Poor lower class disappointing Brits voted to leave the EU as a way to protest the politicians and tell them to screw themselves but never intended or care so much about the actual issue, leaving them worse off than before without the EU.
Poor lower class disappointing Brits voted to leave the EU as a way to protest the politicians and tell them to screw...
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That's a big chin.
Rephrase your statement so I can understand what you're jabbering about Moshi
something about you not liking poor people and independence I take it?
>worse off than before without the EU.
>that flag
Fuck off you jew
I'd prefer we take this issue to the back of the oven
poor people should be exterminated
>you can take my country
>you can destroy my people
>but you will never have a chin as fine as mine
The problem:
1) 30-40 years of non-consensual mass immigration. Nobody asked us.
2) A complete inability for successive governments to prepare and plan-for the numbers and the rate of immigration. Schools, doctors, hospitals, housing, wage decrease, unemployment, collapse of social mobility.
3) Multiculturalism. Non-integration of communities of newcomers, some of which have their own laws, religions, social norms, and prevailing levels of crime and other antisocial behaviours.
4) The big stuff. Radicalisation. Domestic terror attacks by 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants/children of immigrants. Child rape gangs, FGM, honour crimes, etc etc.
Store this sentiment up, forbit its discussion, shake, put in an oven at gas mark 4 and bake for 40 years. Your Brexits should be soft and fluffy with a golden crust.
Holy shit it's the Crimson Chin
Their native shekel took a hit. The Euros are butthurt that dad country has balls. The Brits being willingly uncucked makes markets uncertain.
Uncertainty =/= doom.
But I understand. The tribe isn't this short sighted, and you guys know the value of nationalism OP.
ps: Why haven't you taken any Islamic immigrants, especially from Africa. You guys could use enrichment.
>anglo-saxon "master race"
Yeah, this pretty much
Basically, yes.
Explain to me how fucking ourselves by leaving the EU stops non-EU migration?
>my id
oy vey I wonder who can be behind this post
It doesn't, but it enables the possibility.
Is the UK standing up for themselves making you nervous, OP?
>It doesn't, but it enables the possibility.
It makes no difference
The EU has NEVER determined our ability to prevent non-EU migration - as we proved by refusing to take the % of Syrian refugees that Germany wanted us to
it is not a shop
this guy is for real
Why does the Anglo upper class look so weird?
SOVEREIGNTY. YOU took the power back to do whatever the fuck you want with your country.
>YOU took the power back to do whatever the fuck you want with your country.
Yup, we took the power "back" to fluch our country down the bog
Everyone I know who voted out now regrets it - badly. It was a "protest" vote they didn't expect to win. Simple fact is, every fucker with an ill thought out grievance blamed it on the EU
You know that the whole thing is illogical when the far right want out because they see the EU as being too far left, and the left want out because they see the EU as being too far right...
Leaving the EU enables us to have control over immigration (from anywhere) where previously we have had uncontrolled immigration from inside the EU, and weakly controlled immigration from outside the EU because of holes in the scheme.
For example, in the UK there are thousands of "Portuguese" people, most of which are actually from Brazil. Brazil is not an EU member. Likewise, there are thousands of others from outside the EU who have simply bought real or fake passports from less lawful EU member states to enable them to get entry to UK, Germany, etc.
The EU has also in the last few years instigated a policy of giving passports to illegal immigrants/migrants with no prior permission granted, such as Syrians, and people from Africa. These places are not in the EU.
Leaving the EU means all aspects of immigration are under our control, and we can have more, less, or no immigration, or instigate a points scheme that means we get the people we need and migrants dont get here only to discover there is no job for them.
Also being able to tightly control entry to he UK (not possible due to numbers of people coming through due to EU free movement) means we will probably catch more non-EU illegals.
Generations of inzest.
Cut the shit: Be dumb as fuck - Vote leave.
I hear this same fucking argument from libtards everywhere.
Like they can't even fathom that some people genuinely don't want their country to be an EU member.
