PREDICTIONS: Regardless of your political direction, what do you think the outcome will be?
PREDICTIONS: Regardless of your political direction, what do you think the outcome will be?
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first for libs
when should I take down the sign before cunts tear it down
First for Based Pauline
>non-custodial parents party
don't vote for me or my wife's son ever again
I love election night
Libs will probably get back in by an unremarkable margin.
The ONLY choice
My prediction: Libs will win with lower house TPP of 50.5% - 51%, but will not gain majority in the Senate leading to another three years of what has just happened.
Which party will give me the most NEETbux?
The new voting rules as well as preference deals taken into account, whoever wins will win big.
I believe Greens will be diminished somewhat, with Liberals losing traction over East and up North due to Minor Parties, but I think Labour can really cock it up if they continue bullshitting the public.
So what meme parties are you voting for in the senate lads?
The coalition will probably loose a hand full of seats
waste of space straya faggots should nuke themselves also vote one nation
Labor gets in by a large margin and Libs BTFO. Greens will also have a greater foothold. Mark my words, the age of 3 party system will be over in the next decade or so.
Whoever is elected I know the outcome for me tomorrow
>tfw ill be spending election night on here
you guys are my only friends
One Nation and LDP
One Nation
Rise Up
Family First
Australian Christians
Reminder that we have preferential voting.
mine too
sustainable australia, lib dems and rise up
got shit choices coz ACT. no one nation or katter
Of the parties that could actually dictate policy direction: the greens. Tradeoff is foreigners and "insert"-priders everywhere.
Libs to lead minority government.
4 Independents, 3 Greens, 3 Xenophon Team to sit on the House of Reps Crossbench.
first for blowing my load up allahs rear end while reading the quran and voting green
Same here m8.
LDP, Family First, One Nation and ALA in that order. Maybe based Katter as 2nd preference.
What are Leyonhjelms chances of getting back in?
is this really an AEC document?
this shit actually made me want to vote for lib dems more. fuck ABC feminists who want to destroy free speech while reaping all the benefits of it on a show that criticises all politicians
Is there any point actually voting for them though? I left in a solidly green zone. Full on cuck territory. The greens should win my local seat easily. Don't you only vote for your local seat in aus politics?
Relatively low. The main reason for him being elected in the first place was politically ignorant voters thinking he was the Liberal Party. Could still happen though, but I wouldn't bet on it.
no, but the AEC explains it the same way
the comic is a learning tool to teach the great unwashed that we can vote tactically
That isn't the LDP logo.
>Got place Z on teh ballot instead of A
His chances are zero.
There are two houses of Parliament The House of Representatives (your local representative) and the Senate (State-wide group-based voting system with 10 seats per state, based on total % of votes).
read the info here
The koalas basically telling the dingo to load up on memes
Very likely, he got lucky and LDP is 3rd on the paper before Libs
How can anyone on this board seriously vote for Billy "step dad" Shorten and the labia party. Is this some sad attempt at "memeing" as they say
4th* LDP is D
>being as butthurt as Leyenhelm.
You're hypocrites because, despite condemnation, Wicked Campervans were never forced to change their slogans. Guess what, free speech means freedom to criticise and freedom to being a whinging cunt like Leyenhelm.
Predictable answer confirmed
Also Abbott for Defence Minister
>10 seats per state
12 seats m8.
the Mediscare unfortunately
Not one of the Medicare scare gullibless even new about this...
Some of Labor's policies sound nice which I why I'll vote for them, but I still have trouble imagining Bill as the PM. They'll lose a lot of seats and it'll be close but I think Mal & the Libs will win, with a whole lot of independents in the senate.
Man the Chaser have gone to absolute shit. There's just too many hosts on their new show for it to be funny and everything just feels so watered down compared to what they used to do on War on Everything.
The only real meme with Manlet Shorten is the fact that he looks like a pedophile.
The ad where he hands the kind the toy was edited to look like he wasn't praying on the weak with his sexual advances.
