How do we do it?
How do we do it?
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>By killing all the niggers
All living things have innate racist traits. You can't stop racism the same way you can't stop the asteroid Apophis from destroying the west coast of North America on 2029
Shit I forgot that I'm black
Killing all the non-whites.
kill whitey
kill racists
Just shut up about it god fucking damn. I am black, am I oppressed? Hell no, I can drink from the same fountain as a white person, I can vote, I don't have to sit at the back of the bus and if I play my cards right I can make it in life.
Those idiots you see getting shot every damn chimpout played stupids games and guess what? They won the stupid prize.
Wish all the other blacks thought like you. Good for you based nig.
Srry mate u are black shut the fuck up
We try to end it in behaviour of all the races, not just the whites :^)
Honestly if Irish people died I would be a lot less racist in my day to day life.
How fucking drunk are you?
You can be black and not be a nigger
Alright, first of all.
1) Get rid of all the influences that increases racial tension. Want to talk about race on TV? Off to the gulag you go.
2) All those artists that include race in their music, whether its "white girl got booty" or "white people aint shit" or something similar, will also be sent to the gulag
3) Fix the black community
4) Send all Marxist/Commie professors to the gulag.
5) Change the shitty music that's being pumped out of the mainstream music industry, and any celebrity that talks about race - For example "Damn white people, always be winning awards", should have their careers killed.
Don't even talk about race, don't even mention it. But, if it's going to be spoken about, it has to be very, very honest.
Well said.
See pic related. It's your mom. You can fuck off now.
stop promoting race mixing and multicultural environments
Wot ?
we should all fuck until we're one color: WHITE.
The fact that I'm living in Chile doesn't mean that I'm chilean, faggot
>kill all niggers
>can't be racist against a race that no longer exists
I'm a faggot
Never. As long sothing is diffrent on you it will be pointed out and used against you.
Not possible
Gays have a right to be gay.
Transgender have a right to be transgender.
Muslims have a right to be muslims.
Socialists have a right to be socialists.
Why can't I be a racist? That's pretty intolerant of all the degenerate people. I know through first hand experience some races are inferior. It's a core belief of mine, and I have a right to it.
kill all nonwhite races
Get rid of the lesser races. Only whites and select few races. And maybe a few Slavs too.
We need to embrace racism and make it the norm again, only by doing this can we begin to undo the failed social framework that is multiculturalism
>Mould society exactly how you want it
>Eliminate racism as part of your process
> 3) Fix the black community
One does not simply achieve this, it will take generations.
Racism has three main causes.
1) Incongruity: two races are noticeably different in major ways, from intellectual capacity and societal achievements to cultural practices. Example would be the British and their views of the barbaric islander tribes
2)Insecurity of the downtrodden: towards the bottom of the social strata, racism is more rampant due to a need to feel self worth. "My life is shit but at least i'm ____ instead of a dirty ____." This is different from the first since in this case the different races can be very similar culturally and intellectually: they just look different. Difference in physical apperance is a very superficial way of judging someone's worthiness which is why this is usually only practiced by those desperate for validation. Example would be trailer trash whites and ghetto blacks in the US.
3)Reactionary due to large-scale behavior of a race. This type of racism isn't intrinsic nor is it unjustified, it's simple cause and effect. When a minority race purposely distances itself from other races then launches massively offensive campaigns against them, it broadcasts that that race is contemptuous and ill-suited for civilization. For this to be a valid category requires not only often and frequent offenders, but a MAJORITY of said race to believe or support said campaigns. People who are racist in this way are not truly racist like those in the first two categories because they will judge people on individual merit regardless of race if given the chance. Examples of this type of racism is middle class whites in the USA against massive immigration and the black lives matter movement.
By accepting that there are different races and they have different strength and weaknesses
>exit EU
>close borders
>ban mulicultualism
Life offered equal opportunites by allowing multi cultualism, ungrateful fucking niggers, spics, mussies abused it and tried to get blood from a stone. Only way is to deport people back to their homeland and treat life as a lottery, if youre white you essentially win
You can't.
Identity is everything.
People see those similar to themselves and form groups.
A common identity creates common bonds, common values, common purpose.
It's an innate system that allows us to protect our close genetic matches.
When you live in a society of many different people that have no common bond, it creates an atmosphere of distrust.
Why would die for that nation?
It has been generations and generations and generations already.
>Came here to post this
First post every time
Segregation. Not even kidding.
The only way racism ends is if all races are allowed to live among their own kind and never face exposure to the other. If you're not willing to commit to that (anti-racists never are) you'll just have to come to terms with racism as a fact of life.
kill everyone
I bet you have a lovely accent my Irish brother
Ban marxist terms.
'Racism' is nature.
By making an interethnic race based on merit and personality, a carefully bred race through an aristocratic government, a race with outstanding mental and physical health, a race with a strong sense of universal morals adhering to the golden rule. By removing inferior humans on the genetic level, you are left with a superior mankind, thus racism is a silly barbarian concept of the past.
by killing all the nonwhites
I think if the world learnt english and english only alot of cultural shit would be swept under the rug
also not that (English) the African americans learn
Gassing kikes, libs, and moslems. It's the only way, user.
You forgot about the kikes and moslems. You aren't gonna fix shit unless you make put them in their place-!ovens.
Ehh... You do realize kikes aren't white, right.
>End racism
>Need affirmative action
Morgan Freeman on Ending Racism: ‘Stop Talking About It’
Even God himself gave the answer, but was sadly, ignored
No one except white white nationalists can tell whites and jews apart.