Political compass thread.
Political compass thread
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Huh, slight more Right than when I took it a few years ago (3/4 square) and maybe a couple squares more Authoritarian. I'd be more right economically if they asked more questions on it.
>bordering purple
>not being left corner
You racist fascist scum.
No thanks, schlomo.
>Left """"libertarian""""
How does it feel to have a phony philosophy based on a contradiction?
Let me guess, you're one of those racist homophobic transphobe trump supporters? It's 2016, when will you people finally check your privilege and realize we need the first female president. We need Hillary Clinton.
How does being left and libertarian even make sense? If the state does not interfere with your life how do you plan on implementing your authoritarian economic policies?
The state won't interfere with our lives, they will just make the rich elite pay their fair share so we can get free college and medical.
Ok you are a retard. Should have said so in the first place so I wouldn't have bothered.
No, you're just racist and classist. It's 2016, you're way of thinking is dying out. How does it feel to be on the losing side of history?
So wanting equality is considered bait now? Sad!
Did... Did I do good user?
No, you're racist misogynistic scum.
Here i am boys, no i'm not a wanker but i do like tofu
God bless you fine gentlemen
fucking plebs
You fucking racist pieces of shit. You cishet scumbags need to check your damn privilege, move to the tight side of history and vote for Hillary.
Seems about right
Nice meme
I love you user, keks were had.
Every once in a while my friends and i will yell this type of shit in public.
r8 m8
I have recorded my turn into adulthood.
How bout this?
I love you too, user. Keep fighting the cause brother.
You're not quite there, but you're close. Solid 6.5/10.
You can see how you have been slowly corrupted by the racist elite.
You're basically Hitler.
>full capitalist
>racist elite
Communist continuity could hardly be called that. Nice bait, though.
Sieg Heil!!
>the current curriculum, i put my fist in em
His green blessings upon you brother
welp, guess I'm a fag
r8 me goyim
Equality is a subjective topic. The fact you weren't born with AIDS in a nation that practically makes it impossible to fail places you in the top 1% in the world. If you can't see the irony in crying about "muh gimme dats" on an internet forum, potentially from your smart phone, you don't deserve a vote. We need to take apologists of this nature and Pat Buchanan the fuck out of them.
Anything in the blue quadrant is literally Hitler.
>But you're moving toward the blue. The quadrant of the racist elite. First the changed you into statist scum, now they are making you move to the right. It won't be long until you are saying racist things and oppressing women.
Hitler, pls go.
AIDS are homophobic. We need to give all babies AIDS to be equal, and give a free smartphone to everyone because smartphones are necessary in today's society. Free Internet too because you need to apply for jobs online and you can't live without it.
this political compass thing is bullshit
every time I do it I end up on the left/libertarian side
but the questions are phrased in such a way where I can't really express what I think
for example the question "Abortion, when the woman's life is not threatened, should always be illegal."
I'm not gonna say yes, because I don't want women to go to prison for that, but I'm still against abortion
but this thing now puts me on the liberal side even though I'm against abortion
"Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers."
I disagree, I don't think it is their first duty, but I don't have a problem with it either, and it makes a lot of sense for women to be homemakers
and some questions are just bullshit
like "I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong."
of course I'm not gonna say yes, but that test probably assumes that I'm completely anti-nationalist because of that, which isn't true
or "A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system."
yeah that's true
it IS a significant advantage
but that doesn't mean I'm in favour of it
"Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all."
WTF does that have to do with politics?
or the question about questioning authority, I think people should always question authority, but that doesn't mean that there aren't areas where authority is important
why do I even end up on the libertarian side?
Rate me guyz
I like this more
Hello brother
Everyone above the horizontal line should just commit suicide, the world would be a better place.
It isn't about if you are for abortion or not, it's about legality.
It isn't about if you are okay with it or not, it's about if women should be forced to like in the mid east, or not.
Saying yes is the nationalist answer though.
The question is more about if you are in favor or not, it's just worded poorly
The art question is more about if you're conservative or progressive. Conservatives are more about keeping things traditional, so they would say no. Progressives would say anything can be art.
This is a statist question. Hardcore statists would say authority shouldn't be questioned, just listened to. A libertarian doesn't say there shouldn't be any authority, but the people in charge should always be questioned.
rate 9/11
>literally Hitler
Hmm, decent but I thought I'd be a little more down and right. Not bad tho
>The art question is more about if you're conservative or progressive. Conservatives are more about keeping things traditional, so they would say no. Progressives would say anything can be art.