>Leaving the EU means all aspects of immigration are under our control
And how to you propose to control it?
Well, the EU is about to let Turkey in. Do you want all those Turks flooding into the Britain?
>1 post by this id
everyone above was trolled-------
You imbecile, NOBODY allows turkey to join UE, it's out of the table.
Sort of looks like John Kerry.
Out of the loop, are you?
The EU has mostly the wrong policies, and even if you thought those policies were right... it does a bad job of implementing them, so such an extent that now EUs own policies on dealing with certain problems (such as the immigration crisis, Euro crisis, sovreign debt crisis) are actually causing problems themselves.
This is because the EU is a political organ, not an economic one, or even a military one. They just cant make the right choices because they only weigh short-term political risk in their decision making.
Its a shame because it didnt have to be this way, but the EU also does not reform, again because there is less short-term political risk for its staff in not reforming.
The EU did good work from about 1960 to about 1990 in my opinion, since then it has overreached and got into things it had no legitimacy (or ability) at doing.
They COULD control non-eu migration but they haven't, and they use the EU as a smokescreen for why they can't control immigration.
Now we leave the EU they no longer have any excuse not to control non-EU migration too.
Also we can get out of that EU court of human rights that prevents us from deporting people or having a discriminatory immigration policy.
>Do you want all those Turks flooding into the Britain?
Do you know what, I don't give a fuck. The British are lazy, entitled cunts who don't want to work and prefer to live on benefits. I've now owned three businesses and despaired of trying to get British workers to even fucking turn up (and before you start with "Capitalist Exploiter of the Proletariat shit, I have never once paid only minimum wage...)
I'm sure you're a (((British))) citizen of high repute.
If you're saying that the EU is less than perfect and needs reforming, I would agree totally. It's tone tends to change according to the political make-up of its members at any one time
That's quite different from bailing ou tof what is essentially a good thing...
It's more a case of "If the EU's so great, how come I'm still NEET?"
Also no-one is particularly worried about immigrants from the EU, 'cos immigrants from the EU are white or at worst slavs. People are worried about getting the fuck out before Merkel inevitably goes
> All these Somalian rapists had their asylum applications speed-approved by Germany so they're legally EU citizens now, gotta let 'em in Britain :^)
So you solution is to flood the country with third world migrants?
Instead of working to instil a better work ethic, sense of duty and break the degeneracy that causes these issues. The turks will become just as decadent in the future and you will need more workers. And more. AND MORE. JUST TO KEEP YOUR FIAT ECONOMY RUNNING UNTIL IT CRASHES AND YOUR HEAD IS ON A SPIKE.
Actually, the UK will most likely have the Norway deal: not part of the EU but in order to have access to the EEA they need to follow some of the EU's rules and one of them is free movement. They also have no say as to what goes on in the EU.
Because dipshit muslims wont want to come to a shitty country with no economy :D you can become like poland possibly but youll need to be more based and christian to reach poland status
Lol, the fact that the nation would vote leave was assured because the EU does not bother to seek much consent for its policies.
Technically they dont need peoples consent, they can just act, so they do so as its less tiresome to just unilaterally do something than to actually try and convince, seek consent, and take the people along with you.
The problem is, when things go wrong (as they do for all policies, parties, governments at some point or other) the people have never bought-in to the policy and so have nothing invested in being patient or making it work, you cannot manufacture public consent after the fact, certainly not after your policy seems to be in difficulty (migrant crisis, sovereign debt crisis, etc etc).
Its a shame, because if the EU had wanted to do the work, I think they could have convinced the public 20-30 years ago and carried them with them, and had support from them when things went bad.
As it is, the EU has created a pressure cooker. The various crisis are the heat under the pot, the democratic deficit, propaganda, and censorship are the bricks piled on the lid of the pot, and the EU citizens are the steam inside trying to escape. The pressure is high now.
Dude looks like he's 6'10''
>I'm sure you're a (((British))) citizen of high repute.
