>Niskey: Who Should/Shouldn’t Be Trump’s VP

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates


>Trump Responds to “Zionist Israel” Question in NH
>Trade Remarks and Q&A Manchester, NH 6/30/16
>Rally Bangor, Maine 6/29/16

>Trump on Hannity 6/30/16
>Trump Radio Interview 6/30/16
>Trump on O’Reilly 6/29/16
>Eric Trump w/ Lou Dobbs 6/29/16

>Gavin McInnes RIPS Aziz Ansari for Trump Piece
>NATIONALISM RISING: PJW SLAMS Millennials bitching about Brexit
>Still Report #986: Fake Polls on the Rise
>Stand in the Gap
>NRA Ad: Stop Clinton, Vote Trump
>Hillary Clinton Exposed – Hypocrisy, Lies, and Corruption
>Bill Clinton on The Wayne Dupree Show 6/29/16





Other urls found in this thread:


Thank you for fresh bread.

Down with Trump! I'll be protesting at Cleveland this month, and I'm bringing an army of brave bronies with me!

This will be the end of this campaign.

remember that all the tweets responding to the nbc video are all hillary shills upvoting each other to sway peoples opinion, look at their account and see their retweets

>We're already halfway through the year

Feels like new years was yesterday, but also forever ago. How do I slow down time?

You´re going to get eaten up by the blacks and the race riot, watch out

>Hmm, it might be possible to bus some of them out to protest. I'll have to talk with my supervisors.

Wait, you'd actually WANT them to protest?

You do ralize that the majority of them are batshit insane liberals, right? We're not talking about the redpilled /mlp/ horsefaggots, we're talking actual bronies.

Or did you mean just for the entertainment?

>protest Trump
>brave bronies
>that dumb Star cartoon thing

You have my copper!

we need to smash the last stand of the xenophobic and isolationist america

Stay away from the delegates.

Love you bb.

I actually want to see this happen. Bring your furry friends too.

Anyone else getting the feeling that Obama administration is panicking?

They seems to be scrambling and trying to get in as much bullshit in before it all falls apart, yet keep stumbling and making very big mistakes. Do they know that Trump is going to win?

Anyone else here heading to Cleveland?

Since the conventions have yet to take place and the media is still going all out on Trump, have they not taken into account that by the end of July they will have lost every ounce of credibility?

People don't trust them now but the smear pieces they are running don't stick. Stores like Bill meeting with the AG become a big deal and MSM looks silly for talking about something Trump said at a past rally.

Hillary will need the media and by the time she really needs to count on it seems like it will be too late.



>Anyone else getting the feeling that Obama administration is panicking?
Don't be ridiculous. No one in the administration thinks Trump is going to win. He's a clown.


I've liked Trumps speeches but I also kind of miss unrestrained Trump. Him being on message is good and all, but he can be so brilliant off the cuff. What are the phases again? Does he double down on Clinton after the convention

damn dude!

I can see it now there is going to be a /mlp/ version of Give me the delegates dahnald

> Phase 1: Define the race as Trump (American Interest) vs Clinton (Special Interest)...Timetable: Now until Conventions

> Phase 2: Conventions. Raise favorables by using free coverage of tightly scripted branding during conventions. Cast Trump as uniquely qualified candidate. Overtly positive.

> Phase 3: Debates. Break Hillary's glass jaw by showing how incompetent she is. Overwhelm her with attacks and distracting claims. Use confirmation bias to show she's weak.

> Phase 4: MAGA

We're currently in Phase One. "American Interest vs Special Interest"

The brexit vote really shook Obama up. I don't think the rise of Nationalism was something they expected and they don't know how to deal with it other than calling people racists and xenophobes.

As the election draws near expect more mistakes.

For those supporters concerned with polling:

Manafort has taken control, and Trump hasn't had a bad news cycle since. The messaging will work. The messaging is working. The polls always lag behind public support, and the MSM/pollsters have a vested interest in pushing "Trump losing" story.

> Trust the message. Trust the messenger.

>Do they know that Trump is going to win?
yeah this

Someone posted this earlier.

If you want to help Trump, a good way is to create a targeted twitter account to share memes, news, rally live streams etc. Remember at ALL TIMES that you are an AMBASSADOR for Trump. Set a good example. Convince NOT alienate people. Also do NOT post twitter account on Sup Forums claiming that it's yours.

1) Choose a demographic you want to appeal to. e.g

-swing state
-if you live in a city, make a "CityForTrump" username if one doesn't exist.
-Women who are caring, feminine, smart, care about safety
-Latinos who want jobs & respect Trumps success
-African Americans who want jobs & respect Trumps success
-Conservatives (Cruz people or ex cruz people)
-Bernie supporters
-Hillary supporters

2) Create twitter account with a suitable photo to best target your audience.

