How do I go back?
How do I go back?
turn 360 degrees
it's ironic that the deal he made was never going to work tbqh. why should they go through the effort of pluggin him back in afterwards, they would just killed him.
You're stuck in the Berenstain universe, brah. Nothing you can do.
shoot in the head
>they would just killed him.
I don't see why. If he wanted to enjoy the matrix why not let him. Plus he would get a bonus for ratting out his (((friends)))
Get off Sup Forums
that is 180 degrees genius
who the fuck put him into the matrix to talk to smith tho
Sure am Summer up in hea
What if he moonwalked away?
The screenwriter, you fucking aut.
>why should they go through the effort of pluggin him back in afterwards
To harvest his energy. The humans were batteries, weren't they?
You are supposed to be shilling right now !
aah the american education in practice
Confirmed for under 24 years of age.
this was a serious question btw. I hate what I've become.
The ultimate red pill is that you can never go back.
Just this morning I awoke from a dream, a memory of my teenage years when all my friends and I used to hang out in the front room of my parents house.
I think it was the happiest time of my life.
In my dream, I swear I was back there. Watching movies, laughing, fantasizing about female celebrities, basking in an endless summer. In the dream I was there again.
And then I woke up and it's 20 years later.
My life is good today, I have all the things I need, a loving wife, a home, money, but I awoke from the dream with an overwhelming sense that I can never go back.
The past is as dead now to me as it will be after my physical body dies.
I can never be 16 again.
Newfag pls leave
You need to be turning 360 degrees and getting the fuck off Sup Forums, son.
I know a >50 year old Sup Forumsack (well, not actual one, but he shares a lot of views with /pol)
Stop browsing Sup Forums, user. It's a sorry sight to see a perfectly healthy man ruin himself.
If you turn completely around, it has to be a left turn.
i know that feel
Back from what?
You're not redpilled, user. :^)
If you were you wouldn't be here.
I didn't ask for these feels
This. You can never go back, the understanding of what is can't be undone. You can't rationalize away the baseline, that's what the blue pill does. You are aware of the fabric of lies that keeps the sheep grazing in the field. The sheep chew away and grow fat. You know what comes next. Why go back when the outcome is clear?
Sure is summer in here. Or as you snowniggers call it: "semester".
there is no way to go full cypher
accept reality cause there is no coming back from this EVER
You have to build up an immunity first.
You can only go forward.
Reject consumerism and don't go in to debt. Live modestly and start actually living while you still have the chance.
Never go home.
Lurk more, faggot.
Unironically kill yourself and your stupid fucking meme picture you embarrassing fuck.
Like Trinity said, "they can't reinsert you into the matrix"
Depends, if what you call getting "re pilled" is within the narrow scope of opinion generally found on Sup Forums, you're not actually red pulled m8