As ever, no counter argument
I win
>nstead of working to instil a better work ethic
And how do you do that?
You can hear the speech by the politician -
"Vote for me and I'm going to teach you to do a decent day's work..."
Trump is a protectionist and a reaction to neo-liberalism as are most of these things
God damn shitlibs and their boogeyman
This is a German, he allies with the Jew.
Get the boomers to vote for you saying you will force the young to care for them when they're drooling and bedbound.
The youth won't even bother to go out and vote even if its to save them from indentured slavery.
Also add a touch of national pride.
The same way other nations have successfully controlled immigration, to the benefit of the national interest, the people of that nation, and the immigrants who have come.
A selective scheme, such as a points scheme, which can be adjusted annually, means government can encourage the skills we need and not those we dont. Personally I dont think we need any limit on genuinely skilled immigration, but unskilled should be minimal. We arent building canals or dry-stone-walls these days. As the poor sods arriving in Germany 2 years ago have found, there is no work for a young fit man with a strong back and strong hands and a willingness to work. There is simply no just for that man and his 1 million friends. Germany is prosperous, yes, he was told that, but to his surprise this did not mean jobs for general labourers, and most of them get a terrible shock when it sinks in that coffee is £3 a cup and energy costs and 10x those in his home country. He didnt read the Economist magazine cost of living survey. With uncontrolled immigration everyone loses.
Immigration will be exactly the same: all the immigrants I've seen in Britain are Pakistanis, Indians, Jamaicans, and all sorts of Muslims that keep your economy alive (gulf states, Saudis). That is the result of colonialism, slave market, recent economic ties and doesn't have anything to do with European Union. I laugh at ignorant racist Brits saying they can control immigration leaving Europe: they just control white European immigration while welcoming Muslims Africans etc. As for the vote, I think the non ignorant racist British made a strong statement and will hopefully trigger some change in the Union, so I see it positively.
>Why does the Anglo upper class look so weird?
extreme inbreeding
The same way any other fucking country controls it. You check passports, you return those undesirables, you don't just open doors and let the orcs flood the keep.
>Because dipshit muslims wont want to come to a shitty country with no economy
Yup, that's about the most coherent argument for how Brexit will stop our immigration problem -
We've fucked our economy so much that in a few years no one will want to come here
trump is protectionist, you kike
Name a country that has not suffered from the EU?
Pro tip: Bulgaria and Romania, too, have had negative consequences since joining.
>The British are lazy, entitled cunts who don't want to work and prefer to live on benefits
I am an employer too. This fact is undoubtedly right, successive governments and well meaning but incredibly naive (mostly Labour) politicians and civil servants have created a benefits culture.
This has taken-away from the importance of family and community in caring for people who are "down on their luck" (I'll ignore those who are willfully lazy, or perennially stupid for now).
Single mothers, absent fathers, why do any parenting when the state will cloth, rear, and house your child, provide free education (which they dont value) and all the other bounties that our country (and my tax) affords them?
Unfortunately the problem is so large now that nobody would elect me to fix it, they would not like the medicine.
The poor countries got brain drain while the richer ones also had some brain drain (emigration to the US) AND massive amounts of immigration..
Better if you said working class, not poor or lower class if you wanted to be taken more seriously. The working classes, tradesmen and such were competing with Europeans for work and because of that competition, and the willingness of Europeans to accept less pay, pay rates have not increased in years.
A points system will be instigated. If the indian has a Phd then he can come in, if the South African has a MSc he can come in.
Chaim ... the goyim know
OK, well a few points -
Australia has had that sort of system for years. The UK economy has out performed the Australian one over the same period
The UK has much higher numbers trying to get in (see above)
Where do you put them all while you're processing them? (as it is, the camps in Calais are going to have to move to Dover. Good job Brexiters)
I can't comment on Germany, but in the UK it's the unskilled/semi skilled jobs that are the hardest to fill
mass immigration is an inevitable consequence of globalisation. It's not going to go away
As an aside, a group of economists did a study and asked the question - what would happen if we removed ALL barriers to immigration GLOBALLY. ie. ANYONE could move ANYWHERE
The concusion - within five years every person on the planets wealth would DOUBLE
2 minutes, trying to find the citation...
