A few years ago, I thought Brexit was an impossible fantasy, but I did think that in the event of it occuring, Sup Forums would be happy for us.
What happened to Sup Forums?
A few years ago, I thought Brexit was an impossible fantasy, but I did think that in the event of it occuring, Sup Forums would be happy for us.
What happened to Sup Forums?
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We are, but Sup Forums is not one person and we don't all even share an ideology.
This is Sup Forums. If something annoys you, there will be someone exploiting that.
Most people seem happy for us apart from Germans. Who do you mean?
You gotta laugh when people use the economy to insult us though, we knew what we was signing up for and economic uncertainty was expected and warned by everyone
did you not see the 4000 post per minute sticky during the results?
The only people I've seen legitimately get butthurt about Brexit on this board are Germans and (sometimes) FInns.
there are definitely half a dozen salty germans though.. probably turks
The Brexit party we had when the votes were counted was one of the best things I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Did you miss it? The outpouring of joy and goodwill was overwhelming.
I'm glad you done it, but also shame on you for joining in the first place.
>apart from Germans
Why you say that, I'm totally happy with it. Good riddance.
>would be happy for us
Dude, it's a totally destructive own goal...
This is butthurt
best night on Sup Forums for me
we signed up when it was about free trade, its turned into a monster now
Were you here when the votes were being counted? Sup Forums was exploding with happiness.
you wish faggot
sour grapes: the post
The only way to escape the EU is to destroy it
You can't be independent because the UK isn't self-sufficient enough to survive economically alone, facing the EU tariffs
It sucks but it's the truth
I hope more countries follow. The EU is trying to sanction Britain for this, but if more and more countries decide to leave the entire thing will collapse. I used to like the EU because I thought it would bring us all together, but all it wants to do is standardize every member country and destroy everything that makes us unique.
Reminder that GB was never a part of Europe.
Lel this one slovenian has been shilling EU for days
in their heart they want to sanction us, but this will also really effect them if they dont give us access to the single market
it will be an interesting result once the negotiations start but at the moment theyre acting tough
Its the equivalent of freeing our selves from a bear trap by chewing of a limb and then bleeding to death
non of our "leaders" had a plan
>cameron says he is going to bounce because real priminster work is not what he signed up for, gave people a referendum but was to arogent to make a plan for both outcomes
>labour is tearing its self apart
>Boris didn't have a plan if leave won, is taking a runner
>Farage is just having a giggle
I am worried about the fact that no one has planned for this
Where is the Slovenian birdy? Oh yeah, its not even born yet. KEK
Your country is shit, mate.
Good to see you've got your work cut out.
yes Brexit is such a great fantasy that people are throwing away the seat of PM just to avoid to be the ones that start it...rotfl
say hi to recession btw
>Deutsche Bank dying
>Country getting raped by 1.5 million rather large, dark skinned "gifts"
>Market destabilized even further by Brexit
>EU on verge of collapse
Yea, you're butthurt
>>EU on verge of collapse
Reminder that slovenia is an irrelevant non country without any history or culture
>tfw I had to go to bed for work the next day about an hour after the polls closed
Woke up miserable the next day expecting a loss, found out the result early morning and spent the entire day shitposting on brit/pol/.
and how comes that US bank are moving their assets outside UK?
same goes for singapore bank freezin it s investments in uk and multinationals planning to leave UK (like samsung, tata, nissan, seimens, ford)
We are happy for Brexit but there are still some retards that fall for all the scare tactics the corrupt media spews out to scare people away from leaving the EU. Also the fight is far from over don't expect the 1% to go away quietly.
I like Brexit and I like you getting the fuck out because everyone was sick of you and your special snowflake status.
That being said, I couldn't care less, I am laughing at what's happening in your politics though, pretty hilarious.
It's not really trolling when it makes you look like a dumbass, you know. Just sayin.
You do know that it's the exact same superiority complex you are showing right here, that is destroying your countries. Enjoy your Muslims.
Why didn't you demand special snowflake status?
Oh, you are irrelevant with no clout, that's why.
When will they have a referendum to rejoin the eu? All these old uneducated voters will be dead in a few decades and the uk will end up going through the application process yet again with nothing gained in the end except for a lot of hassle and economic loss.
And don't act like a 52:48 vote with a 72% turnout will be binding to all future generations for eternity.
>you're butthurt
..aaand another dumbshit, lmao. Is that your best shot, retards?
Lads, trying to repel an annoying liberal on kikebook, give me reasons why the EU is retarded. Ive used up all mine and he isnt getting the message.
I like being irrelevant, it keeps the shitskins out.