-There are many threads on Sup Forums of 'girls from facebook' etc. Just take one of the photos, crop it, and use it.

3) Install 'Twitter Follower' in google chrome browser. This lets you bulk add twitter people

-Go to twitter and search for twitter accounts who you think best represent your chosen demographic.
-e.g. if you wanted to target target latino people. Search for latinos for Trump AND latinos for Hillary. You want to add both groups of people who agree with you, and people who don't - this way you can retweet what other 'latinos for Trump' are sharing, so that your Latinos for Hillary followers will see these images.
-In the twitter search thing, you can select the 'accounts tab' to list users accounts
-once you find good accounts, go to their followers list and use 'twitter follower' to bulk add 250-500 of them. Do this daily.
-If you add too many people, your account may be locked so try to not go overboard

4) Build up base of followers. Follow all people back who follow you.

-Try to prune the users who are not following you back using
-This tool lets you easily unfollow those who have not followed you back


Polls are total bullshit anyway.
Only 33% of the people asked were even republican. So of course Hillary will look like she's ahead.
I'll say that Trump is actually 5 points ahead.

were there any more question time threads?

They failed with the primary, they failed with Brexit, they will fail again.

Seeing all the world leaders lose their collective shit over Trump was amazing.

Like fuck wait till he becomes President before you treat him as the literal God Emperor thats going to fuck all of your shit up.

I think it opened alot of peoples eyes how much the world leaders are globalists and in on it together.

They all are. The globalist have revealed themselves to have no self control. Instead of realizing Brexit should result in a slowdown they try to speed up to beat the negative tide hitting them. Globalist want the North American Union so badly they are trying do a decades worth of building it in a month, not realizing this kills its chances forever. Also dems want as many migrants here now because they can't trickle in guaranteed votes for much longer. I bet Obama does more unconstitutional executive orders in these couple months than in 8 years with the hope of getting the agenda through before anybody can stop it

>Last poll released Trump winning by 4% nationally
>Its the fucking weekends
>The shills forgot to jerry rig a bullshit poll saying he was down by 10%

Wow how did this week slip them by?

They know and Shillary knows. They're going to fuck up and trip big time.

What is everyone listening to?
Me until I go to bed.

Also someone else will have to make the next thread.

>Anyone else here heading to Cleveland?
I live in Columbus, and I'll have some PTO then, so I'll probably head up there just for shits and giggles.

Milo is Press Secretary.
Secretary of Education is Dr Duke Pesta.

I think they're losing faith.

Hey hey hey, faggots.

Cruz might be el Rato, but he's got taste. AJ is much better than Twi.

Not recently. We're letting the messaging do the work for a while.

Question time will return sometime soon.

Who is the best VP pick out of these three?




They need to lose a lot more faith in the swing states. Trump needs at least an 8 point gap.

I'm uneasy over that new union shit giving Dems 9000000 votes. I was confident cause it was 5 mil but now....

They'll steal it at gunpoint. I hope I'm wrong.

The debates will deal the final blows to their morale; when they see how truly incompetent Hillary is, many of her moderate supporters will leave her.

Not even up for debate.

He will crush her during the debates

Shares values and has the experience Trump is looking for


How is this legal?

you guys are giving trump too much credit

trump hasnt even started preparing for the debates

trump needs specifics on his plans

but liberals peddle the "racist" meme

>tfw I saved this lewd image
I hope the emperor isn't mad

can peddle*

>The debates will deal the final blows to their morale
What makes you think Hillary won't win the debates? I'd be very worried about them if I was a Trump supporter, considering he didn't have the courage to debate Bernie.

This happened because ABC released one with Clinton double digits ahead, because in their immense Jewish hubris they thought they could fool anyone into believing anything. Instead they got stomped a new asshole for it; so for now they're trying to avoid looking obviously fake so that the whole house of cards doesn't collapse like it should have already.

He has specifics.

I still want Gingrich because he sounds like the one that will dump the most money into NASA

He's being prepared by Manafort but it's not needed yet anyway, seeing as we're not even through the convention yet.
Here's your (You).

How did people react to the "100% defending Israel" comment?

I know Trump can't name the jews and that is the best answer he could've done.
Just want to know the press.

Because Jews put niggers owned by the Clintons in charge of enforcing the law.

Hebgot lots of cheers. He handled it well.

thats not true

the washington post poll was an outlier along with the rasmussen poll

fox news shows hillary up 6

her national lead is currently anywhere 4-8
he sure doesnt show it

when its something serious like the debate, you need all the time you can get

Might have missed it but I didn't see it reported at all b

>Here's your (You).
That won't do, doc. I need the full dose.

