dumbest fucks in the entire fucking world
still havent figured out that they lost the civil war
and slavery was wrong
dumbest fucks in the entire fucking world
still havent figured out that they lost the civil war
and slavery was wrong
No but fuck niggers
I'm not even that far down south but still fuck niggers
terrible b8 m9
It's a redditor posts weak bait episode
I think pretty much everyone can agree on this except bleeding heart liberals who never leave campus
I imagine you're voice being whiney and high pitched.
Stephen King who lives in 99.5% white city just loves nogs. Really makes you think
Sure, the safer you are, the less scary amd horrible it seems. A year ago, a hive of them lived above my apartment and I'm fairly sure you can figure out how I feel. One of their friends knocked on my door and when I opened it, all she said was "Ooh, ooh, ooh" like a literal monkey on my porch because the person she was there to see was too stupid to say "Come around the back."
I live in the south.
I like it all but the niggers.
>and slavery was wrong
You lost me there but I do hate niggers and I hate white trash so I would love the south to seceded
That was some shit tier b8 lad. Terrible banter.
>slavery was wrong
who is the dumb fuck here
I also wish the slave trade didn't happen OP
Because we wouldn't have any niggers here. Why didn't you dumb fucks pick your own cotton?
You sound like one of those pasty white northeastern metrosexuals. I live Kansas and we hear you guys asking all the time about fighting indians, parking horses outside saloons, and buffaloes all the time.
Tell me why Slaves are so bad.
Most of them were sold into slavery by raiding tribes in africa.
If anyone has to pay for the sins of their fathers, it's rich negros living off their slavers money.
The south is pretty comfy actually. The nogs down here know their place, all the riots and shit happen up north.
>The nogs down here know their place
ya their place is their dick in your sister's fuck hole
>implying sis isn't redpilled
Nice try, Tyrone, but you know as well as I do that the only place southern white girls like to see black men is on the football field.
99% of Sup Forums is still convinced the Confederacy was redpilled, no matter what you tell them they don't give a shit. I'll post this one last time, I am tired of explaining it.
The war was about slavery. All the "muh state's rights" faggots can fuck right off, Lincoln lamented when the Confederacy never gave a shit about any of that, they split when Lincoln won only because of growing sentiment that he was anti-slave, which he was.
Slavery at the time was being denounced by every western power. The entire civilized world was turning against it, Lincoln saw the writing on the wall and knew he had two options: (1) Keep niggers for X number of more years until they eventually become free anyway from growing pressure from the west or (2) free niggers and ship them back to Africa.
Lincoln, despite what history class tells you, wanted each and every nigger back in Africa. He never had any intention of letting them stay. But then the South flipped the chess board when they lost, shot Lincoln in the head, and set our country back a hell of a lot alongside that.
If Lincoln got his way you'd never see a damn nigger in your life. There is a reason coalburners almost always reside in the South.
>"b-but we fought for our homeland"
Ok, that is as good an excuse as any. But you also fought to keep niggers in the beautiful country, and never forget that. Even if it was involuntary, you did it.
jews brought black people into the south?
wow youre a bigger loser than I originally thought
Why do you think all of the slave trader ships were owned by jews?
Jews have always been major figures in the trade of human flesh. Yeah they were slaves themselves for a while, but literally everyone was at some point or another. But for some reason we're only to feel bad for the kikes and niggers.
Yeah the states' rights things sounds good
but when you see the succession documents, a lot of them quote slavery as the primary reason. none quote states' rights
and in the bedroom
>tfw Southern black
I get along with everyone, though I tend to mind my own business
Are you dumb?
That is because states' rights had next to nothing to do with it. The south wanted states to be able to decide if they wanted slavery, and that was really it. The seceded in response to Lincoln winning because it was widely believed he was anti-slave.
The only thing I hate more than niggers are southerners who maintain the Confederacy was right and also say they hate niggers. Think of how much better this country would be today with no niggers. That cuts social justice propaganda nearly in half.
>Nice try, Tyrone, but you know as well as I do that the only place southern white girls like to see black men is on the football field.
ya thats why all the 4chins are on here erryday complaining about how all the women are fucking black guys
literally the moment they take the chains off theyre fucking your women. that's how pathetic you are.