>implying eu isnt collapsing
Always bring up Greece when dealing with liberals. Even they can't dispute how the EU has fucked over the younger generation there
Here you go spread this on KIKEBOOK
This might be the first time in history that a country has voted themselves into third world status.
Get on Jean-Claude Juncker's wikiquote page. Send them a Tony Benn video.
>still believes the scare tactic in the media
>still thinks Brits get any help at all from the EU
>still thinks trade won't go back to normal after all the fearmonguring has died down
Why are Germans so butt-blasted?
Is it because we won the wars? :)
>krauts understand humor
Oh look it's your glorious leader.
The Oxford dictionary added the word cucked and next to the definition of KEKED it has a picture of the German flag.
>What happened to Sup Forums?
We are happy for you
It's just the Deutsche-cucks have become even more brainwashed in the last couple years and they shitpost.
The more their women are raped by invading hordes of shitskins, the more their media goes into shill mode and ironically, the more they believe in the EU.
It's sad. Now we just have to focus on "protecting the revolution" and making sure Brexit happens in the right way.
This. The shitty market and weak pound is just a self-fulfilling prophecy brought on by media shills crying about how Brexit is going to destroy the British economy. Investors always get freaked out when some huge change takes place that they don't know how to deal with. Give it some time, it will stabilize. Britain made a good choice for themselves and in the long run they're going to be fine.
>economic outlook goes down by 2-3% to -1% - 0% growth for the next year
>businesses and banks want to move jobs out of the UK
>No one from Leave Campaign wants or is able to lead the country
>No plans for a Leave scenario exist
>Every single promise broken already
>still believes that it's scare tactics of the media
Sup Forums was happy for us on the first day, everyone was giving congratulations. Then the shills and cucks seemingly took over.
Kek are you me?
Was a good day.
Also I've been trying to post a word of encouragement in every Brexit celebration thread I've seen here since it happened. Please root for us as our election proceeds; 2016 could be a very good year for Sup Forums.
Yeah, I have no idea what you are talking about, Sup Forums was generally ecstatic (as was I, and I'm British by the way, despite the flag).
I'll add, though, that, as the days pass by and Article 50 continues not to be triggered, I feel more and more inclined to dampen down the (entirely understandable) euphoria of the Britpol kids with the reminder that this battle is NOWHERE NEAR over yet, indeed has barely begun.
Day by day we are seeing more and more members and representatives of the global elite coming out and talking openly about how - in the phrase of one of them, John Kerry - the referendum vote can be "walked back".
Looked at soberly and seriously, it really doesn't look good, or at least it doesn't look as though anything is really going to be gained as long as we stay on the level of "following democratic principles".
Theresa May looks like Cameron's likely successor and - although she prefaces her speeches, like they all do, with the pious assurance that "Brexit means Brexit" - there is clearly something dodgy about trusting a Remainer to actually implement the massive popular vote to Leave.
The talk we hear from all of our potential representatives in Brussels about "needing to be in a strong negotiating position" is very worrying. I get the feeling that what is in the back of ALL their minds there is "the strongest negotiating position will be if we NEVER trigger Article 50 because then we always have the leverage: 'give us this and we'll stay, don't give it to us and we'll go'.
The people have committed them to GOING, regardless of what incentives might be offered to stay.
Are they subtly and slowly "walking the people back" from this position? I suspect so. So don't jubilate too soon, Britpol kids. And keep your musket powder dry. Because, sorry, but it looks increasingly like voting isn't going to do it.
Who cares about 1 or 2 percent of economic slowdown.
oh my this is gold. Juncker you alcoholic retard.
They shot them self in the foot there showing just how pathetic the EU is.
Britain will be forced to effectively adopt all the measures Leave shitheads wanted to drop in order to continue doing business with and trading with the EU. Moreso than that, the EU will look to punish Britain specifically to make an example of them. This on top of problems keeping the United Kingdom united at all.
Meanwhile, other countries of the world will now be able to leverage better trade deals against what will be a desperate and currently directionless Britain.
Officially Britain will have "exited" but they will be in effectively the exact same position once this is all settled except on universally worse terms.
The immigration issue will be a pittance compared to this.
Most superpowers lose that status by war or excessive debt. Britain managed to do that by referendum. Absolutely amazing.
>No plans for a Leave scenario exist
What're you going on about?
They just released the plan that Farage, UKIP and the Leave campaign concocted the other day.
>not realizing what no growth in economy or a negative growth means for living standard and unemployment
Remember that massive economic crisis that we barely recovered from? That was a recession, when there was no growth. If that goes into negative numbers it's a depression. I think you'll care
I literally have only seen finns who want fixit now.
>Cameron resigned
>Labour in dissaray
What's not to like? The political establishment needed a good kick up the arse.
