So now that Clinton is pretty much guaranteed to become president (look at the polls), how will you trumptards be killing yourselves in November? Hanging yourself, jumping off buildings, how?
So now that Clinton is pretty much guaranteed to become president (look at the polls)...
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>(look at the polls),
Look at the polls for Bush before Trump entered the race you stupid fag.
I plan on taking a walk in front of a train.
In all seriousness, if trump loses I will deal with it for 4 more years and hope that a 3rd consecutive term of ineffectual democrat leadership will lead to a smoother republican victory in 2020
>.05 shekels have been deposited into your account.
It would take Shillary only 3 years max to drive the country into a sinkhole and set it on fire.
Hillary would have appointed like 4 court justices in that time
They will have amnestied the illegals too
But then we'd be talking about civil war/succession.
Hillary would appoint a left-middle-central guy for your court justice resulting into leftist policies dominating your country for multiple decades.
Is that worth it?
biggest problem is that one term of the shillbeast will lead to insane influx of wetbacks and rapefugees, so the republican choice of 2020 will have to fire up the right wing death squads (whether he campaigns on it or not) AND be up against a larger block of guaranteed democrat voters
and the scotus picks too, damn that's potentially even more impossibly damning
Trump is fucking the party for at least the next decade. Nobody can take it seriously, anymore. The GOP legit looks like it just gave the fuck up on everything and doesn't even have the power to send up a candidate worth a shit.
>The GOP legit looks like it just gave the fuck up on everything and doesn't even have the power to send up a candidate worth a shit.
to liberals, maybe, but to anyone with a brain and an attention span it's the republicans TAKING BACK their party from neocon snakes that offered it up on a silver platter to democrats
>offered it up on a silver platter to democrats
You just described Trump.
Donald Trump is the greatest presidential candidate that any of us will see in our lifetimes.
The conservatives are fighting eachother because them trying to appeal to demographics that don't give a shit about them made their base voters mad.
>moving your party to the left in order to appeal to sandniggers and blacks even though those will never ever vote for you because the liberals will always be more left than you.
This is why the alt right exists in the first place.
>what are mcconnell, rove, boener, ryan, etc. echoing everything the left wants with their statements and their votes
think about the bigger picture you mong
the polls are lies
Trump ahead 6 points in this poll.
Just wait till the debates.
Take your .02 cents and leave shill
Polls are worthless because just like the Brexit polls - They don't reflect the actual votebase.
Most Hillary supporters are younger than Trump supporters or non-white and those tend to end up not going to vote at all.
Watch Hillary lose the election by a few points and after that everyone complaining about young people being too lazy to vote and old people ruining it for everyone.
Id become a martyr. Nothing to live for now, at least I will meme my way into history.
Don't worry m80
All being well you'll be able to enjoy watching the EUSSR collapse from across the pond, so you've got that to look forward to atleast.
Sure, Hillary Clinton will win. She'll give her victory speech in the frozen plains of Hell while pigs fly over the crowd. Meanwhile, Half Life 3 will be announced and Putin will come out as an omnisexual genderfluid bear-kin