>You check passports, you return those undesirables
Where are you parking these people when you've rejected them and how are you returning them?
Jew upset about losing sheckels
Nice to meet you bro
One gets a different take on things when you've actually been in the hot seat, eh?
>1 post by this ID
The politicians are now pariahs in Europe so in a sense the people won and fucked the politicians up the arse back for once, the people are always going to be screwed over and taxed to death, at least this time they dragged the politicians to hell with them.
U.K. Already had a different policy for immigration, and Schengen (which you didn't sign!!) does not include non-E.U. citizens. So, yes, the leave does not change anything for immigration, and racist Brits are idiots.
>camps in Calais are going to have to move to Dover.
The mayor of Calais has suggested they should move to Dover but the French government have already stated this will not happen and of course, even if they were to decide to, we're under no obligation to accept the decision.
>not understanding Portuguese passports (for example) enabled a shitload of people from Brazil, India, East Timor, etc.
>Everyone I know who voted out now regrets it - badly.
Tough shit, no one put a gun to their heads.
>The I don't care if shariah law is in my neighbourhood as long as I make my shekels post
I'm glad self centered egotistical losers like you got BTFO by the vote are crying about it.
>The mayor of Calais has suggested they should move to Dover but the French government have already stated this will not happen and of course, even if they were to decide to, we're under no obligation to accept the decision.
It won't happen YET, because the EU is still hoping that one way or another the decision will be reversed. However-
WE won't have the choice. The whole point of Brexit was that we would get our border back. Last time I loooked, our border was Dover, not Calais. Nowhere else is our border in another country. When you travel to another country, you're not stopped when you leave the previous country, you're checked when you arrive at the new one, so YES, the camps will HAVE to be in Dover, because um, that's our b-o-r-d-e-r
Another little detail the Brexiters didnt even fucking consider
See also, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar...
Duke Aunt, how much worse do you think it can get for UK's poor?
They're poorer than Africoons
Poor will always get raped by rich, but this time locals wont have to compete with foreigner for local jobs, something we have problems with here.
>the EU is still hoping that one way or another the decision will be reversed
The EU have accepted it.
You lost the Remain vote. . . .. . FUCKING GET OVER IT.
>I'm glad self centered egotistical losers like you got BTFO by the vote are crying about it.
I'm glad that people like me are making the shekels which can be taxed to pay for the benefits of people like you
Make no mistake, as a result of Brexit your benefits are going down sonny and you are going to be REQUIRED to get a job and hold it, because you were being subsidised by all those immigrants you hate so much...
>WE won't have the choice
Never in a million years will that camp be recreated on British clay. I'd almost like to see the decision being made in France just to laugh at clowns like you getting told yet again.
It's already in this way you dumbfuck. UK has never agreed to the Schengel treaty, you need a valid passport and mostly a visa to come here. UK has full control of his border, have a look to calais, why do you think the migrants are costantly stopped there? Fucking hell, ignorant as fuck, totally clueless.
>The whole point of Brexit was that we would get our border back.
Not really, it was that we'd be able to govern ourselves.. you sound like a salty, uninformed Remainian
>The EU have accepted it.
Do you even fucking read?
The referendum is not legally binding
It doesn't happen until article 50 is triggered...
51% at least are dumb as fuck.
The Australian economy is based on natural resources and commodities, quite apart from it's small size and geographic remoteness, its a very different country/economy. I find it hard to justify any comparison. Probably the only constraint on Australia is available water supply (which is already causing them big problems) and small size of their domestic market (not many people).
UK has higher numbers wanting to get in? Yes. We know that people are drawn to the UK not only because of our generous welfare system, the pre-existing underground networks of illegal immigration here, but also the fact that immigrants tend to drift across Europe until them come the Calais where they can go no further.