Germans in here sure are indoctrinated as fuck.
>I did think that in the event of it occuring, Sup Forums would be happy for us
Sup Forums is happy. But a few years on, it is shilltown whenever something big is going down.
So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and suppose you're not some shitty "concern poster" shill, too
why are you defending banks so much? leftists hate banks until they don't all of a sudden. Do you faggots enjoy hosting parasites all of a sudden?
Legitimately sent a congratulations to my bong friends when I heard the news.
It may sound cringey but they all voted exit so it wasn't too spergy. Just had some talks about it.
Sup Forums is just infected with shills ever since that faggot Milo highlighted Sup Forums to be attacked by sjws. Some do it for free like plebbitors, Others are actually on the dole.
>EU will look to punish Britain specifically to make an example of them
That says alot about the EU
>This on top of problems keeping the United Kingdom united at all.
Let the stupid Scotts leave
>Officially Britain will have "exited" but they will be in effectively the exact same position once this is all settled except on universally worse terms.
They will be able to make their own laws and get rid of the migrants and other countries will leave the EU as well they've had enough of the authoritarian nonsense it might be a bit unstable for a while but it must happen.
They only have to stall for a general election. At which point remain has a ridiculously strong platform to campaign on and if the SNP, Labour, Greens, and the Liberal Democrats can form a coalition they can just shut down talks of leaving.
The 'riots' will likely be no worse than the pathetic marches we've seen in the last few days and frankly most of those politicians would rather a few smashed windows. The idea there would be a civil war over an issue like this is just ridiculous.
Against who? For what? Are the Brextiers going to kill everyone and then get their trade deal with the EU?
>Britain does fine for centuries and ends up with an empire on its own
>hurr Britain can't survive unless it's part of a totalitarian institution that promotes white genocide
The E.U. is anti-nationalist.
Sup Forums is nationalist.
Simplistic but isn't that seen on here as a more important issue than our economy? It might be a tough few years but it's what can be expected by making a move on globalism, it will be worth it.
This 'broken promises' shit is really beginning to get on my tits.
Can any of you globalist liberal shills cite even one other instance of a political campaign in which the media started shouting at the victorious side 'You haven't done what you said you'd do yet! You're a LIAR! The election was INVALID!" within 24 FUCKING HOURS of the results coming in.
Even if Farage HAD made the promise about the NHS and the 35 billion - and, as everyone knows, he DIDN'T; he was challenged to stand by a promise made by people who refused to be associated with him - how IN FUCK'S NAME was a guy who isn't even an MP supposed to reassign 35 billion pounds out of the UK budget to a new purpose within 24 hours of gaining a mandate to do so?
The fact is, nobody yet knows nor could possibly be expected to know just HOW the billions that would be saved for the UK by withdrawal from the EU would be used within a sovereign British state. Farage never even denied that the money WOULD be used as Johnson and Gove claimed it would be. All he said was that it was rash to predict that WITH CERTAINTY right now.
So PLEASE, have some decency and tell Hillary Clinton to hold off on the ten dollars an hour she is paying you to shitpost here until she's provided you with some better shill-training. Cos right now you're pathetic.
Please tell me what rationally is good about Brexit?
The whole Leave campaign was a joke, every single promise is broken. On top of that nobody from Leave can or wants to lead the country, so a remainer is likely to do it.
Economy is in total disarray and the outlook of economic growth is negative at this point which means that unemployment will skyrocket.
EEA looks like most likely scenario which means UK will still have to accept EU terms and still pay for being in the FTA but this time lose all their influence and their very special status within the EU.
Non EU migration won't change since UK already had sovereignty on that matter beforehand.
Trade deals in general will be way more cooperation friendly since both parties generally tend to favor those decisions as can be seen by the vetoes within the EU or that the opposition and the Torys favored TTIP and wanted it to happen.
Brexit honestly is just a huge meme.
h-holy shit... Sup Forums btfo
>They will be able to make their own laws
Except where we have to conform to EU law
> get rid of the migrants
We can get rid of them now.
> other countries will leave the EU as well they've had enough of the authoritarian nonsense
Eurozone countries are not leaving. The UK is just about the most Euroskeptic country in the EU and it won by only 52% and we don't have the Euro and we're not on the continent.
They can also see what an enormous cluster fuck it has been. All any other nations remain campaign would have to do is go "look, the UK left and now it is in a recession and nothing got better."
America and Aussies are happy. Europe is assblasted
>very special status
Oh get fucked, you guys hated us from the start.
Good riddance.
>Theresa May looks like Cameron's likely successor and - although she prefaces her speeches, like they all do, with the pious assurance that "Brexit means Brexit" - there is clearly something dodgy about trusting a Remainer to actually implement the massive popular vote to Leave.