He got D on the balot according to the AEC.
Near 100%. He only needs half the votes cos double dissolution, he's D on the balot before the Liberals and has had a year of hard advertising, TV & radio interviews and facebook has blown up to 88,000 likes for the LDP page. Because of this he is only $1.75 on sports bet to get a seat.
What a hag
>tfw we need two aus/pol/s now
The Chaser used to be great, but has obviously gone to shit now they have women on the show.
>He got D on the ballot
Yeah but liberals are just along side so he won't get the confusion factor this time.
Where the fuck did I get 10 seats from
>he got D
Oh shit you're right. For some reason I was looking at WA.
delet this
wew lad that's exciting stuff
Prep the bull
They can be Öst/pol/
>Where the fuck did I get 10 seats from
Bunnings? Maybe IKEA. I don't know m8. See if you kept the receipt.
Vote pirate party please
Abbott literally got cucked by a bull.
Australia is shitposting.
I think you underestimate the amount of people that tick as soon as they see the word Liberal then fuck off home and the ones that just go 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc which means Family First and the LDP getting im at 3rd and 4th spot.
On QLD they're at E and LNP is at G, LDP is right next to Labor too.
Vote pls
>1 post by this id
fuck offfffffffffffff with the dad jokes cunt
I doubt he will get as high a percentage as last time, but as the other user said, he only needs half what he needed last time because it's a double dissolution and the LDP have a much larger following now.
My dad jokes are what makes Aus/pol/ m8.
Why do you always say that to me
>the LDP have a much larger following now
Yeah it is a little bigger. Lionhelm's memes have spread a bit.
I don't reckon he will get more than 4% of the vote though.
jesus christ what a whore
Could they not have found a more attractive girl? Fuck she looks like she's made of Clag glue and gyprock
>serious about sex
>sexy politics
I'm voting for The Nick Xenodon, Fuck everyone else
Here's my prediction.
We elect a knobhead (party doesn't matter).
Our economy goes down the shitter.
We give billions we don't have to overseas faggotry that doesn't help us at all.
Real Australians get dicked yet again.
Everyone blames everyone else for causing this.
Tasmania still regarded as a part of the country.
Jewbull Incoming
Thats not how it works m8
Don't forget in 2010/2013 they weren't in all seats and had no media exposure or campaign funds. People seem to like cheaper smokes, lower taxes, free speech and self-defence.
I think a good aim would be to become the largest minor party and incorporate the shooters & fishers, HEMP party etc just as the Greens did with the Socialist/Communist parties.
Can someone explain what a meme party is?
Fuck the sex party....lockout laws? Get fucked.
> voting for a Greeny
4% is all he needs desu
it's fyshwick mate
What are their policies?
it's a party whose preferences all go to Pepe.
What's the difference between shrimps and prawns?
Remember cunts, vote for minor parties and do up your own how to vote card.
The party you put first get some of those sweet AEC shekels even if they don't win any seats, so don't put a major party first.
What does Pepe have to do with this?
A few right wing cunts who didn't know what a meme is, but knew the internet liked them, get online and started telling people that their party was a 'meme' party so that morons would vote for them.
It worked.
Depends in how much if a faggot you are.
>a meme party
A small party with no elected members (or only a couple) who have very specific areas of interest and are full of slightly eccentric people.
Ultra-permissive stealth socialists.
Thanks for the link.
I rekon labor will clinch it. Shorton will get axed and the housing bubble will burst on their clock completely fucking them out of any chance at getting in power for the next 12 years.
Hopefully they don't flood us with refuges in the meantime.
"progressive" bullshit mostly, they are a meme party also some of their candidates are in fact porn stars pic related
Also recommend
It's paying $1.01 at the TAB
The one against David Le(whatever the fuck his name is) was parked infront of his house and driven down his street to humiliate him as the intended purpose was. The slogan even addresses him.
The wicked campervans from my knowledge acknowledged someone's actual name on their to humiliate them, which is the difference.