>"B-b-b-ut H-hillary le shill was meant to be winning XDDDD le Trump btfo eternally!!!11" - libcucks
Well, well well. Apparently the false flags and shills4hills have lost their monopoly on polls. Who would have known?
>"B-b-b-ut H-hillary le shill was meant to be winning XDDDD le Trump btfo eternally!!!11" - libcucks
Well, well well. Apparently the false flags and shills4hills have lost their monopoly on polls. Who would have known?
Its still just 1 poll. Maybe its an outlier maybe not we just need more time to see. not saying we can't be happy or anything just don't put too much into it.
Delet this account
Polls before the first debate mean NOTHING
Was getting genuinely concerned, lads. Should I expect Trump to win? At this point I don't know, I feel so jaded with this election cycle.
This. Don't get too exited yet, just chill and let the God Emperor play 4D chess
The time has come
>1,000 likely voters
Trump will win
yeah its much better to go by polls that over sample democrats
So none of the polls with shill winning meant anything? topkek
WTF is with all the foreigners in this thread? Why do you care about the USA election?
> trump loses a bajillion polls
> trump wins one single poll after weeks and weeks of getting beat
Because it affects us all in the long run, Ameritard. I swear you fuckers always ask this question to stroke your ego.
is hillary hiring gypsies to shill now?
Not based on polls at all.. Trump is gonna win anyway
Polls or not.
I have a lot of loyalty for a hired shill
> is a "top"
Lost all credibility right there, emufagz.
yes and the slavs
>the outlier poll for shillary everyone shit themselves over non-stop is 750
>polls mattering
all that matters happens on election day
>Rasmussen poll
the same polls that said Romney would win in a landslide
The world has been fucking ruined by King Nig. You know as well as anyone else that this affects everyone.
We support based Trump as he is one of Keks chosen
Is daily mail a reliable source? I want to believe.
Also hope trump finds his best way of going about things like he did nominations.
>Donald Trump's campaign is basically over
>why trumps campaign failed: he's BROKE!
these are both articles i read yesterday, i can't help but think about this every time
daily mail doesn't mean shit cuck fuck.
>mfw even the Daily Mail knows it now
>mfw they're shocked
> being this uninformed this late in the race
What the fuck are you doing?
Here's where you can find the latest polls
Cheers to (((You)))
Why do gypsies intentionally out themselves as libcucks?
You cunts were in the Brexit threads. This is Sup Forums, we're going to be apart of your elections whether you like it or not. Just so you know, there's a world outside of America, who you select actually affects us all.
Nah, the newfag's new is strong with this one.
It's interesting and I hope for the best for you.. are we not allowed?
It's much better to not listen to any of these polls because they all have some dumb problem.
Awesome pepe
They're a list of latest polls, you fucking stupid cunt. Including this poll where trump leads by 4
> australians in charge of not being dumb as bricks
I am pro-Trump, and want him to take the election, but come on, guys.
You can't keep saying the polls don't matter until [insert time], and then act like they suddenly DO matter when it's going your way. This is Sup Forums tier shit.
When Trump is down by ten he's actually neck and neck. Look at the polling data.
t. knower
its all about upsetting the shills
polls still don't matter, but its fun to watch them get upset
I wonder if this is because Brexit showed how bad polls were being manipulated. We know that they were over sampling dems before Brexit. Maybe that made them shit their pants a little bit.
Hard to control the narrative when you aren't even on the same page.
Not saying that I disagree with that you say,but it has been proven that a good portion of major polls are biased towards the democrats.
>Maybe its an outlier maybe not
This early, ALL polls are "outliers."
Trump pulling ahead means nothing. Clinton pulling ahead means nothing. These polls won't really be any indicator until August. Even then, anyone here who has ever been polled knows that it's not representative of your average American. The phone call lasts almost half an hour for some polls, but probably averages about 15 minutes. Most of us don't have the patience to sit on the phone answering questions to a stranger we've never seen, or are comfortable doing so.
That being said, Rasmussen tends to be less biased in their sampling.
Long story short, polls can only really give an indication of movement of opinion, not a indication of the current state of opinion. And even THAT indication is tenuous at best.
I agree. plus it means nothing until its actually time for people to vote
plus they haven't even debated yet
The Western Worlds fate rests solely on whether the fire of Nationalism has kindled strong enough by November to expose the false song of Globalism.
Also the bantz is fucking unreal mang, like fine wine.
all but one recent poll still shows hillary in the lead.
i'm hoping that this email and bengazi stuff really starts to put more pressure on her.
Polls this far out are pretty fucking stupid, especially national ones, but hey I like to hear about the Emperor winning and it makes shills uncomfortable.
> rasmussen
> one of the polls that showed romney winning multiple time
> less biased
Lucky digits confirm that Oz is in charge of not being stupid.
You have one job, Straya. Don't fuck it up.
news just broke that king coon and hillary just asked to delay releasing her emails till late 2018
people are upset about it to say the least
less biased can also mean sampling of registered party members
plus the 2012 election was within 5 million votes
Oh, not arguing that at ALL. I've read plenty of articles where democrats make up 50 percent of those polled, and GOP make up less than 40.
I don't know whether that is proportional to the nation/state, or what. But you're absolutely correct.
Yes, you gypsy bastard. Their samplings are less biased.
And did you not read a fucking word of what I said about what polls can actually indicate?
Quit being gyptarded.
> every poll is biased except the one that was wrong all the time last time
American "education"
It's the Rasmussen poll, you niggers. The one that predicted a landslide victory for Mittens.
Why do you lie?
Why are you like this?
Why must gypsies be a scourge to all including themselves?
America made more posts encouraging Brexit than the Brits did, most here care about other countries, so shut the fuck up
I told everyone and the shills on here from day 1 the poll trickery with Crooked Clinton was a sham from the start to trick the Dem supporters that they were still in this race.
She barely won against Bernie fucking Sanders and now we're all meant to believe she is polling so high straight to the White House, it was a sham from the onset.
As soon as Hillary gets on that debate stage she is a lost cause. Every cuck and shill knows it deep down no matter how many fluff peices the media write for her and fluffed polls she gets, once Trump cracks her on live tv it's all over for the Dems.
I honestly like it better when Trump is down by 1 or 2 points. Keeps his supporters hungry.
Clinton supporters get complacent.
>American "education"
>From a gypsy bastard that can't read the posts he's quoting
Man, out education system here is shit, you're right. How's it feel to be even more retarded than an average American?
Obongo has been ruining the world for the past 8 years and I don't want that to continue for another 4. Trump is the hero America needs, to revitalize it and replace the broken lefty system.
t. Half burger
Truth my Britbro
Is Bill that bad ?
>Ginu-wine concern
Ne faci de ras tigan prost !
For (((You)))
US policies affect the whole world, it's natural the whole world is interested.
Up yours, EU.
Soon you're gonna see us Flexit.