Dude, that's not even the worst of her.
She was the one who let in millions of migrants, and then tried to cover it up.
She is complete shit.
>Mustapha Blaqok
So in a typical election what happens is that a politician goes:
>"We'll cut taxes and put more funding into schools"
Then they get elected and four years later it doesn't happen and they get kicked out of office.
However, imagine if 1 day after getting elected that politician said:
>"No, it's very unlikely we can cut taxes"
What happened in those 24 hours? They were fucking lying through and through. And that is what has happened with Brexit.
Sovereignty, border controls, and extra money have all already gone out the window.
The Burgers have been nothing less than ecstatic for us.
>That says alot about the EU
I am passing no judgment here on who is ideologically in the right. Brexit was the the dumbest way they could have achieved what Leave shitheads wanted. And its becoming increasingly obvious that all the politicians that argued for it have absolutely no idea what to do now that they have it or worse still, they didn't expect to win but use it as leverage to gain power in parliament.
>They will be able to make their own laws and get rid of the migrants
Similar to the US these are primarily people entering the country with work or student visas. The EU is not going to give Britain access to their markets without also allowing the movement of people between the two of them.
Even if they achieve the "dream" of ridding themselves of migrants that economic damage from everything else is going to swamp the country.
>Let the stupid Scotts leave
Britain is literally going back into time with this. Voluntarily ceding the power they have to appease extremely short sighted nationalists.
If the finance industry sniffs even a little bit an advantage to being located in a country in the EU, they will just straight up move to Scotland. Then what exactly does London or Britain have any more as bargaining chips in the world stage?
When Deutsche bank goes nuclear it's going to immolate the Eurozone. It's going to be worse than 2008.
And it's inevitable at this point.
UK has been acting like a spoiled child since the start of EU
I am British and lived in the UK for most of my life until escaping and all I can say is that the average white British citizen is not that intelligent.
There's an exaggerated strong working/middle class divide compared to say, Japan or the USA where most people call themselves middle class regardless of the actual wage disparities. For historical economic reasons half the population has ended up with a regional culture that disdains education and diversity even though these factors are what is needed in the modern world for growth.
The people voting for Brexit will complain about immigrants taking their jobs, but in the same sentence they mention how these immigrants have no skills. So by their own implication they contribute little to UK society despite shouting the loudest about their nationalism. While the world moves on with Googles and Teslas they are still thinking of the steelworks and the dockyards, despite these things now being done by the Chinese for 1/5 of the labor cost.
It is not even so much a case of globalism as a case of half a country's population dragging down the other half through excessive entitlement, intellectual laziness and lack of will to keep up with the world.
At any rate I don't feel comfortable with investing in the UK until the demographic picture improves - in the near future the outlook is negative due to brain drain. Even if the UK eventually rejoins the EU (provided that this new wave of European isolationism doesn't destroy it) its reputation as a stable trading partner or a place to do business is shattered.
>yfw Europe will explode into a mad-max wasteland in your lifetime
>we'll be watching with comfy trade deals with the US and commonwealth
What the hell is that thing
It really doesn't matter whether the UK is in the EU or not. If the EU implodes UK will still be fucked. In our globalized world such an event would be a catastrophe for the everyone but especially for the whole western world.
> And that is what has happened with Brexit.
No it didn't. You're just misrepresenting the actual arguments. It's an enormous strawman.
The overriding point is that we'll be back in control of our own country again. We can elect a government to whatever.
We have to see what the Tories actually propose once they've sorted out the new government.
Unfortunately it won't be that simple. When DB goes, a lot of others will go with it. Barclays is very likely to go down shortly after. As is HSBC.
However Europe's situation will be much more catastrophic than ours. Thank christ every morning that we didn't join the euro.
>t. Abdul Mohammed the German
i imagine the german media is exposing the germans to propaganda that makes brexit look very bad. this is because the people at the top of germany are very scared at the idea of having the population want to leave the eu. also, anything to cover up what the islamic migrants are doing to their country ;)
T. Neoliberal weeb cuck.
Honestly how do you hide your disdain for the working class. Do you really think that you are some enlightened special one and not just another diversity spastic fighting for big banks and business
It's must have a black cock.
>>we'll be watching with comfy trade deals with the US and commonwealth
Maybe you can get some leverage with Australia but why would the US spend so much time on renegotiating trade agreements with the UK? The US is already busy enough as it is with trade negotiations in Europe and Asia. It is not going to go out of its way to give preferential treatment to the UK just on the basis of sharing a language. Before the US could influence EU policy through the UK's membership but now this has gone.
Look at a map. Does the UK look that important to you on a global perspective? Get a grip.