damn... really makes you think....
Damn... really makes you think
>b-but muh 2nd memelaw
Americans will defend this....
Fuck off
M-muh constitutional provision written in the times of muskets, it d-definately applies to my automatic weapon!!!
>why can't you own a nuke then
Wtf i hate the second amendment now.
by niggers
No need to be triggered m8 we r just joking here 2bh lad smfh pham
Damn. This really made me think. I'm a #cruzassaultrifle now
>written in the times of muskets
>Australian education
EVERY single gun argument BTFO!!!
ahahahah, stay mad fags!
and how many of those murders were in self-defense?!?
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
You're asking the wrong question. How many of them were suicides?
But they are also 100% more likely to be able to legally shoot an home invader and not be murdered like the rest of us
>0.000043% chance of being murdered by any means
> Not even understanding the principle behind having the 2nd amendment
Fuck it, let's ban the internet while we're at it. The founding fathers clearly meant freedom of speech by written paper. Such an outdated document!
>britanians are 20 times more likely to be murdered with a KNIFE than people in other developed countries
Hahahha! A treaty overules your constitution??? May as well join the EU AHAHA
what not have a "stop shooting kids" treaty eh??
How much of that is Suicide?
We have a lot of guns compared to other countries, but unless you plan on killing yourself, you are not really at any risk.
It's niggers, not guns. Someone / this thread. Fucking sage
>replies to me
Thanks for the (You) brah ;)
This is what a paid shill looks like in it's natural habitat, observe as it uses the simplest of memes to try and camouflage itself.
Did the founding fathers envisage mass killings of children? Where's your militia? You can't fight the government
This is why more liberal justices are needed so you have a living constitution not one where you praise old white men
Have your (You)
Try reading the constitution and understanding how Treaties work in the US. It's the reason we've constantly rejected shitty treaties like Kyoto. It's why shit like TPP are such a problem.
Why are Gunfags always so aggressive? Seems dangerous letting you have guns. Think that needs to be changed.
This. Perfect society is a pipe dream. Stop trying to create it, you're making shitty wonky, it just won't work.
>than people in other developed countries
Their crime rates are increasing tho
>be gunfag
>sperg out and shoot up schools
Indeed , brain damage or extreme autism is the problem.
Yeah,, just watch school kids get shot from weapons bought at Walmart... One in a million.... Statistics... Gunfags have no empathy...
only if your a nigger in a gang
leftists just ignore all the gangbangings and just assume its RACIST WHITE MALES
Maybe you shouldn't have put the descendants of slaves into ghettos... Your fault...
>some how being murdered by a gun is different than being murdered any other way
Retarded dumb shit
>developed countries are better than developing
Leftists really like to think themselves better than everyone else, don't they?
shouldn't you be more worried about your chance of being murdered in general rather than how you will be murdered?
>other developed countries
The US is the only developed country on the face of the earth.
>the answer is to take the white peoples guns away
>Being shot to death is somehow worse than any other form of death
This meme needs to die
>it d-definately applies to my automatic weapon!!!
It was written at a time when Americans could own ships of the line, complete with cannons. There were also several multishot guns available, like the Puckle gun and the Girondoni Air rifle. Also nukes are legal to own with enough money and paperwork in the USA, but nobody who makes enough money to buy them made their money by spending it so stupidly.
Damn...look how low Australia is and we banned guns...
Damn never thought of it that way....
Yes. being killed in a car accident is the same thing as being shot at school in a mass shooting
Sigh...gunfags have no emotion...
Could it be that Australians aren't particularly inclined to commit homicide compared to Americans? Could it be that the tool doesn't cause the homicide, but is rather used by someone who is determined to commit homicide?
America has 20 times more niggers than all other developed countries combined
>Get stabbed to death
>Get intentionally run over
>Get shot to death
Which one is the worst? Or is homicide just bad regardless of how it's committed?
yeah, just as easy to kill with a knife.... Gunfags lack logic...
>Australians discussing American gun laws
Lol, fuck off. Don't ever do this.
>automatic weapon!!!
Well knifes do kill more than rifles here
in China mass stabbings aren't strange either
Well knifes kill more people per year than rifles (including the AR15) in the USA. I would posit that people who intend to commit homicide will do so regardless of the tools available.
Then why do people so desperately want to come here
>Being beat by UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain
Damn, guess you should adopt sharia law as well.
>10 posts by this ID
Get a life.
>20 times more likely to be shot
>20 times less likely to be stabbed or clubbed to death
90% of gun crime in america is inner city niggers shooting each other over turf
who cares about that shit?
