>People think Spain is European
>People think the Spanish are European
>People think Spain Isn't a desert
Once a Caliphate, always a Caliphate of desert goat fuckers
People think Spain is European
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Spanish people are nice and friendly and civilised unlike disgusting slavish niggers
What's with the american divisiveness on spain?
Is something happening in spain that we are being distracted from?
t. Adolf the cuck
Might be some disgruntled shill trying to divide pol
Where is that, it's majestic
>Spain is a desert
U wot m8
t. """"German""""
>Spain is desert
>American Flag
t.Ivanisdmirsaskovitch 'Red Rapist' Rasgradoscoputinlenin
5 days ago we had elections and the commies got destroyed
Romans split the very mountains of Spain like fucking gods.
They will always be a part of Rome.
While US is just some god forsaken nigger infested piece of shit half owned by China and the other half by Jews.
You don't belong here, Roach.
T-thank you senpai.
Spain looks like a beautiful country and I've seen some hot bitches in their weird Spanish porn. Too bad about their garbage-tier language, though.
neither do you
I thought Podemos won. Aren't they the far left commies?
Thank you based Sven.
By the way started reading sven hassel a few months ago, Sup Forums tier book. Check it out if it isnt banned
A goat fucker like me, with blue eyes 6‘1 and majoring in.neuroconductual science who probably doesnt do binge drinking and has a healthy mediterranean diet with paella, siesta and qt based spanish gf.
>able to speak french,russian,english and flemish fluently.
Since when goat fuckers where superior to inbreed amerilards?
Have some acuedutcto faggot
>posting his face on Sup Forums
you done fucked up, amigo
86% white here. You're what, 2% white?
ps we destroyed your entire empire, cuck.
>mfw OP doesn't know how desert look like
holy shit you're good looking
gain some weight though
Oh look a person from a cuck state acting tough. Spaniards are shitskins just like you. Too many Turks and Niggers mixed with them.
Every german i come across is "tanned" and has tattoos. Germans are the new Mexicans. A nation of mixed mongrels
хape пиздeть
I am also white and i have blue eyes.Not gonna post my picture on pol to prove it like the amigo above us.
My gf is catalan and shes white and european looking
Good to here, Slovenia/Slovakia/Croati/Serbia/Bosnia
you're super relevant
Spain I am truly sorry about these mexicans posting anti-spain thread.
t. Baba
Comfy village.It looks like my city
Spaniards are white, my Mexican friend. Deal with it
>because turkey doesnt have a greek population as well as other ethnic groups living in here
t. retarded britbong
No, not really. While I don't particularly like the Spanish due to obvious reasons, no one can deny their greatness and grandeur. Considering them anything less is plain delusional.
(Except Andalusians obviously)
Praise the kek. I wouldnt post it in storm front. Only to show an empiric evidence of the niggerspanish meme.
Library marathons would turn skinny even a cockney just fed in fishnchips and purple can. Btw how does taste tanner? Is it considered low tier?
Pay debnts?
Divide and conquer, Ahmed, divide and conquer..
Lorena Garcia tho
You bred out all white greeks years ago.
I went to Istanbul 3 years ago and You'd have thought it was Baghdad.
я тaк и знaл чтo ты гaндoн пиздиш
>i am fluent in russian
>please beliebe me guys
Spaniards are based
Where in Istanbul though? As It really depends because some areas have more mudslimes than others.
>Btw how does taste tanner?
Your English is a bit odd. Just say in Spanish?
Fuck off. Name a place in Africa that looks like that. A nigger would fall of from that cliff trying to build one of those houses made of shit they live in in Africa. Just like a stupid amerifart.
>Turkey calling anyone muslim
No more religion, we've had enough of this shit.
the only one I remember is arnavütkoy
Wew lads, Stockholm syndrome in action right here.
Baby Mar is 100% better.
>1 Post by this ID
The polls pulled a full on Brexit and predicted much more votes for the commie bastards than they got.
PP (the center-right party) gained a lot of votes though.
I love the desert where I live.