I don't see the connection here
abstract art isn't new
>A libertarian doesn't say there shouldn't be any authority
aren't libertarians basically anarchists?
libertarian: small to minuscule government
Anarchist: no government
I'm in a pretty good position, right?
It's because that test was made by liberal fags who who made it seem like you are a fellow fag unless you are a true member of the right like me.
Also rate me you filthy white devils.
>aren't libertarians basically anarchists?
and conservatives are basically fascists right?
based Cypriot
you better not be a turk
>aren't libertarians basically anarchists?
The anarch capitalists are 100% agaibst the government
The rest of Libertarians do acknowledge the necessity of some type of government to avoid the jew puppet show that we see today and in cases such as a huge economic crisis and such
For the rest, the government should behave just like any company, allowing people to buy their services or choose to go to a private one instead
I can NOT believe you just made a 9/11 and I definitely can NOT believe you side with Trump and that racist Nigel and UKIP. You are disgusting.
Prove me wrong, straighty.
>being dissapointed about not being more right
Abstract art isn't new but it is not traditional. Art styles from like the middle ages would be traditional art. It's more about conservatives being subjective and progressives being open minded.
No, libertarians are not basically anarchists, they are minarchists. Ancaps and ansocs are anarchists.
No. You're in the worse position.
I would rate you, but as a white person I don't feel like I should rate an Asian person. I'll be honest, at first I thought your position was horrible, but after seeing your flag I must apologize.
Yes, conservatives are racist fascists..
but libertarians believe that the government shouldn't force us to do anything or not?
Sup Forums is the other way
the Libertarian government should only exist to protect the freedoms and lives of their people
r8 me.
Am I based?
touch me
Dude, if you want to shitpost correctly you need to lurk and monitor Australia first. You are doing the lame and blatant "hurr durr im gonna pretend everything that isnt left wing is facism and reply to everyone hehe that way i'll get a ton of (you)s hehehe"
fuck off
Retard is an offensive word, please don't use it.
You're close. Just need to get more left.
Oh, so everyone who disagrees with you is shitposting. Get outta here.
Don't forget other functions of government, like killing communists.
how are they gonna do that without taxes?
If the government is protecting us from the cancer then its ok i guess
>how are they gonna do that without taxes?
>Implying taxes can exist without violating the NAP.
At least try to have an argument.
autism detect
yeah that's exactly the point
so how is the government supposed to protect us without any tax money?
zozzle that compass
I dislike you. And you are too dumb to save the picture instead of screencapping.
(((1 post by this ID)))
>so how is the government supposed to protect us without any tax money?
My point is that the word "tax" is incorrect. "Taxes" which do not violate the NAP do exist but should not be called taxes at all. For example, a tax on carbon emissions does not violate the NAP because the person initiating aggression is the person polluting the atmosphere. A simple consumption tax on how we hurt the environment is all it would take to keep the vital functions of gov't operational. We can also impose tariffs on nations who have standing armies as they are actively being aggressive.
There are "taxes". They just can't violate the NAP and thus shouldn't be called taxes at all, but rather fines and reparations fees.
Where's the problem you cuck?
hmm really makes you think
would the money that the government would get this way be enough?
ideally we shouldn't pollute, so what if pollution goes down and the government gets less money as a result of it?
this doesn't sound like a clever proposition at all
you're not gonna get around the fact that at some point the people themselves need to pay a fee for the services they receive
What does this mean, Sup Forums?
>if you don't heil hitler you are a SJW or a shill
you stormfags are so damn stupid
>Mothers may have careers, but their first duty is to be homemakers.
>Mothers may have careers
>need to pay a fee for the services they receive
Then people forfeit part of their income in return for government services. You want police protection? Give up 5%. You want your house to be protected in case of a fire? tack on another 5%.
You're argument appears to be people should onlt recieve services for what they pay for, absolutely agree. That's why I should not be paying for welfare, I'm not on it, I have no need to pay. I don't have kids, so it's not my job to pay for public education. I don't have a vagina, so I shouldn't be funding abortions.
Because the world needs secretaries, nurses, teachers, waitresses, stewardesses,...
I'm not saying people should only receive services they pay for, I'm saying people need to be forced to pay for these services because we need them
and if you don't want police protection you are a moron
Pay debnts
Pretty close to center
Bow down, plebs.
I think I fit more into the libertarian camp but because of the way these questions are worded it comes off more authoritarian
>want my children to learn about my faith in private schools
is a good example of that