Going in and voting for the greens tomorrow - last chance to convince me I'm making the wrong choice.
Going in and voting for the greens tomorrow - last chance to convince me I'm making the wrong choice
Me too, m8.
Climate change is the most important issue.
>last chance to convince me I'm making the wrong choice.
you can take a horse to the creek but you can't make it drink m8
I also gave them first pref
Unbelievable. Right-wingers enact sensible immigration policy, children grow up in safe neighborhoods, the next generation throws it all away because it's blissfully unaware of the horrors that follow of it's infantility.
Enjoy getting cucked by Abdul and Jamal within 20 years, Sweden 3.0 (2.0 is Germany in case you're wondering).
I feel like Sup Forums spends too much time worrying over the financial/humanitarian elements of society and forgetting the quintessential fact that we are destroying our only planet - for me, the environment is the top priority.
>we are destroying our only planet
>inb4 cO2
The Green Party - surely should be labelled the Red Party. Their concern for the environment is simply a cloak to hide their real intentions ... using environmentalism as a vehicle for extremist left-wing totalitarianism through the back door. It's the Watermelon party.
t. NewsCorp blogger
There's plenty of proof - I wish it was a meme as well, but we're actually responsible for this along with a myriad of other environmental atrocities.