As for processing, if someone appears on British soil without the proper permission/paperwork, then they have to go back. If I swam to Japan and staggered on to the shoreline without permission, they would send me back and rightly so.
Unskilled/semi-skilled jobs? 621,000 young people aged 16-24 were unemployed in February to April 2016 according to government figures. I would incentivise them "by hook or by crook" to work, both with stick and carrot.
Mass immigration is a consequence of people from poor countries now having the means of physically getting to rich countries, and of seeing/learning about rich countries (be it true representation or not) via internet and media of one sort or another. This does not mean that mass immigration should be permitted. Governments priorities should be their own people.
>UK has full control of his border,
No. We still have to allow freedom of movement to EU citizens.
> have a look to calais, why do you think the migrants are costantly stopped there?
Because they don't have EU passports. - Yet.
>The referendum is not legally binding
>It doesn't happen until article 50 is triggered
Don't you lot get tired of spouting this shit?
see here:
>Never in a million years will that camp be recreated on British clay. I'd almost like to see the decision being made in France just to laugh at clowns like you getting told yet again.
So tell me how you're going to avoid it?
Our border is NOT in France. Thats what you voted for genius
>the camps will HAVE to be in Dover,
That makes no sense, that's like breaking into a vault and then camping outside the door you just busted down.
They ain't going to sit on the beach, they got to Britain. They'll disperse
>The Australian economy is based on natural resources and commodities
Just a small portion though.
Do you think Britain is some third world country where democracy can be overturned so easily?
You're not in your shitty eastern Euro homeland now son. Thanks for the chuckle.
Dw, my jewish friend. The US and UK will stop sending you all of our money, so you can be independent too!
>The concusion - within five years every person on the planets wealth would DOUBLE
because it would be impossible for governments to keep a handle on collecting taxes. See mainland Chinese.
Meanwhile the hospitals, schools, roads, and other infrastructure would be getting used tenfold.
Great plan, you really lifted the bar on holistic thinking.
I don't know if you know this Mr Shit-for-Brains.
but you don't have to have Border controls in your own country?
USA isn't in the EU (honestly it's not) . .. but they have DHS officials at major aieports that often DO stop undesirables flying to America,
Remainers eh? . . .what a bunch of butt-hurt cry babies.
did you just tell the same id to re-view your post which made him comment in the first place?
>tired of identifying store fronts
>>UK has full control of his border,
>No. We still have to allow freedom of movement to EU citizens.
Because you are in the EU free market. You can't have a free market without freedom of movement, is basic logic but obviously leavers failed even the basic shits.
>> have a look to calais, why do you think the migrants are costantly stopped there?
>Because they don't have EU passports. - Yet.
EU passports are not for free, you must be a EU citizen to have a EU passport otherwise you need a temporary visa on a legal document, exactly like in UK.
>storefronts are a bitch, so are those numbers that disappear when you click on them.
>having trouble at the moment with two blank boxes instead of the captcha
>implying Israel depends on US, let alone cUcK aid
The Sangatte treaty is nothing to do with the EU, the EU had no hand in it, and have no control over it. Domestic french politicians agreed to it, and will decide if it is to be ended.
Juxtaposed controls as they are called, are quite common in the world. France enjoys having their border in Kent and being able to check Britbongs before they enter. They could be terrorists you know.
Similar agreements exist between HK and mainland China, the USA and Canada etc. They are very common.
If someone arrives in the UK without clearance then they have to go back.
If someone arrives and claims asylum then international law is very clear, they must do-so in the 1st safe country they arrive at (which wont be UK). After they have passed a safe country then whether or not they try to claim asylum here...they are not an asylum seeker they are just an immigrant (according to international law).
That Greenwitch smile PM is Israel's biggest ally. A coincidence?
Priceless mate
When was the last time you read an actual paper, or visited a serious news site?
Probably never
Dry your eyes. If you hate democracy why are you here?