Is there anything for a more beautiful than this? A negro baby being nourished by a white mother's milk...

Is there anything for a more beautiful than this? A negro baby being nourished by a white mother's milk. That milk could've been for a white baby. But it's now being used to make a healthy negro baby grow and hopefully that baby will reproduce with a white when it grows up. She could've been with a white. But a stronger, more virile negro was more powerful than a white.

So what's wrong with race mixing? No woman is a white man's property. She can date whoever she wants.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing is wrong with race mixing. People should date whoever they want. Idgaf about the colour of the baby.
Also, there is no white genocide, no "great replacement" plan. Capitalism/Finance is pretty much the real cancer of humanity right now.

We have the ressources to feed everyone.
We have the ressources to give everyone a roof.
We have the means to make every country nicer.

But we won't. Because of greed. Sometimes because of some fake feeling of "patriotism".
Racism is retarded. Sexism as well.

People who go on Sup Forums unironically are retarded.

You reap what you sow. There's always a cause to a problem and you just have to go to the source to solve it.
Works with mass immigration.
Works with inequalities.

I'm not for communism but active capitalism we have right now is the reason why everything is turning to shit while we have the means to move on as a united society.
People on this board who blame everything on anything else than finance/capitalism/religion(doesn't mean Islam only, fucktards) are plain retards.

Her appearance and this photo leads me to believe she is I'm desperate need of attention. From anyone. Please look at her.

>and hopefully that baby will reproduce with a white when it grows up
niggers breed themselves out of existence


Not a surprise if Tyrone bailed as soon as he heard the pregnancy result was positive.

OK, cuck.

>and hopefully that baby will ...

Grow up to be a nigger, own several guns, be part of a gang, go on a killing spree, eventually rape and kill his own mother, rape and kill several other women (prolly rape and kill several men too because monkeys have no standards) and then get shot and killed by the police and everyone will regard him as a hero of the black community for dindu doin nuffin.

>tfw you will never suck on those titties regardless.

>I'll just disagree ON ALL points, without explanation

ok mon frere


>She could've been with a white. But a stronger, more virile negro was more powerful than a white.


makes me physically ill

no one of sound mind can look at this and not feel disgusted

>Check flag
>Post as expected

What's with France and the love for niggers?
I mean germany is cucked because of muh WW2 guilt, but france?

Maybe if you're a sadist


>We have the ressources to feed everyone.
We do not, there is not enough land anymore to grow new food
We would have more land if the niggers of Africa would allow us to own farms
>We have the ressources to give everyone a roof.
No we don't, the amount of resources left are not enough to provide housing for everyone in the first world
Now if niggers of Africa would actually work and exploit their land we would have, but they don't and they don't want anyone exploiting that land
>We have the means to make every country nicer.
No we don't. African niggers have no desire to make friends with us, they would rather hunt us for land and money and destroy everything, once everything is burning and gone they will say its our fault that there is nothing left.
>But we won't. Because of greed.
Because our survival instinct is telling us that if we extend a helping hand to those in the 3rd world they would take our whole arm, beat it with us and then rape our wife and children in front of our decaying corpse.
>People who go on Sup Forums unironically are retarded.
Says the Liberal who provided no citations for his entire post, I would have given you mine, but I'm a "retard" hurr durr.
>You reap what you sow.
You are damn right, and you know what's best? When we will finally get our hands on guns we will clean this fucking planet of all trash. Starting with Liberals like you.

Probably because their minds are fucked up from eating too many frogs with pesticide.

Sometimes I wonder who you people are that post this hilarious bait. This is actually really fucking finny

i love that white patriarchy is mercilessly being destroyed by women with their pussies

more and more women like this are joining forces with POC men and BTFOing whites

i will have at least one black baby i will raise as mine

>Capitalism/Finance is pretty much the real cancer of humanity right now.

But this is actually true because it is responsible for every other problem we are having.

>he saved the thumbnail

She becomes a single mom welfare recipient and damaged goods that no self respecting man would touch

He grows up to be a confused child headed towards delinquency and criminality.

Theres nothing "wrong" with it. Its just a life-ruining poor choice.
Btw Im mixed race

what is colonialism, hans?

Enjoy your victory.

We will be laughing from beyond the grave when your nigger babies come to mass murder you for being genetically inferior.

Heaven is a white paradise, but you will not be allowed entry.


>No welfare
>No race mixing
Really makes you think

t. uneducated idealist

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the girls running off with POC aren't yours to begin with? Fucking virgins

Does not explain their disgusting love for subhumans, Germany had colonies in Africa too, but we have more sandniggers than niggers here without having colonies in Sandniggistan

Jesus christ i can't stand that morons like you are the same species as me

>that flag
>that flag
>that flag
>that flag
>that flag


Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, those who call others virgins are virgins themselves? And that you have no proof to say otherwise.