>in other developed countries
which ones?
>more guns!!!!
>less gun crime!!!
Gunfags really are dumb.....
this thread has really forced me to use my cognitive abilities....
This is actually a Good argument, well done my friend.
can't help caring about innocent children being shot because gunfags want to keep their toys...
I don't even know what you're trying to say anymore.
>Those dastardly law abiding folk
>They're ritualistically sacrificing children for their demonic machines.
yeah if you account for nigger statistics maybe, if you don't then they are on the level of northern europe.
>In over developed countries
I'm sure there is no link at all between those other countries being undeveloped, having a lot of violence, and America having a lot of people descended from those places...
no shit? I bet you're twenty time less likely to get hit by a fucking car in the fucking amazon rain forest.
It is very easy to kill someone with a knife.
Probably easier than with a rifle in fact in the hands of the average untrained person, as with a gun you need to actually be able to aim.
Specially if you are a nigger and part of a gang.
This actually IS a good rebuttal - think about it
>the founding fathers never envisioned such mass communication! They never thought there could be such hatred spread so rapidly!
>for this reason, we are limiting the range of the first amendment as applied to the internet
>calling someone a faggot over the internet anonymously is just as bad as shouting fire in a crowded theater!
How the fuck can you argue this if you still think he constitution is "outdated"!
You do know that you need a much more extensive NFA license to purchase a true automatic weapon, right? You have to go through a class-3 licensed dealer and have the expressed consent of the chief law enforcement officer in your area, then the FBI runs a background check on you to make sure your hands are clean. These people will look for literally any reason to deny your purchase, and even if it's approved, the process can take up to half a year. You can't just walk into a store and buy a full-auto weapon.
ive used this argument a thousand times. they just resort to name calling or go to the "BUT MUH WORDS DONT KILL CHILDREN" bullshit. they are retarded. they can't even comprehend "right of the people" and "shall not be infringed" there is no arguing with these people. You might as well just call them a faggot a move on with your life.
no point dude he is an aussie he doesn't even know which side of the planet is up
White American gun homicide is at the level of Finland, it's not a problem, the problem is apes with guns.
Well, using this from now on.
You actually kind of need to know what to do with the knife to actually kill instead of just wounding.
Without skill you need to stab/shoot enough to kill, but with enough skill, both are very deadly.
one great thing about guns is that they are the least likely to hurt someone who is defending themselves with one
>Mostly dindus killing other dindus
>Blame guns
Knife fights are literally just "stab each other/stab the target as many times as you can before you pass out." There isn't any skill, it's just trying to get as many holes in the person as possible or get lucky and nick an artery. Look up pictures of people from stab attacks or knife fights, it's far more brutal than any gun shot wound.
>You actually kind of need to know what to do with the knife to actually kill instead of just wounding.
Not really. A good stab anywhere in the torso region will kill. Particularly without prompt treatment.
>"Come ooooooon, just give up your rights already!"
>What is bullshit
pretty sure people who have felt both typically say they would rather be shot also.
Developed is just a code word for white.
USA is not white.
Statistics like this mean nothing and are often used for manipulation
You are 20 times more likely to drown if you own a pool, you are 20 times more likely to get into a car accident if you drive everyday compared to someone who never does, you are 1000000 times more likely to die in a plane crash if you fly once or twice a month compared to someone who flies once in a decade.
While all of these could be truth, they mean absolutely nothing other than "something involving X might happen, when you have X around"
It's amusing how simple minded and easily fooled people can be by statistics.
>Where's your militia? You can't fight the government
If the people took up arms against the US government, the feds would loose quickly.
>looks bad for government to be using military forces against civillians
>there are far more armed civillians than enlisted military
>a lot of military would defect or quit due to having to shoot their countrymen
Except they had semi auto weapons back then and also allowed the purchase of naval cannons.
Also considering the army also used muskets, it means they intended people to have military level ordinance.
They presumed mass revolutions would happen that would result in bloodbaths. So I don't think they would give a fuck about "muh childruns".
>Not wanting to be able to defend yourself and not rely on government-paid lazy ass fuckers who have been proven to be corrupted and incompetent numerous times to protect you.
It's like you want to be eviscerated familino.
It really makes you think
>20 times more likely to be murdered with a gun
>not 20 times more likely to be murdered
What's it matter if you die from a gun shot or a stab would? You die either way.
Made me think
So many flags that aren't the US defending gun rights. Fantastic! Such a stark contrast from even just a year ago.
Wordplay will be the death of us all.