>trump needs specifics on his plans
He´s started giving specifics, including the names and dates of specific legislation he will use or look into changing Theme?

I have never seen Obama more pissed than seeing Trump get further ahead of Hillary.

ISIS didn't phase him, didn't flinch with Fast and Furious, kinda panicked with the e-mails and Hillary choking in Benghazi, got visually upset at Putin for Crimea, got pissed at Cameron for fucking up Brexit, but I have never seen the pure negative scowl he has on now ever since Trump locked the nomination. Speech after speech about Trump, trying to discredit him, and then when he makes normal speeches, the press asks him about Trump, and Obama flippantly tries to bury the question only to get angrier for having to talk about Trump again. Obama can't escape Trump. His staff talk Trump, his cabinet talk Trump, his ambassadors talk Trump, his allies talk Trump.

This man could fly anywhere across the world, and the first question they'll ask him right when he lands, is 'tell me about Trump'. In all his time as president, I have never seen Obama so visibly shaken.

I think Obama is starting to horribly find that it's not all a bunch of "hokie-doke". Trump will completely undo any form of "legacy" he has left.

Those polls have a huge dem bias, like 75 percent identifying as dem

does he honestly cite them during a debate?

he'll look retarded

He's not been sat with his thumb up his ass this whole time, he's working on it to be sure.
Take one of these and call me in the morning.

Donald Trump the supposed billionare you're all circlejerking, has been soliciting campaign contributions from foreign government officials. This is illegal, which Trump may not know or care.

"Donald Trump's first foray into email fundraising is not off to the greatest start.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was hesitant to fundraise before his paltry May fundraising statistics were publicized this month, but now it seems the Trump campaign is overcompensating by sending fundraising emails overseas.

Numerous members of the British parliament have complained that they have received multiple emails from the Trump campaign asking for a donation.

Natalie McGaraff, a Scottish MP, complained on Twitter this week that she has received several fundraising emails from Trump...

She rebuked Trump's son in an email that she also posted to Twitter.

"Quite why you think it appropriate to write emails to UK parliamentarians with a begging bowl for your father’s repugnant campaign is completely beyond me," she wrote in the email. "Given his rhetoric on migrants, refugees and immigration, it seems quite extraordinary that he would be asking for money; especially people who view his dangerous divisiveness with horror.”

More people are talking about the 'Mexican plane' of course also completely stripping the comment of all context (gee I respect Mexico but they are beating us)

there was an article out saying he hasnt started preparing soo

>does he honestly cite them during a debate?
He did, cited like 3 pieces of legislation perfectly in the trade speech

only 30% of people they poll are actual republicans.
The polls are complete bullshit.

Maybe they shouldn't have signed up to get emails.

Wtf I hate Trump now.

How the fuck would (((they))) know nigger?

Hopefully the MSM takes the bait on foreign contributions.

rly macs u dink

Christie because I'm fat


I like Trump.

If you think that the #NeverTrump movement has faded away, then think again. We're coming for you closet Democrats at the convention!

>but liberals peddle the "racist" meme
They already are doing that.

Wtf I hate trump now.

Some troll probably signed her up for his email list.

And you'll be wrong.

>We're coming for you closet Democrats at the convention!
Damn right! The number of protesters is going to be record breaking. I wouldn't be surprised if the military had to intervene.

Wtf I'm tired of seeing wtf I hate Trump now so I hate Trump now

>He doesn't install Trump mods in every game he plays

Why user?

Nope, we're just boycotting. Conservatives are staying home.

Uh oh, looks like I will have to get on my knees for Romney.

Melbourne stop talking

Obama is a typical nigger narcissist. He can't stand the idea that there's something so massively more important than himself that it's sucked all the air out of the room that used to suck his dick.

Trump is a leftist, so I presume you're from Melbourne if you support him?

why there's no trump vs hillary activity like debates and stuff?

are there any restrictions, meaning it'll start soon, or what?

I have a bunch of Trump stickers. Its probably too late given the Australian election is tomorrow but I'm contemplating getting them copied and print more stickers. I'd then go around all of Melbourne and stick them over Greens (or any leftist party/antifa/socialist alliance) poster/signs (leftists always have signs up regardless of whether its an election or not). Should I do it? I have some mates that are involved in the laneway graff culture so they'd be keen.

Is it a good idea? Hoping it would make the news and trigger some leftists

4 debates are scheduled.
3 for Trump vs Hillary
1 for the Vice presidents they pick.
Should be fun watching them.

he know that the second Trump steps in office, his image of cool president who did good shit for America will shatter

I don't need mods to cosplay as him.