a period it had a civil war and was embargoed by virtually every country
Very short version from what I understand;
>Africa, 1960s
>Rest of the world pushing colonial countries to pull their militaries out
>Africans are split about this
>Brits just up and leave Southern Rhodesia in the MIDDLE of a Maoist insurgency that openly advocates ethnic cleansing
>Whites who were born in Southern Rhodesia declare themselves Rhodesia, independent from the UK but still white-ruled, like South Africa under Apartheid
>this system works for some time, most people are fairly happy
>eventually they fall, because international media makes them look like evil racists who kill indescriminately
>this is boosted by the fact that many Vietnam war vets with PTSD basically joined the Rhodie army ONLY to "slot floppies" (kill niggers)
>Mugabe takes over, never leaves
>turns a blind eye while he stirs racial hatred
>whites are brutally tortured and killed by blacks, who blame them for centuries of marginalization
Here's a pretty song about Britain leaving:
The period of anti-colonialism in Africa and the rest of the world (I'm very interested in places like Indonesia, too) was interesting, I was thinking of writing a fiction novel about it at one point, just because it was the right thing to do, but done in the wrong way, sort of a philosophical dilemma.
Take the Spice Islands
>Dutch pull out suddenly
>Christian-majority Maluku is incorporated into Indonesia
>at the time, there was widespread ethnic cleansing and ceremonial killing, Heart of Darkness type shit
>form government in exile in Netherlands
>pissed they were just left
>years go by, they demand some help in the face of genocide, culminating in the GIE bombing a train station or something
Or with Africa, in the Congo
>Belgium pulls out
>Communist leader with cult of personality demands terrorism
>Katanga splits off, is relatively safe
>media makes it sound racist
>UN actually bombs hospitals and communication posts
>more Apocalypse Now shit
>mercenaries literally eaten
>doctor who is about to fly to the UN to testify has his car shot with an RPG, nobody else wants to talk
>reincorporated, Congo has been through violence ever since
The weird thing about ending colonialism is that the only real forces advocating for it were other countries. It was in itself a form of political colonialism and puppeteering of extremist leaders.
South Africa will follow in Rhodesia's footsteps, prove me wrong.
>How do we look good while keeping our pockets full of cash
How does this not make sense
From what I gather, the white rhodesians refused to abandon colonial policy and so europe mostly regarded them as a rogue state.
Most basic version of events:
>colonial powers facing unrest in the colonies and an inability to properly manage territories say "fuck it, let the savages have it back"
>white colonists say "fuck you, weve already been running things for decades without the mother country, we can do it on our own"
>instead of abandoning power structures they hold on to them
>UN members mostly pretend its not happening, when they do acknowledge its existence it is to declare rhodesia a rogue nation
>rhodesian government fights a war with rebels and seperatists
>rhodesian govt maintains an unimpressive but stable economy, and comparably higher levels of order than other abandoned colonies.
>still a shitshow, but not "eating people and mass rape" like liberia or famine like ethiopia
>time begins to tell on them, trade sanctions and embargoes by the UN stagnate trade and prevent most external support
>crazy rebel groups finally overwhelm the rhodesian government and the country gets dragged into the same post colonial tailspin the rest of africa is plungethiopia.
Again, very very basic description of events.
It was nicknamed the breakfast of Africa because it exported a large amounth of food.
Back than Rhodesia and South Korea had the same GDP: Now, look how the gao between them.
Yeah, I agree that colonialism was a bad thing. It needed to end, but not in the way it did, especially in Africa. The closest thing I could see to a solution came in West Papua, when the UN turned it over to the natives, but then gave it to the Indonesian military a year later, who held a referendum literally at gunpoint.
A lot of the colonial nations should've been split along ethnic lines to avoid bloodshed, and the end of colonialism should've been gradual, like South Africa.
Was there any truth to the apparent South African style racism once the UK left?
And if one of the main factors in their downfall was attack from USSR / Chinese backed communists, why didn't they get any help from the US like other places, even covertly? Did they just not want to be associated with a racist nation, even if that claim wasn't true?
Lol. It's the Breadbasket of africa.
You so crozay.
It was one of the biggest exporters of food in the world AFAIK, so it had a pretty strong economy.
The laws were also based because they mostly focused on merit, not race. There were some racial laws though, and the non-racial ones weren't enforced entirely fairly because the people were quite anti-black in general.
It would have been the perfect African country if they'd been allowed to reform slowly rather than forced to give the commies voting rights.
Rhodesia screwed themselves by being elitist in the types of Whites they took in. They often implemented financial capital requirements, so even Englishmen couldn't immigrate in certain years!
For example, in 1948, 80,000 British applied to immigrate to Rhodesia. Only 4,000 were accepted.
They weren't nearly as racist as the apartheid government but they definitely didn't see the blacks as equals. (And logically they weren't, but it wasn't and isn't because of their race.)
I'm myself confused about the west not only not trying to block the commies, but actively pushing for them to be elected.
>isn't because of their race
Well, what is it then?
The South African niggers didn't ruin South Africa. All the kaffirs that poured from the sub-human tribes of the neighboring countries that poured in right after apartheid was abolished did.
he exchange rate of the base currency unit alone tells you exactly fuck-all about the country's power level. To turn the exchange rate into useful info, you need to know:
HOW MUCH money is in circulation - a meelion Rhodesian pounds at 1:$2.80 (I can't find your 1:5 exchange rate, where are you getting it?) is big money for a person, shit money if that's your entire national budget for a year.
Is the exchange rate real? Rhodesia's currency was pegged - the exchange rates were set by the government, not by the market. If the market's notion of the value of the pound are lower than the government's, a Rhodesian won't actually be able to buy as much with that good exchange rate as you might think.
What are wages like? A UK citizen making six pounds an hour has more paper buying power than the average Latvian private sector worker - even AFTER the Kippers trashed the pound. However, prices in Latvija are so much lower than those in the UK that the average Latvijan private sector worker is going to be wealthier in practice.