What's with all the asshurt Mexicans hating on Spain today? Rebelling against daddy?
Walking and posting at 30 degrees empoors the lexic indeed.
Recently I have been reading martin amish,welsh(trainspotting and porno) stephen fry, and all of the mention the "purple can" . I think they named it also tanner or similar. They always relate it to crusty hobos and junks. What is it? Does it taste good?
Speaking, no reading, prada tovarich? Niestri lei
>Where in Istanbul though? As It really depends because some areas have more mudslimes than others.
you think you can speak russian, but you really don't
that jibberish wasn't russian
also may i suggest you to use a Google and search what word "fluent" means?
You're either a proxyshit or an ahmed who didnt master english language yet.
Eat shit and die you iliterate goatfucker
Yes, teach me who is European and who's not you shitbag. Spain was, is and will be a vital part of Europe and all "hur dur not white" whining in the world can't change it.
>An American claiming a Romance language is garbage-tier
Pick one:
[ ] You
[ ] Fluent
Spain is literally in Africa.
No. I'm just retardedas fuck and had a brain fart.
I've never heard of it, I'm Afraid.
Part of Spain is in Africa.So you are right.
It suits me for drinking and trading with Ivan .
Btw what do you think about the wristband antirrape happening?
Ukranian GTFO my country
That's not a desert. The caravan park shithole where you live in Nevada talking about who is white and who is not IS a desert.
I have fucked both American and Spanish whores and have to say Spanish whores are cheaper and more fun to play with, American women are egoistic cocksuckers.
You look like my celtic friends. Some say native brits came from Spain.
k dise loko jaja saludos
Pick two
Mexicans ruined fucking Spanish for me. My wife loves Spain and is Italian but her family also comes from Spain. She speaks Spanish perfectly but I can't stand it. That fucking lisp kills me and when I hear it I just can't help thinking about all those little fucking mexicans with their high pitched voice back in the US.
At least we are not relevant for muslims grooming our daughters, having a new paki mayor of our capital city and other trash.
You used to be a great empire now you are just a tiny degenerate island that might be beyond the point of return.
Looks like you could use of teja repairing job amigo. Very cheap patrón, 1€/hora gib. Don't call migra only patrón. Help former colony raciss pig.
What about portugese? Yes Spaniards are white but a huge part of Spain is no longer Spanish
Gaels (Irish) do.
Brythons come from Belgium and Northern France.
>muslims grooming our daughters
We're 4% muslim. It's the eastern euroshits causing most problems
>now you are tiny degenerate island
5th largest economy, 5th largest army, nuclear weapons, 70 million people. Sounds like an Empire.
Dunno. My ascendence is from Ingvaeons,they came from denmark in 1018 :V
We are planning to do it. Maybe this summer or the next one. (The second building is mine, the first one no though)
But I will do it. Obreros muy expensive.
>Posting your puta cara in Sup Forums
You're fucked
Gringos no saben mierda Santiago.
Now where the fuck is the gold and silver.
Still hot as fuck
Yes, yes, those nasty slavs, only problems. Keep arabs, deport poles. It will make Britain great again!
What do you mean?
Yes you guys speak with a lisp. You don't say Barsaylona you guys say Barthaylona. Bugs the hell out of me.
>able to speak french,russian,english and flemish fluently.
it's called dutch you mongol
Kek dude you are 5-10% muslim you retard and France is 10-15%.
London is like 20-25% Muslim and 40-45% non white
Yes yes it's those eastern europeans and Japanese asians who groom your children.
turkey used to have a greek population
then suddenly, no more
>Bragging about large population due to mass immigration of shitskins
Holy shit. R.I.P UK
>triggered slavcucks
What do you think of Sora no Woto?
> dyi """"next"""" summer
Confirmed Spanyard
5-10% muslim
now you're just making shit up
slavshits like you come and take jobs
there aren't enough arabs yet to cause serious problems except grooming rings
both slavs and arabs should be shot
Yes yes goy it's those eastern europeans who have arraged marriages with underage girls and cousins in their culture.