Feels bad man

why dis happen?

>The reject of Yugoslavia is trying out humor for the first time.

I'm more white than you will ever be.

>go to grocery store once a week
>always at least one mom checking me out
>they always have that big, cellulite baboon ass
>always some mulatto kid in tow

I always feel unclean when they look in my direction while fighting the urge to laugh my ass off.

>everything is turning to shit

Really? Is everything turning to shit? I think everything's great desu

t. Young banker in NYC


You watch too much porn user.
White women don't want anything to do with blacks/non-whites, by a huge extent.
Only the fatties mix with blacks usually

you can never beat this you POOINLOO meets T*rk


Its pretty sure thats chicken meets humanoid

The milk probably holds nothing for the kid, whereas a European baby would be more nourished.

Nice try though, Moishe.

>that picture

What are you trying to hide?

Not an argument.

Our great grandfather's didn't fight for you to become a cuck faggot.

Off yourself, you don't deserve to reproduce.

Kill yourself you stupid cuck.


Why can't gypsies take the banter ?

Capitalism allowed your useless fucking ass to live
7billion people on the planet thanks to GMOs and industry
You are typing from a fucking computer connected to a world wide network of computers
You are a fat obese idiot that didn't die in the winter, and can go and buy 1$ hamburgers for 5minutes of minimum wage.

While the socialist utopia of Venezuela hunts dogs to survive, having the greatest oil resources in the world.

Congratz on baiting me into responding to you


I look at this and I feel horny.

What does that mean?

Haha, good one OP. Subversive satire/10. Remember to vote Hofer to ban this filth.

You have no idea what you're talking about.


You dont want a beautiful race mixed baby you racist?

>purposely using a picture where a "romanian" is black and saying not to be called "gypsy"
>not taking the bantz

Feudalism was better.

1 post by tis idea.

That leftist scum is butthurt because the court ruled for presidental reelecions.

Nothing screams 'please notice me because i have achieved nothing with my life' more then getting photographed walking around with your tit out whilst a negro swings from it.

I didn't say anything about socialism. You are an idiot.

Why are downies always fat?

I wouldn't care who white women fuck with if those niggers fulfilled their responsibilities, stayed around and actually cared about their fucking children! Seeing a white woman with a responsible black man and their mixed children doesn't infuriate me nearly as much as seeing single white woman with mixed children.
Even here, in a fucking Czech Republic, I know several women who got pregnant with these cuckoo children, while their fathers ran away and know probably spill their seed somewhere else. WHAT THE FUCK.

I know right, fuck the renaissance and the free market
not an argument, show me a better system than the free market cap

Based Poland.

What's that little nigger doing on my titty?

is that Thai-rone?

just sage this shill shit.
are leftys really such losers that they can't stand people having other opinions? wonder why their lives suck,,, they are psychopaths

>this is a good system

He's French, born to be a cuck, i bet he likes watching refugee dick up his mum's asshole.


>No woman is a white man's property. She can date whoever she wants.

She can pay for her own fucking kids
Fight for her own god dam rights
Not mooch of white society

Oh who am i kidding the traitorous bitch will continue to fuck everyone but herself over and call it freedom.

Excellent. Even better with mass migration from Latin America and Asia

Cuckposting hasn't been funny since 2014 you pathetic tards

>why having more partners is a good thing
I honestly would like to know what are the arguments for having more partners.

this /end thread


Anyone else see the guy in the background flipping the bird?

Good job with your bait.
Here is another (you)

The white gene is stronger that the black. That child can go on and fuck whites, do you know what'll happen? The baby will be lighter and this will happen until all black is erased.

The Jews may be trying to out breed us, but they underestimate the strength of the Caucasian genome.

Whoops. Dun Goofed right there.

>Ultimately changing them

hol up



That's the picture of America right there.


Don't make fake bait pictures, Sweden. Everyone can see you just found a picture of an Uruk-hai.


>1 post by this ID

That's incredible

Over 50% of Americans are half breed.
Why do you hate your country's identity?


Whites need to breed intelligence into blacks.

Problem is, white guy/black chick means the baby has to drink chocolate milk, becoming an ugly fatty. No bueno.

So white woman/nig-nogs is the best we got.


just accept it white boys its over.
black men /white women interracial relationships have increased over 600% in the last 10 years and its only getting started.
everyday more and more white women are getting pumped full of black seed and breeding the black mans babies. enjoy your future

and yes shes a single mother. doesnt matter because her white fathers dna changed forever black bred

> Im not for communism
M8 reread what you posted

no impulse control

Does OP have anymore of her or a name? She's really hot, and I would definitely be a better provider

You know that it's re-election in Austria and that FPÖ will win and gas you? You silly cuck.