>Atheist country
>Very nationalistic
>Degeneracy outlawed
I thought atheist countries were all supposed to be degenerate? I thought you needed cuckstianity to have a strong, degenerate free society?
Best Korea
Other urls found in this thread:
>Degeneracy outlawed
dictatorship is the of ultimate degeneracy
Shithole hostage situation country.
Also it isn't an atheist country, their rulers are their deities.
>Atheist country
They have religion, they treat their leaders as gods
Maybe it's so degenerate it comes around in a full circle and becomes pure morality.
>Degeneracy outlawed
Don't they all do meth to keep the hunger at bay?
Shut the fuck up canuck, it keeps faggots like you in line with a zero tolerance approach
dictatorship is the ultimate red pill you idiot rule by a competent leader compared to rule by a mob of idiots and leftists
That isn't technically a religion, but you're a spic so what do you know.
The Great Leader is their God you retard
He has no butthole because he works so hard he doesn't need it
They're so fucking ugly man how do people like these flat faced chink eyed yellow subhumans?
Bullshit, those north korea army sluts are hot af
I'd rather be slightly hungry than see my entire race eliminated.
but you know, different strokes.
>expecting a bunch of 30 year old house wives to be hot
wew (you)
North Korea's population grows at twice the rate as South Korea's. Really gets your mind going, right?
This desu
I just want to save one and make her my waifu desu
weeb degenerate off yourself
>can't access Sup Forums
sounds like a degenerate country to me
I was going to say, "there is no food", but then I remembered this.
but that cant be, NK people are starving and getting killed for NO REASON because their gov are true evil ^.^
But they are all THE SURPEREM LEADER's bitch to begin with.
Any country who can't access Sup Forums is a degenerate country.
Why are Best Corean girls so pretty while Worst Corean girls need several plastic surgeries to look pretty?
We had a good run, n'est-ce pas fellow european ?
Oblivion awaits.
Obviously North Corea is faking its statistics, you idiot.
Dictatorship and closed borders ALWAYS result in death destruction crime rising and hurt feelings, so it can't be true.
I am sure the Egyptian Pharaohs would have agreed with you.
si tu pourrais apprendre le chinois tu auras un futur. pas riche, mais sur.
She knows where to sheathe a sword, that's for sure.
They were all handpicked duh
They won't let uggos be in the front row
man I don't know why this particular post makes me so angry
americans could afford to be a little hungry now and then. boomers could afford to miss one of their SS checks which is bankrupting the country. THEY could be robbed at gunpoint by niggers once and a while so that when these things happen to their kids, they don;t just shrug their shoulders and watch tv.
during the civil war I'm 99% certain it will be whites killing whites, because niggers and muslims can't actually organize. the task will be to kill traitorous, fat, lazy, stupid liberal whites, purge them from the system utterly so that they can no longer stop what must be done.
"it's better to have suicide bombings going off in our capital than to have a slight disruption in my comfort." will be a statement with a punishment in the future.
itt we summon north koreanon
But the middle east was peaceful before Yurop and Murrica decided to remove all the dictators there.
I dont remember getting terrorist attacks while Saddam and Gaddafi were still alive and in power.
>using North Korea as an example of why atheism works
wew lad
>the nice man in the straight jacket is nice because as long as he can't kill us, he won't kill us
So why did we take him out of the straight jacket?
because he's nice, remember
Haha, les grands esprits se rencontrent : j'apprends le Japonais.
Les asiatiques de l'est vont probable hériter de notre belle planète une fois que l'extinction des europeans est achevée, étant donné que les musulmans, nègres et autres sous-hommes n'ont pas la capacité de maintenir la Civilisation technologique.
Et même à technologie égale, les asiatiques de l'est n'ont pas vraiment à se plaindre niveau quantité de soldats disponible...
I don't think you are a very smart person.
You dumb as hell, man.
Speak English you cunts
I can tell what they talking about and i don't even speak french.
Something about niggers and muslims taking over after whites go extinct and not being able to maintain technology.
I'm not too sure tho.
Daily reminder that Totalitarianism is the ultimate redpill
There is nothing wrong with totalitarian states. The problem comes from how the country adopted such system. When it comes from war and revolution, the dictator usually is an egoistical faggot that get corrupt with the power to the point he betrays his people making them suffer horribly. But, if the dictatorship comes from the love of his people and the defense of the national interest, thw contry maybe not the most rich, but will be stable and secure.
Spain is a good example. Even if today spaniards dont want to accept it, Franco dictatorship bring an epoch of peace and stability after the war and the post-war. Franco was a traditionalist militarist cuckservative, he at the start didnt wanted war, and feared that the other conspiracionists were too dangerous for Spain, he also never supportes falangism because it was "revolutionary" but he knew how to manipulate it. Yes, the guy thought he was send by God, but there are no mass-genocides, never wanted closed borders, tried to defend the cucktholic doctrine to absurd levels, and in the 60s the country started growning a good rythm. Also lets remember everyobe had a job and the country and the really low crime rates.
With democracy the family was destroyed, permanent 2 million jobless people, drugs everywhere, delincuency and such.
>With democracy the family was destroyed, permanent 2 million jobless people, drugs everywhere, delincuency and such.
Welcome to the EU.
Committing a slow painful suicide, on a national level, is not pure. It is the most decadent, and disgusting means of organizing a society. The leaders of any such system should be expunged immediately, so that a proper Government may be formed.
>The leaders of any such system should be expunged immediately
It's a shame they can't be expunged, because any indication of opposition is dealt with quickly,
>Committing a slow painful suicide, on a national level
but DPRK is one of the few countries free from American globalist degeneracy
>slow painful suicide
>growing population
Yeah lets be more like Europe and import immigrants, that'll make it a QUICK suicide!
je parle le japonais aussi, mais ils sont SJW tant qu'ils s'asservir. les impots approche 60%, l'industrie et le finance ecouent. ils retournent vers le pauvrete profond duree 400 ans due le heian. c'est pourquoi ils sont tous petit, les gens a grande taille ont tous affame.
le chinois sont un peu brusque, mais ils ont le gouvernement qui peu gagner le futur. le gouvernement japonais va tuer les enfants pour l'interet des agees.
apprenez chinois.
I love it when Americans talk like that. You should go live there, you won't last a week without McDonald's and Internet.
hon hon hon hon hon hon hon
they are not atheist
hello, are you the denbt collector?
Can't be all that bad, all these women look healthy and beautiful.
Maybe not all of them, but healthy, yes.
And anyone saying "But there are people starving in the ghettos!"
Fix up your own ghettos before you criticize.
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